Draft February Minutes edit 2020 @ 27 Feb 2020

DRAFT – for signature 17th March 2020


Chair: Cllr Kath Noble, 230 Chantry Gardens, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 9QX 01225 352503

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 18th February 2020

 in the Village Hall, Southwick at 7.30 pm.


Present: Cllr K Noble (Chair), Cllr S Carey, Cllr G Clayton, Cllr J Eaton, Cllr J Heydon, Cllr D Jackson, Cllr C McCaw, Cllr F Morland, Cllr E Pomeroy.


In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor H Prickett and 6 members of the public.


Open Forum to hear from members of the public

Mr Simon Tesler – spoke regarding planning application 20/00379/OUT and had provided correspondence, which had been circulated to members.  He reported that he and his wife were the owners of Southwick Court drawing attention to the letter he had submitted to Wiltshire Council pointing out various procedural issues with the application. 

He reported that a more detailed objection was being prepared on the grounds of heritage and lack of ecological reports, the flood risk and the inevitable congestion on the A361. 

He acknowledged the pressure that town and parish councils were under to find new sites for housing and noted that the proposed development would be designated as within the parish of Southwick. 

He stated the view that the access road offered an opportunity to developers to fill in that green space. 

He expressed concern that if the PC indicated it was willing to develop some of the green buffer zone it would set a precedent for future development, leading to Trowbridge ‘swallowing up’ the parishes. 

He asked the PC to consider these points within the context of the larger application.  He confirmed with Cllr Prickett that the application had been called into Wiltshire Council’s Planning Committee. 

Mr Tesler confirmed that they had had no prior notice of the application, had not been contacted by the landowner or the developer and that the application had come as a considerable surprise and shock.

 He informed members that Historic England had assessed the site but had not visited Southwick Court. 

The ecology survey was incredibly detailed but made no reference to his 6-acre site. He mentioned the lake, which was referred to as a pond, which is lived in by water voles and otters.

As the development was on higher ground he stated his concern over the impact of water runoff. Members were offered an invitation to visit the property.

Cllr Morland asked for clarification as to the mentioned failure to comply with statutory requirements and it was reported that names had been left off the application, there had not been an assessment on the EIA, no planning notices had been erected on the land nor advertisements posted in the press.  Cllr Morland mentioned that the sites allocation plan had been in progress for some years and that the land in question was included in that plan, which was due to be adopted by Wiltshire Council later in February.

Mr Tesler mentioned that the Inspector had identified some flaws with the allocation, especially in relation to access issue as the only vehicle access was a mile long through fields into the Frome Road, a road which would be liable to flooding therefore preventing access and egress.

Cllr Carey clarified that Mr Tesler was seeking the PC’s support to object to the application.


Yvonne McManus –spoke regarding the proposed diversion of footpath 48, reporting that she was having issues separating horses from members of the public and would therefore like to divert the footpath down the side of the field for health and safety and practical reasons.  She reported that she would install kissing gates to make the land more accessible. Cllr McCaw asked how the hedge would be maintained and Ms McManus confirmed that this would continue to be maintained as in the past.  She confirmed that sufficient width would be included in order to enable hedge maintenance and stated that she would prefer for the footpath to be fenced off. This would also enable the public dog access.


Peter Slade – spoke regarding the proposed diversion of footpath 49 providing some background to the application and confirming that he was in favour of the proposal.



2019/78  Apologies for Absence

Cllr M Boorman due to work commitments, accepted.

Cllr T Curry due to personal commitments, accepted.

2019/79  Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

Cllr Carey declared an interest in agenda item 2019/82c a) proposed diversion of footpaths 48 and 49.

2019/80  Minutes of Council Meetings

 The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 21st January 2020 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Pomeroy, seconded Cllr Carey).

 Cllr McCaw reported that she had raised the issue reported under agenda item 2019/76 regarding cars with engines left running at school pick up time with the Head Teacher.  The Head had confirmed that pupils could not be sent out to raise this with parents as there was an assembly held at the end of the school day however, the Head Teacher had agreed to send out a letter to parents on this issue.

