Council meeting agenda February


The most recent agenda is below. For earlier agendas, for example, last year's, please use the link at the foot of the page.The agenda for an Extraordinary meeting will also be posted to this page.Such a meeting could be held prior to an ordinary meeting or after such a meeting



Chairman – Kath Noble

Leon Karas                                                                                                                  8 The Hunt Close

Clerk to the Council                                                                                                    Semington

Tel:  01380 870708                                                                                                     Trowbridge

E-Mail:                                                                           BA14 6JY


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of Southwick Parish Council will be held at Southwick Village Hall on Tuesday 21 February 2017 at 7.30pm and you are invited to attend.


Prior to the meeting there will be a short Open Forum to allow members of the public to address the Chairman and raise any matters of interest. The Open Forum will be no longer than 15 minutes with a maximum of three minutes allowed per person. The Chairman, at her sole discretion, may extend the Open Forum to a maximum length of 30 minutes in total. Members of the public are reminded that they must raise matters of interest direct to the Chairman in a polite, respectful and unemotional way and that there should no reference to the personal views on any person.


  1. Welcome and Introductions.

Chairman to welcome those present and to make any introductory remarks, as necessary.

  1. Apologies.

To note apologies received for non-attendance.

  1. Declaration of Interests.

Councillors to declare an interest in any Agenda items.

  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 17 January 2017

To agree, and sign, the minutes of this meeting as an accurate record.

  1. Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 7 February 2017

To agree, and sign, the minutes of this meeting as an accurate record.

  1. Community Policing Team (CPT).
  1. To receive a report from the CPT.
  2. Councillors to identify any matters of concern and the PC to decide if any action is needed.
  1. Wiltshire Council Report.

Wiltshire Cllr. Prickett to provide a report.

  1. Highways/Environment.
  1. The Clerk to report on minute 1331a; to make another attempt to get the missing light re-installed.
  2. The Clerk to report on minute 1336b; add a service request for the mini roundabout re-instatement.
  3. The Chairman to report on minute 1336e; take appropriate action re. a new fence encroaching the highway.
  4.  Any progress report, if any, from Cllr. Prickett re. clearance of Lambrok Brook.   
  5.  Any progress report, if any, received from Barbara Johnson regarding the Operational Flood Working Group.
  6. Receive reports from Cllrs. on matters of concern and decide what action, if any, the PC should take
  1. Community Matters.

The Chairman to report on minute 1337; chase up the feedback report from Community Matters.

The Chairman to report on minute 1342; seek volunteers for Great British Spring Clean day.

  1. Finance.
  1. To receive a report from the Clerk on the Financial Statement for January 2017 (attached below).
  2. To review and authorise payments, as necessary, for the 2 outstanding approved grant applications; viz. Southwick Senior Girl Guides £400, Plaque for Baptistery £500.
  3. To agree all payments to be made, as per the January 2017 Financial Statement.
  4. The Clerk to report on minute 1338h; have discussions with the Auditor re. Playing Field Accounts.
  5. The Chairman to address the requirement to register the Playing Field with the Land Registry and the PC to decide on appropriate action.
  6.  The Chairman to address the Village Hall leasing agreement and the PC to decide on appropriate action.
  1. Planning.

To note the status of the following planning applications.


Steven Sims

Fairfield Farm

Fairfield Meadows

Change of use from equestrian tack room to onsite residential accommodation (Part retrospective)

PENDING Decision expected 3/3/17


Eileen Medlin

Land South of Blind Lane

Redrow Homes Outline Planning – up to 100 Residential Homes



Steve Vellance

Mutton Marsh Farm

Agricultural workers dwelling



Steve Vellance

21 Frome Road Southwick

Change of use and conversion of domestic garage to dwelling (resubmission of 13/04565/FUL)



Verity Giles

145 Chantry Gardens

Retrospective application for new conservatory to north west elevation


  1. To decide how to handle any planning applications received after 10 February 2017.
  2. To consider the joint response produced by the Clerk and Chairman to 16/12279/OUT, make any necessary changes, and approve it prior to its issue to Wiltshire Council.
  3. The Clerk to report on minute 1339h; enquiries w.r.t planning applications for the Farm Shop.
  4. To consider any other planning related matters and to decide on any necessary action.

Planning Applications are available for public inspection immediately prior to the Council meeting.

  1. Website.

To decide if items should be removed/added to the website.

  1. Members Reports.

Councillors to provide individual reports on any other matters they wish the Council to note/action.

Clerk’s Report.

  1. To invite the Council to note a summary of the Documents Received list up to14 February (attached).
  2. The Clerk to report on minute 1334; FOI requests/responses to be published on the web site.
  3. To invite the Council to note any other matter that needs to be brought to its attention.
  4. To note the date of the next meeting: 21 March 2017 - Ordinary Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm.
  1. Confidential Matters.

If necessary, subject to an appropriate resolution receiving a majority vote, the Parish Council will adjourn to discuss confidential matters. Note that Parish Council resolutions made during this confidential session are public knowledge and will be included in the minutes of this meeting.

Leon Karas

Clerk to Southwick Parish Council                                                               15 February 2017


Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.

Summary of Documents Received List from  10 January to 14 February 2017

Related to:

  1. Planning Applications              25
  2. Meeting Agenda/Minutes                    9
  3. Parishioners questions                        9
  4. Chairman’s/Clerk’s work                    9
  5. Finance                                               7
  6. Highways/Steward’s work                  6
  7. Neighbourhood Plans                         6
  8. Freedom of Information                      5
  9. Web site                                              5
  10. West-Weekly Lists                            5
  11. Code of Conduct                               4
  12. Solar Farm Grants                            4
  13. Marketing letters                                4
  14. Southwick Village News                   3
  15. Western Area Planning Comm.        2
  16. Trowbridge Area Board                     2
  17. Electoral Register                              2
  18. Community Policing Team               2
  19. Miscellaneous                                   9


TOTAL                        118

Posted on 15 Feb 2017 by geoff edwards

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