February Minutes

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Chairman – Cllr. K Noble

Minutes of the meeting of Southwick Parish Council (SPC) held in the Village Hall, Southwick at 7.30pm on Tuesday 21 February 2017


Cllrs. K Noble (Chairman), S Carey, A Doel, D Jackson (Vice Chairman), J Jones, F Morland, E Pomeroy, D West, L Karas (Clerk) and Wiltshire Councillor H Prickett. 5 members of the public were present and stayed until Agenda item 14.

  1. Welcome and Introductions.

The Chairman opened the SPC meeting at approx. 7.40pm.

  1. Apologies.

Written apologies had been received from Cllr G Masters and Ellie Porter of the CPT team.

  1. Declaration of Interests.

Cllr Doel declared an interest in Agenda item 11a in relation to 16/12279/OUT. Cllr. Pomeroy declared an interest in Agenda item 10b in relation to the Girl Guides grant award. Cllr. Jackson declared an interest in Agenda item 11 in relation to 17/00414/OUT.

  1. Minutes of the ordinary SPC Meeting held on 17 January 2017.

Some Cllrs stated they had not seen these minutes so the Chairman deferred its agreement until the next SPC meeting. The Clerk was requested to send out paper copies to all Cllrs before the next meeting.

  1. Minutes of the Extraordinary SPC Meeting held on 7 February 2017.

 The PC resolved that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.

  1. Community Policing Team (CPT).
  1. Report from CPT.

The Chairman read out the written CPT report on Local Crimes, attached as Appendix A to these minutes.

  1. Any other CPT Questions.

It was reported that a Greenfields car was regularly parking on School Lane and causing obstruction to the school entrance.

  1. Wiltshire Council Report.
  1. Cllr. Prickett reported that children had blocked Lambrok Brook near to the Baptistery bridge and this needed clearing.
  2. Cllr. Prickett reported that he was receiving regular complaints from Firs Hill residents regarding parking of Avon Valley runners cars near to the Country Park. He was also concerned that the speed limit in that area went from 30-40-30mph and a number of serious accidents had occurred there so he asked for support from SPC to request Wiltshire Council CATG to make the whole area 30mph. SPC resolved for the Clerk to write to CATG requesting that the speed limit should be set to 30mph throughout this section.
  3. Cllr. Prickett reported that Wiltshire Council had visited the Travelers site recently as residents had reported a large number of additional parked caravans there. This was due to the death of one of the residents with lots of friends and family attending the funeral. It was also noted that a new static home had appeared but this was intended to replace one which was now obsolete and the ‘old one’ would be removed shortly.
  1. Highways/Environment.
  1. The Clerk to report on minute 1331a – attempt to get the missing light re-installed.

The Chairman stated that the request to re-install this light had been ‘to and fro’ many times and more attempts were unlikely to succeed. Cllr. Jones was concerned that a number of handicapped residents were still experiencing difficulties without this light being installed. No further action was recorded.

  1. The Clerk to report on minute 1336b – service request for mini roundabout re-instatement.

The Clerk reported that the request had been submitted but that the response back from Mark Banks of Wiltshire Council was ‘No action currently necessary. Will continue to monitor.’ The Chairman would take the matter up directly with Mark Banks as she did not accept his conclusion.

  1. The Chairman to report on minute 1336e; action regarding new fence encroaching the highway.

Cllr. Prickett reported his involvement regarding this new fence and that the owner had been encouraged to contact Wiltshire Council Planning with respect to any planning permission which might be required.

  1. Clearance of Lambrok Brook.

See 1356a. The Clerk also reported that a service request had been logged recording all the details but there had not been any update from Wiltshire Council for 3 weeks.

  1. Operational Flood Working Group.

The Clerk reported that Barbara Johnson had attended the last meeting of the group on 19th January and she had emailed the Clerk stating that she given them information that flooding had occurred five times in the last twenty years, which appeared to be far more often than it was suggested could be expected. The minutes of that meeting have not yet been received. The Chairman requested the Clerk to include it as an Agenda item for the next meeting.

  1. Matters of Concern from Councillors.

Cllr. West reported that the kerbstones near the roundabout at St. Thomas’s Church/Wynsome Street had sunk again due to heavy traffic mounting the kerb.

  1. Community Matters.

Cllr. Noble stated that she had not received any minutes from the Community Matters meeting.

Cllr. Noble reported that she had received a number of responses from Parishioners willing to help with the Great British Spring Clean Day and asked Councillors for suggestions of particular areas which needed attention. There were two suggestions; the road and paths near the junction of Wynsome Street and Bradley Road and the Mowlem’s estate. Concern was expressed at the growing trend of dog faeces being left on many footpaths and that bottles were being thrown into the sub-station.