2019/81  Wiltshire Council Report

Motion to adjourn to receive a report from Wiltshire Councillor Horace Prickett. 

Cllr Prickett had provided a report to members, which is appended to the minutes.

He gave an update on enforcement issues relating to 100 Frome Road, which was awaiting the issue of legal proceedings, which he was anticipating within the next few weeks. He had also asked for an update on the planning appeal relating to Poplar Tree Lane, but had not received this as yet.

Cllr Prickett spoke to members regarding the plans from North Bradley and West Ashton Parish Councils to submit a joint representation objecting to the plans included in the Community Governance Review.  It was confirmed that Southwick PC had been invited to join this group and would send a representative. He also reported that the two parishes were investigating employing professional support. Cllr Eaton confirmed with Cllr Prickett that the cost of any professional support engaged in respect of the CGR could be shared between the parish councils involved. Cllr Morland drew attention to the Wiltshire Council meeting proposed for 6 May, which would focus on the CGR and

reported that he could not find any information on the website relating to previous meetings.  Cllr Prickett confirmed that the website had been experiencing issues, which was still not working correctly.

Cllr Prickett asked for comments on the planning applications to be fed back to him.

Motion to re-convene.

2019/82  Highways/Environment

a)          Reports from Councillors on matters of concern and to decide what action, if any, to take - None.

b)           Members had been provided with an update from the Parish Clerk on the following previously considered items:

a.               Site meeting – Wynsome Street – Pat Whyte (Wiltshire Council) had provided some dates for a site meeting and the Clerk was asked to arrange this for 1.00 pm on Monday 24th February to meet on the bridge. Cllrs Noble, Clayton and Jackson would attend.

b.                Goose Street footpath – had been reported to the Parish Steward for his attention.

c.               Fence, Hollis Way - had been reported to Selwood Housing and was listed for repair.

d.              Dog signs – sample signage and indicative costs had been circulated to members with the agenda papers.  Discussion on this item was deferred in the absence of Cllr Boorman. The Clerk would add to the March agenda.

e.                 Service costs for additional bins had been confirmed at £159.64 per bin per annum. Discussion on this item was deferred in the absence of Cllr Boorman. The Clerk would add to the March agenda.

f.             Speed Indicator Device – it had been confirmed that a one-year contract was acceptable to Trowbridge TC

c)                  Members considered the following matters relating to parish footpaths:

a.              Wiltshire Council – proposed diversion of footpaths 48 and 49 (copy previously circulated) (Cllr Carey left the table at this point having declared an interest in the matter and a letter was read out on his behalf) -  members discussed the proposal received and Cllr McCaw spoke to her experience of walking the footpaths over many years. Cllr Heydon highlighted the importance of ensuring that routes should be accessible for those who were less sure of foot so that they could access the local countryside.  Cllr Morland referenced the limited consultation and the short notice for responses, which he felt to be inadequate and unsatisfactory.  It was confirmed that the statutory process and public notices only commenced after the order had been made and that this consultation was with a select group only. Following debate members agreed that the proposed diversion of Footpath 49 was preferable and acceptable and confirmed support for the proposals on the condition that kissing gates were installed at each end.  Members agreed that the proposed diversion of Footpath 48 diversion was unsatisfactory, agreeing to oppose the diversion and request that the route be left as shown as per the existing A-B route.  Members felt that the proximity of the new path to the hedgerow and the requirements to cross 3 stiles would hamper accessibility.

At this point Cllr Carey re-joined the table.

b.                      Definitive footpaths – to consider required work for onward reporting to Wiltshire Council (January minutes refer) – Cllr Carey reported that the gate at Newpool Farm to access Footpath SWCK47 was constantly locked. This had been raised with Wiltshire Council in the past, which had responded that the landowners had assured them they would not bolt the gate.  Members agreed that the gate should be latched and agreed to request this again, with a footpath sign to be erected on the hedge opposite the alley.

