June Minutes

    The most recent Minutes are belo

The most recent minutes are below. For last year's and previous year's minutes please use the link at the foot of the page or refer to the annual collection of minutes in the collected pdf files section on the Parish Council webpage. Please note that minutes are published as DRAFT minutes and will be approved at the next meeting of the parish council. The minutes for an extraordinary meeting will also be posted to this page. Such a meeting could be held prior to an ordinary meeting or after such a meeting.

Go to last year(s)? 
printable version


Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127


Draft Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

 Tuesday 20th June 2023 at 7.30 pm in the Annexe, Southwick Village Hall.


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Snell, Cllr Carey, Cllr Noble, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Watson, Cllr Curry, Cllr Porter, Cllr Jackson, Cllr Clayton and Cllr Prickett.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and 5 members of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.


                AGENDA ITEM


2023/20                Apologies for Absence


2023/21                Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate


2023/22                Minutes of Council Meetings

 The minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 16th May 2023 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Porter).

  The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th May 2023 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Porter).

2023/23                Wiltshire Council Report 

Cllr Prickett reported that there had been limited meetings at Wiltshire Council and no items pertaining to the parish of Southwick.  He reported that a new machine to deal with potholes had been purchased and was having a positive impact; there was the potential for the purchase of additional machines for use elsewhere in Wiltshire.

 2023/24                Highways/Environment

Members received any updates or reports on matters relating to:


a)  Parish Environment:

a.       It was noted that there had been no progress on the installation of the dog bins. The Clerk would chase Idverde again.

b) Highways

a.       It was noted that two highway problems (a damaged manhole cover opposite 32 Wynsome Street and a rut leading into Blind Lane from Wynsome Street) had been reported to Wiltshire Council. Repairs were awaited.

b.       Cllr Carey reported that he had visited residents in Chantry Gardens regarding parking issues (previous minutes refer). Cllr Prickett reported that Wiltshire Council had confirmed that residents were permitted to lower kerbs to access parking at the fronts of their properties. It was agreed that the PC should explore this issue with the LHFIG at Wiltshire Council so that options to address the issue could be identified. Cllr Carey would prepare a note for the Clerk to send.

 c)    Village Caretaker (May minutes refer) – Members discussed the potential appointment of a village caretaker and it was agreed that Cllr Carey would seek out and provide the original specification for the role.  The Clerk would identify the various options for employment/appointment and report back to the next meeting of the Council.


2023/25                Planning Applications, Appeals, Decisions and Consultations

 PL/2023/03945- MALLARD, HOOPERS POOL, SOUTHWICK, TROWBRIDGE, BA14 9NG - Proposed extension and conversion of part of existing garage space to office/bedroom No objection.


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.

Planning Appeal

Members noted the below listed appeal (information previously circulated) and deadline for additional comments to the Planning Inspectorate being 11th July 202). No further comments were required from the PC.

 INSPECTORATE REFERENCE: APP/Y3940/W/23/3321957 - 20/00379/OUT

Land South of Trowbridge, Trowbridge - Outline planning permission with all matters reserved except access for the erection of up to 180 residential dwellings (Use Class C3); site servicing; laying out of open space and associated planting; creation of new roads, accesses and paths; installation of services; and drainage infrastructure.

 Temporary Event Notice

Members noted that a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) has been granted in respect of field(s) at Greenhill Farm, Southwick, Trowbridge BA14 9RH (the Site) for a music festival from 28th to 30th of July. The Chair reported on the TEN and outlined the concerns of local residents.  It was confirmed that the event would be limited to 499 attendees, managed by ticket only entry, and that the local police would be carefully monitoring the event.

2023/26                Finance

a)     Members received and noted the Bank Reconciliation and Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at May 2023 (copy circulated).


b)    Members approved the below listed payments (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Porter). Following debate, it was resolved not to renew the annual subscription with WALC as it was agreed it no longer represented good value for money (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Snell).   A query was raised regarding the costs of producing the newsletter. It was noted that the first invoice included the set-up costs and members agreed to discuss this matter further, if required, under agenda item 2023/33.   


c)     Members considered a funding support request from Southwick Country Park Local Nature Reserve (information previously circulated).  Following debate, it was agreed that more information was required as to the confirmed costs of the work and other grants sought and received. The Parish Clerk would respond accordingly and include a Grant Application Form with the correspondence.