  1. Finance.
  1. Clerk’s Report.

The Clerk stated that, on the Financial Statement for January 2017 sent to Councillors prior to the meeting, the ‘Spend to date’ figure of £2,026.84 for the Parish Council Funds was incorrect and should be £12,815.37 (corrected version attached as Appendix B).

  1. Authorising of Grant Application Payments from the Solar Farm Fund.

The PC resolved that the following payment should be made: Senior Girl Guides £400. The requesting paperwork for the £500 grant for the Plaque to the Baptistery was delayed because the plaque would be on land owned by WC and permission to install the plaque was being requested.

  1. To agree all payments to be paid.

The PC resolved to make the payments under ‘Accounts due for Payment – JANUARY 2017’ shown in Appendix B.

  1. Report on Action 14, minute 1325a.

The Clerk reported that he had arranged to meet with the Auditor on Friday 24th February.

  1. Registering the Playing Fields with the Land Registry.

Councillors discussed the necessity of registering the land, and who held the responsibility to do it. Several Councillors believed it was not essential to register the Playing Fields with the Land Registry. Nevertheless, SPC resolved to refer the matter for attention to the Playing Fields Management Committee.

  1. Updating the Village Hall leasing agreement.

Councillors discussed the necessity of amending the Village Hall lease to include another trustee, and who held the responsibility to do it. It was generally considered that it would be sensible to add another trustee as a precaution but it was generally not considered a Parish Council responsibility, but a Village Hall Management Committee. However, Councillors had not had sight of the documents from an advising Solicitor and the Chairman agreed to send copies of the documents to all Councillors. SPC therefore resolved to defer the matter until the next meeting.

  1. Planning.
  1. 17/00414/OUT. SPC resolved to support this application provided it had an agricultural tie-in. Also SPC resolved that Cllr.Prickett should call in the application if the Planning Officer rejected the application.
  2. 17/00639/FUL. As this had previously been supported by SPC (Nov 2013), SPC resolved to support this application again.
  3. 17/00983/FUL. As this application had been delayed in the post, SPC resolved to defer consideration until the next meeting and the Clerk should request an extension to the response date of 13th March 2017.
  1. Handling of new Applications.

The Clerk confirmed that the only application received after 10 February 201 was 17/00983/FUL.

  1. To consider the response to 16/12279/OUT.

The Chairman reported that the Clerk had sent copies to all Councillors with a request for them to contact the Chairman if they wanted to discuss any changes. No Councillors had asked for any changes. SPC therefore resolved to accept the document without change and it should be sent to WC as soon as possible. The Clerk drew attention to paragraph 2.5 in the draft where it was stated “SPC will write to WC separately on this subject”. Following a discussion regarding the pros and cons of writing such a letter concerning the WC planning process, SPC resolved that it would not write to WC on this topic.

  1. Report on minute 1339h.

The Clerk reported that there had been no planning applications related to converting an agricultural building into a Farm Shop. Cllr. Prickett agreed to investigate to determine if any planning permission was required in this instance provided the Clerk could send him details of the application which had been sent to the Clerk by Wiltshire Council in error.

  1. Other planning related matters.

None were raised.

  1. Website.

SPC resolved that the Playing Field Management Committee should be requested to post their minutes on the web site. SPC also resolved to post its response to 16/12279/OUT on the web site.

  1. Members Reports.

Cllr. Carey drew Councillors’ attention to a recent meeting he had attended which had been called to try to form a Residents Association. As not all villagers were aware that this meeting had been called, a further meeting in about a month’s time would to be publicised.

  1. Clerk’s Report.
  1. Documents Received List.

The Clerk stated that he had now included a summary of the Documents Received List he maintains, rather than the full list, and this had been included in the Agenda (attached as Appendix C).

  1. FOI requests.

The Clerk reported that the FOI request from SOS and the SPC response had been added to the web-site. Cllr. Morland stated that he did not support publishing FOI information on the web site.

  1. Date of Next meeting.

SPC noted the date of the next Ordinary PC meeting: 21 March 2017 at 7.30pm.

  1. Confidential Matters.

SPC resolved to hold a confidential session to discuss third party confidential matters. The Chairman requested members of the public to vacate the room at approx. 9.15pm. During this confidential session, SPC resolved to advertise the vacancy of the Clerk’s position in both the Wiltshire Times and the White Horse News.

The Chairman closed the meeting at approx. 9.30pm.

Chairman, Southwick Parish Council

Chairman’s Signature:___________________________ Date: _____________________________________

ACTION LIST – Meeting 21 February 2017

Minute 1353    The Clerk would send out copies of the ordinary SPC meeting held on 17 January 2017 to all


Minute 1356b  The Clerk to write to CATG requesting 30mph limit throughout the road section near the

Country Park.

Minute 1357b  The Chairman to discuss WC’s response with Mark Banks concerning re-instatement of the

mini roundabout.

Minute 1357e  The Clerk to include Operational Flood Working Group on next meeting’s Agenda.

