June Minutes

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Southwick Parish Council Meeting 20th June 2017

Chairman Daniel Jackson

Minutes of the Meeting of Southwick Parish Council held in the Village hall, Southwick at 7pm on Tuesday 20th June 2017

Present. Cllr D. Jackson (Chairman), Cllr S Carey, Cllr G. Clayton, Cllr J. Eaton, Cllr J. Jones, Cllr F. Morland, Cllr K. Noble, Cllr E. Pomeroy, Cllr B. Samson, Cllr. T. Curry, Cllr L. Lewis  Cllr L. Weeks, Wilts Cllr H. Prickett, Peter White (Clerk)

There were 5 members of the public present

1433 Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman welcomed the public forum. All attending cllrs and introduced Peter White as the new Parish Clerk

1424 Apologies

PCSO Porter

1435 Declaration of interest.

No interests Declared

1436 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 16th May 2017

Agreed and signed

1437 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held 6th June2017

Agreed and signed

1438 Community Policing Team

The Chair read through the local crime report from the CPT report of (undated)

Local Crimes

19.05.17- Burglary- Hollis Way- Road bike stolen from inside secure garage.

20.05.17- Theft – Frome Road- Car and keys for 1 vehicle, keys for 2nd vehicle, house keys, garage keys, cash and euros via insecure front door access.

Road incidents

26.5.17- Bradley Road- RTC fail to stop

10.6.17 ST Thomas Church- RP car blocking walkway and causing obstruction

14.6.17- Frome Road- IP- altercation after vehicle driver narrowly avoided cyclist. Driver threatening behaviour.

1436 Wiltshire Council Report

Cllr Prickett advised the Development Plan Document (DPD) was approved at cabinet 20.6.17

Meeting on 11.7.17

Consultation- Trowbridge 24.7.17

Cllr Prickett encouraged attendance at consultation from Parish Cllrs and Parishioners

Environmental clearance of brook had only been partially successful.

Next Cat G meeting to consider reduction of 40mph speed limit at Furze Hill.

1437 Highways / Environment

Parish Steward due, Cllrs invited to place request for work on My Wiltshire.

Cllr Noble to contact Wilts Highway engineer for better signage for roundabout at Frome Road/ Wynsome Street.

1438Neighbourhood Planning.

Cllr Eaton raised a motion to form a Working Party in order to promulgate a Neighbourhood Plan.

Action: Clerk to engage David King for a presentation on Neighbourhood Plans at an extraordinary General Meeting.

1439 Delegation of Responsibilities

Environment/ Pollution- vacant

Health/ Social Services- Vacant

Parish Liaison Group- K Noble

Police Liaison/ Bobby Link- K Noble

Highways- D Jackson

Planning  Housing- T Pomeroy, B Samson

Rights of Way- S Carey

Emergency Planning- Vacant

Public Transport- F Morland

Neighbourhood Watch- J Gilbert

1440 \Communications {Policy

Cllr Eaton proposed that; any councillor wishing to submit a document for inclusion in Southwick Village News should first; have a draft reviewed by the Parish Council before submission.

The motion was defeated by 6 votes to 4.

1441 Planning Applications

17/04705/Ful Beech House 19 Frome Road- Extrension to and conversion of outbuildings to ‘granny’ annex- SPC no objections.

17/04980/FUL 22 Brookmead, 1st floor and side extension and extend forward existing side extension- SPC supported.

1442 Planning Decisions

17/03938/Ful 93 Chantry Gardens – side extension- approved.


Payments agreed for:

Greenacres- Grass Cutting- £565.34

Doveton Press- Village News- £314

K Noble- Cost to advertise clerk vacancy- £79.20

J Fox- Honorarium & Expenses (April 17) -£19.91

WALC Membership- £623.82

Additionally it was agreed for CLL Samson to purchase a laptop computer and associated software for the purpose of a dedicated IT resource for, principally the clerk, but also controlled access by Cllrs. Budget £400.

1444 Members Reports

Note of thanks to Mrs B Johnson for attending the Flood Planning Meeting

Not of thanks to Cllr Noble for standing in as Parish Clerk whilst the vacancy stood.

1445 Clerk Report


1432 Closing Remarks

The Chairman thanked all those in attendance.

DONM_ 18th July 17 @ 7.30pm

Signed Chair- D Jackson

Date 13/7/17

Signed  Cllr D. Jackson

Date 20/06/17

Posted on 16 Jan 2018 by geoff edwards

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