Clerk and HMRC

Salary, NI and PAYE June 2023


Sean Porter

Newsletter costs Winter 2022/Spring 2023


Baptist Chapel

Hall hire NPSG



Playing Field cuts April and May


Groundwork UK

Return of unspent grant 2022-2023


Moderaman Auditing

Annual internal audit 2022-2023



2023/27                Parish Council Accounts year ending 31st March 2023

a) Members received and considered the Internal Audit Report, reviewed its findings and approved the effectiveness of the system of Internal Control (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson).

b)  Members prepared and approved Section 1: parts 2 and 3 (Annual Governance Statement 2022/23) of the AGAR (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Watson).

c)  Members considered Section 2; parts 2 and 3 (Accounting Statements 2022/23) of the AGAR.

d) Members approved, signed and dated Section 2; parts 2 and 3 (Accounting Statements 2022/23) (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Noble).

e)  The dates for the period of public inspection (previously circulated) were approved.


2023/28                Governance Documents

Members considered adoption of NALC Model Documents as below listed (referred from Annual Council Meeting (documents previously circulated):

 a) Standing Orders – Adopted (proposed Cllr Noble, seconded Cllr Prickett).

 b) Financial Regulations – Adopted (proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Heydon).

 The Clerk would prepare and issue the tailored documents.


2023/29                Playing Field Committee – Service Level Agreement

Members considered arranging a meeting with the Playing Field Committee to discuss a potential SLA for the future funding of Southwick Playing Field (April and May minutes refer). Following debate, it was agreed that Cllrs Carey and Eaton would take this forward and liaise with Cllr Noble to set a date for the meeting.


2023/30                Business Plan

The Chair reported that he had not had the opportunity to consider a strategy for the review and onward delivery of the SPC Business Plan (May minutes refer) and the item was therefore deferred to the July meeting.


2023/31                Coronation Weekend Event 6-8 May 2023

a) Cllr Noble reported that the Coronation Weekend Events had gone extremely well and been very well attended. Cllr Prickett stated that he had attended some of the events, which had catered for all ages and that the organisers should be extremely proud of the event.  The organisers were thanked for their work.

 ) Members noted that the final costs of the weekend events totalled £2,138.51 (plus vat) and approved the outstanding invoices as listed (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson):





Busy Bees Pre-school

Prizes, gifts and materials


Southwick Sports and Social Club

Music and bar


Parc Ponies Ltd

Donkey rides


Barbara Vincent

WI Coronation Tea


Southwick Entertainers

Coronation Concert expenses



 c) Members noted that the Earmarked Fund for the Coronation Celebration Events stood at £3,000 and that there was therefore an under spend of £861.49. It was agreed consider the re-allocation of this at the July PC meeting.


2023/32                Neighbourhood Plan Review

 a) Housing Assessment Report – members received and considered a Strategy proposal from Master Land and Planning Ltd (NPSG Consultants) (information previously circulated) – which was adopted (proposed Cllr Heydon, seconded Cllr Porter).

 b) Members considered a suggest from the Steering Group that the booklet produced by Southwick Parish Council in April 2002 entitled ‘CIRCULAR WALKS IN AND AROUND SOUTHWICK’ be reviewed and republished. Cllr Carey reported that he had developed the original document and that any review would now need to start from scratch as the services and support provided for footpaths was now very different.  Cllr Carey would give consideration as to how a review could be carried out.


2023/33                Southwick Village News

The following items were agreed for inclusion in the next edition of the newsletter:

·  Coronation Weekend – report on events and photos

·  Information on the annual Flower Show

·  Footpath walks

·  Village caretaker advert (if prepared in time)

·  Neighbourhood Plan update article


2022/34                Correspondence

 Wiltshire Council re:  Wiltshire Bus Review Stakeholder Survey (information previously circulated) - noted.

 Wiltshire Council re: Application to Register Land as Town or Village Green, Southwick Court Fields - Minutes of Western Area Planning Committee 7th June 2023 (previously circulated) – noted.

 Solar Farm Consultation – Cllr Carey reported on his attendance at the recent consultation event for a proposed Solar Farm at Bluebell Woods and expressed his concern at the lack of protection being provided for the ancient Monkley Lane.  Cllr Carey would provide draft correspondence for the Parish Clerk to send to the developers.


2022/35                Date of next meeting

Tuesday 18th July 2023.

Advance notice – please note that the Council will recess in August.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45 pm.

Posted on 13 Jul 2023 by geoff edwards

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