Minute 1359e  The Chairman to refer the Land Registry issue to the Playing Field Management Committee.

Minute 1359f   The Chairman to send copies of the Solicitor’s letters to all Councillors.

                        The Clerk to include the item on next meeting’s Agenda.

Minute 1360    The Clerk to send the SPC planning application responses 1 and 2 to WC planning.

                        The Clerk to request an extension to 17/00983/FUL.

                        Cllr. Prickett to call in application 17/00414/OUT if it is refused.

Minute 1360b  The Clerk to send the SPC response to 16/12279/OUT to WC planning.

Minute 1360c  The Clerk to provide Cllr. Prickett with details of the Farm Shop application.

Minute 1361    The Chairman to request the Playing Field Management Committee to place their minutes on

the web site.

The Clerk to arrange for the response to 16/12279/OUT to be posted on the web site.

Minute 1364    The Chairman to advertise the Clerk’s position.

Details of the Actions are contained in the minutes.


Local Crimes

Road traffic incidents

23/01, Frome Road- RTC no damage; reporting person’s wing mirror has been knocked in.

24/01, Fleur-de-Lys Drive- Two vehicle RTC involving a lorry and a car. Female driver of car received injuries to back, shock and was relayed to hospital.  Driver of lorry complained of whiplash and received medical attention at scene. 

29/01, Frome Road- Single vehicle into a hedge, driver abandoned vehicle which was later found to have no MOT or insurance.

Drug offences

10/02, Frome Road- Male arrested on suspicion of possessing a Class A drug.

Criminal Damage

10/02, Church Street- Unknown suspect smashed the window of a downstairs bathroom, breaking several layers of the glass.


06/02, Frome Road- Persons reported to be drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis at allotments, but no evidence of this was found by Police attending.





N.B. * indicates a Playing Field entry, ** a Solar Farm entry.


Business Current Account(No. 317648) - Balance as at 01/01/2017



( Current Account - Statement start/end dates 01/01/2017-03/02/2017 )


RECEIPTS (Current)



Transfer to 00317648








PAYMENTS (Current)


Cheques Presented (Current)


VAT incl.



Greenacres(Oct)  Inv 690 P Field Maintenance






LKaras Clerk's Expenses (Nov)





LKaras Clerk's Expenses (Dec)





LKaras Clerk's Salary(Dec)





LKaras Clerk's Salary(Jan)










Grant Thornton Audit fee inv 8613893






W Fox Honorarium





W Fox Stamps





Doveton Press (390797) Southwick Village News





Village Hall Room Hire





Kath Noble Chairman's Expenses





Southwick Entertainers Solar Farm Fund





SW Ambulance - Defibrillator Solar Farm Fund






Southwick Village Hall Man. Comm. Solar Farm Fund






Sing-A-Long Group Solar Farm Fund





L Karas Clerk's Salary(Jan) to pay HMRC









Unpresented Cheques (Current)


VAT incl.







STATEMENT BALANCE (Current) as at 03/02/2017




Accounts due for Payment (Current) - FEBRUARY 2017


VAT incl.


LKaras Clerk's Expenses (Jan)




L Karas Clerk's Salary(Feb)




L Karas (34hrs@£10.53) Clerk's Extra hours(Jan)




L Karas Clerk's HMRC (Mth 11)




Doveton Press (392151) Southwick Village News




XYZ Web Ltd (0101) Website




L Karas Clerk's Salary(Feb) to pay HMRC





Baptist Church - Sign Solar Farm Fund





Snr. Girl Guides - Compasses & tent Solar Farm Fund









Business (Savings) Account(No. 7005390) - Balance as at 05/01/2017



Account (Savings) - Statement start/end dates 05/01/2017-12/01/2017 )


RECEIPTS (Savings)










PAYMENTS (Savings)


Cheques Presented (Savings)


VAT incl.



A/C 00317648 Transfer from 7005390









STATEMENT BALANCE  (Savings) as at 12/01/2017




Total Funds held by Southwick Parish Council as at 12/01/2017






Current Status of Funds


To Date


JAN 17

Parish Council Funds





Solar Farm Community Funds(Entries=4, Posted=4)





Playing Field Man. Comm. Funds(Entries=12, Posted=12)










Summary of Documents Received List from 10 January to 14 February 2017

Related to:


1.    Planning Applications



2.    Meeting Agenda/Minutes



3.    Parishioners questions



4.    Chairman’s/Clerk’s work



5.    Finance



6.    Highways/Steward’s work



7.    Neighbourhood Plans



8.    Freedom of Information



9.    Web site



10.  West-Weekly Lists



11.  Code of Conduct



12.  Solar Farm Grants



13.  Marketing letters



14.  Southwick Village News



15.  Western Area Planning Comm.



16.  Trowbridge Area Board



17.  Electoral Register



18.  Community Policing Team



19.  Miscellaneous







Posted on 27 Mar 2017 by geoff edwards

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