Cllr Carey also reported that the gate to access Footpath was locked preventing access and that stiles were needed at each end of the footpath. The Clerk would raise both issues with Wiltshire Council.

A full footpath report would be listed for the April meeting.

2019/83  Planning Applications

20/00044/FUL – Field no 5834, North of Frome Road, Southwick, BA14 9QQ – change of use to equestrian and erection of stables and hay store/tack room.  Provision of manure compound -  No objection with the condition that the development not be used for commercial livery purposes.


20/00379/OUT – Land south of Trowbridge, Southwick, Wilts – outline planning permission with all matters reserved except access for the erection of 180 residential dwellings (Use Class C3); site servicing; laying out of open space and associated planting; creation of new roads; accesses and paths; installation of services; and drainage infrastructure – Objection on the following grounds (with the Clerk asked to draft a response and circulate before submission to WC by 13th March 2020 deadline):

1.                      Access issues:

a.                      Building of the new access is shown as being across green fields, which will have a detrimental impact on the environment including an impact on the buried roman road

b.                      The proposed access to Frome Road will generate a significant increase in traffic volume onto the already congested A361

c.                      Access onto already congested roads will generate significant road safety issues

d.                      The proposed access road has to cross the Lambrok stream which will require the building of a viaduct.  This will have a detrimental impact on the environment and wildlife.

e.                      Access to the east would be more environmentally satisfactory, would avoid the building of a new road across open fields, a viaduct across the Lambrok and divert away from the historic site of Southwick Court

f.                       Members propose the merits of any access should be via Axe & Cleaver Lane to Woodmarsh, a route which will particularly benefit pedestrians.

2.                      Heritage issues – impact on Grade II star listed property and its environment, designated as a ‘historic landscape of high importance’.  The development of this site would result in extensive harm to this landscape, which cannot easily be mitigated.

3.                      Ecological issues – the development, which is on higher ground, would generate run off and pollution, into the Lambrok stream and the lake on the Southwick Court estate which would have a detrimental impact on the varied wildlife living there including otters, water voles, bats, great crested newts.

4.                      Flooding – the fields proposed for the development flood on a regular basis and are permanently water logged. 

5.                      Loss of buffer zone with Trowbridge, contrary to the landscape gap policy proposed in the emerging Southwick Neighbourhood Plan.  

To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.

2019/84  Planning Decisions, Appeals, Enforcement and other matters

Members noted the below listed decision of the LPA:

Application Number: 19/09909/FUL

Site Location: 104 Flaxfield Farm Frome Road Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire

Proposal: Removal of former dairy and chicken shed and erection of Garage Store

Decision: Approve with Conditions

Decision Date: 23/01/2020


Wiltshire Council Housing Site Allocations Plan

Members noted the Inspector’s Report (copy previously circulated).  Members noted that Wiltshire Council would be asked to adopt the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan on 25 February 2020.  Cllr Morland referred to the extract from the Inspector’s report which largely covered the issues being dealt with on the planning application for the 180 houses being proposed.  He confirmed that WC could either adopt the package in full or refuse to adopt in full; it was not able to pick and choose elements.  It was noted that the Cabinet had already approved the plan and it was therefore likely that it would be adopted by Full Council. 

2019/85  Finance

a)                        Members noted the Financial Position Statement for January 2020 (copy previously circulated).

b)                        Members approved the payments as below listed (proposed Cllr Pomeroy, seconded Cllr Carey).

c)                         Solar Farm Community Grants – members considered the arrangements for the next round of grant funding and Cllr Carey tabled information which had been previously issued inviting applications to the fund.  He also tabled copies of the application form.  The documentation was approved for release and Cllr Carey would send email copies to the Clerk for appropriate updating.

d)                         A grant application from Busy Bees was considered (copy previously circulated) and it was agreed that consideration of this request should be deferred and reviewed as part of the Solar Fund Community Grant application process. The Clerk would respond accordingly.

