November Minutes

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Minutes of the Southwick Parish Council Meeting held on the 21st Nov 2017 at 7.30 in the village hall.

Clerk-Sarah Cope -Contact-

Present- Cllr. D. Jackson (Chair), Cllr S. Carey, Cllr T. Curry, Cllr J. Jones, Cllr J. Eaton, Cllr F. Morland, Cllr K. Noble, Cllr E. Pomeroy, Cllr B. Sansom, Cllr L. Weeks

Wiltshire Councillor- Mr H. Prickett

6 members of the public initially.

1518 Welcome by the Chair.

Chairman welcomed those present

1519 Apologies.

 Apologies for absence received from Cllr G. Clayton

1520 Declarations of interest

Declaration of interest declared by Cllr Noble & Samson re playing field, Cllr Jackson re payment for hedge cutting, and Cllr Curry re grant application by Southwick School and Cllr Pomeroy declared an interest under finance.

1521 Minutes of the ordinary Parish Meeting held on 17th Oct 2017

The minutes were agreed a true record.

1522 Community Policing Team

No report received

Suggested that we invite the police & crime commissioner to attend a PC meeting to discuss our concerns. Tell them what we’re lacking –ask what’s covered- pre-send questions.

Motion to adjourn

1523 Wiltshire Councillors Report

Consultation Portal- 4 Open at time of meeting

Car Parking charges –closed 23rd Nov

Over 50’s Carers- only 100 responses.

Core Strategy 19th Dec- Discussions about the replacement of the CS till 2036 now under way. Consultation started 7th Nov finishes 19th Dec, you chance to have your say on how the plan develops.

Trowbridge Area Board Meeting – very poor turnout to the meeting.

Neighbourhood plan-Encouraged a good response rate as this gives greater weight to parish council’s view of the village housing needs.

Boundary Review- Preferred size indication is needed at Council on 20th Feb with a decision on numbers confirmed by 24th April. The decision will start with a consultation between May and July 2018. Final recommendations made by 18th Dec 18.

How many Councillors do we need-258 already reduced to 98- discussion to reduce this to 60.

Motion to reconvene

1524 Highway/ Environment

The van that was parking on the pavement at night appears to now be parking in the old bed shop parking place.

Cllr Pomery has been approached about drains that are blocked due to grass cuttings.

Frome Road/Wynsome Street roundabout – no markings left, highways request. Pavement near the roundabout needs fixing- Lady has badly damaged her leg after falling-there been a few incidents of people hurt here.

Trowbridge Area Board- Money for footway maintenance-make application for repair with possibility of replacement high curbs to stop lorries mounting the payment and damaging it.

Large Hole –Lamberts Marsh- highways app.

Arnold Noad- hedge growing into the road- Selwood own the road. Request to cut back by Parish steward to resident has failed.

1525 Finance

All payments agreed. Cllr D. Jackson thanked for laying the Poppy Wreath on Remembrance Sunday.

Cllr Morland queried why there is no cheque to HMRC for PAYE, Clerk explained that wages were below earning threshold, so no PAYE is due. Clerk is using a HMRC payroll program for wages.

b) Grant applications

Request by St Thomas’s Church asked for £1000 for the path to be fixed. It was resolved to donate £1000

Southwick School asked for £500 to help toward extending the Trim Trail. After discussion it was resolved to increase the grant to £1000

Both applications received were agreed unanimously, to be paid on receipt of invoices.

1526 Planning applications

No applications received

b) Other planning matters

Cllr Noble mentioned the travellers site- site was approved with the rule that if sold it would revert to a field- objection breach of planning condition.

Cllr Morland-

-Wiltshire local plan review 19 Dec- new boundaries for development in Wiltshire- the changed boundaries make Southwick part of Trowbridge boundary instead of Chippenham.

  • Cement works development- Westbury Area Board wants lorries routed through Southwick instead of Westbury. To object to 25 lorries going through Southwick on a C road instead of A roads.

1527 Neighbourhood Planning

Cllr Eaton –Focusing on 2 main points-

Firstly- the Housing Needs Survey- This had already gone out to most of the village, 800 already delivered, last 100 going out that day.

Cllr. Eaton replied to concerns raised by the public about the Housing Needs Survey- were offended by the contents and wondered about the cost, why was it returned to Wilts Council not the Parish Council- He said that it was voluntary and unanimous, that Wilts Council paid for the stamps and was returned to them because of the data protection act, he would be given the results of the survey including what percentage of the village replied.

Secondly- Public consultations- Site allocations- process of identifying sites for development in the future.

1528 Members Reports

Cllr Jackson- Vorus (broadband company) are wanting to put a receiver in the village. Will send out a survey as to who might take up the service if they do. Wanting to put the receiver on the village hall roof.

Cllr Morland-footpath Scheme- North Bradly ramblers- Circular path through North Bradly and small part of Southwick- the ramblers want kissing gates round the footpath but the land owners in Southwick unwilling to replace the stiles there now. Private land but as a public footpath the owners have the right to refuse.

1529 Caretakers Role

4 hours per month, covering 3 areas of Southwick- keep areas neat and tidy-litter picking, maintenance and general tidiness- Minimum wage. Advertise in the spring for candidate to do the area not covered by present caretaker. Cllr Carey will write up an advert to put in the village magazine.

1530 Website

Refer to the grants donated to the Church and School.

1531 Appointment of clerk- Sarah Cope

Proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Eaton all agreed. Cllr. Noble to print out contract to be signed by Clerk.

Next meeting 5th Dec 2017 at 7.30.

Signed Cllr D. Jackson -Chair.

Posted on 12 Dec 2017 by geoff edwards

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