Payee     Detail and statutory power                     Amount          Chq no

HMRC     PAYE January 2020                                      £150.80           1665

Doveton Southwick Village News Feb 2020          £375.00           1666

2019/86  Risk Documents

Members had been provided with copies of the below listed draft Risk Documentation.  The Clerk reported that she had been informed the PC held no responsibility for the management of the play area and references to this would therefore be deleted from the final documents. It was also agreed that a check would be made that the Scout Hut was adequately insured.

a)                       Risk Strategy

b)                      Risk Register

c)                       Risk Schedules

d)                      Risk Assessment Register

The documents were adopted with the above amendments (proposed Cllr McCaw, seconded Cllr Carey).

2019/87  Community Governance Review

Members noted that Wiltshire Council had confirmed the PC’s objections to the proposals relating to Southwick had been formally recorded.  The date of the next public meeting was noted to be 6 May 2020 at 7.00 pm at County Hall.

Members discussed the fact that it had been previously agreed to join forces with North Bradley and West Ashton PC’s in drafting a full response to the proposals.  This was noted and it was resolved to allocate funds of up to £1,00 in support of the professional costs which this action would incur (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Clayton).

2018/88  Newsletter

Members noted that a review of the Editorial Policy Statement (copy previously circulated) was outstanding and overdue.  A review of the policy was duly carried out and the Clerk was asked to make the agreed changes and re-circulate at the AGM for formal adoption, with a review of the financial matters therein to be carried out at the same time. The Clerk was also asked to approach the Editor for a report on advertising costs and the number of copies sent outside of the parish

2019/89  Clerk’s Report

Members noted that the only outstanding item from the previously agreed action plan was the review of the PC documents held at the Village Hall.  The Clerk reported that she would attend to this as part of her year-end processes.

2019/90  Correspondence

a)                      To receive any additional items of correspondence – None.

b)                      Members noted formal correspondence which had been issued on behalf of the PC as listed below. The Clerk was asked to chase the Planning Inspectorate for a response to the PC’s letter.

·                        Planning Inspectorate re: Appeal at Poplar Tree Lane

·                        Trowbridge Town Council re: Speed Indicator Device

·                        Selwood Housing re: Hollis Lane fence

·                        Wiltshire Council re: Wynsome Street

·                        Wiltshire Council re: Parish Steward timetable

·                        HMRC re: PAYE system for Southwick Parish Council

·                        Wiltshire Council re: Community Governance Review (confirm objection)

·                        Lichfields re: proposed Southwick bypass response

·                        AECOM re: NPSG update

·                        Wiltshire Councillor Horace Prickett re: call in of 20/00379/OUT

·                        Wiltshire Council re: extension request for 20/000044/FUL

·                              Idverde re: costs for additional bin emptying

2019/91  Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr J Eaton reported that the group had received the AECOM report, which had been circulated to NPSG members for comments.  Cllr Eaton reported that the report was unsatisfactory in terms of content and accuracy and that he had written to AECOM to ask for this to be re-worked.  Cllr Eaton confirmed that this delay would not affect the progression of the Plan.

Cllr Morland reported that the North Bradley Neighbourhood Plan was listed for referendum in March 2020.  He also reported that the West Ashton NP was being issued on its Regulation 14 consultation shortly. Cllr Eaton confirmed that he was in contact with both groups for any learning points which could be relevant to Southwick.

2019/92  Councillor reports

To raise any matters not appearing elsewhere on the agenda – for information only:

a)                         Cllr Eaton – raised the issue of delivery trucks using Blind Lane as a cut through early in the morning, travelling at speed. He highlighted the safety issues involved and asked the PC to consider a speed restriction in Blind Lane, which would also assist with the school run issues.  The Clerk was asked to list this request as a future agenda item.


Date of next meeting

Tuesday 17th March 2020 at 7.30 pm at the Village Hall, Southwick

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.35 pm.



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