Annual PC meeting 2015 @ 19 Jun 2015


Chairman – Mrs K Noble

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Southwick Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Southwick at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 19 May 2015.


Cllr. S Carey (Retiring Chair)

Cllr. K Noble (Newly Elected Chair)

Cllr. A Doel

Cllr. Z Grant

Cllr. F Morland

Cllr. G Masters

Cllr. E Pomeroy

Cllr. D West

Mr R Coleman          Clerk

Wiltshire Council Cllr. Horace Prickett attended.

1041.  Welcome and Introductions.

Cllr. Carey welcomed everyone to the meeting.  

1042   Declarations of Interests.

There were no interests declared.

1043.  Apologies.

Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr. J Jones.

1044.  Election of Chair.

Cllr. West proposed that Cllr. Noble be elected Chairman. This motion was seconded. There were no other nominations. Cllr. Noble was elected. Cllr. Noble signed the Declaration Form in the presence of the Clerk.

Cllr. Noble took the Chair.

The Parish Council resolved unanimously to thank Cllr. Carey for his service as Chairman of the Parish Council.

1045.  Election of Vice Chair.

Cllr. West proposed that Cllr. Grant be elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. This motion was seconded. There were no other nominations and Cllr. Grant was elected.

1046.  Appointment of Representatives.

The Council resolved that the following be appointed representatives, as shown:

1047.  Delegation of Specific Responsibilities.

The Council resolved that the following councillors be appointed parish representatives as shown:

1048.  Contracts.

The Council noted the following extant arrangements/contracts:    



1049.  Clerk's Salary and Expenses.

The Council noted that the Clerk was on SCP 21 in accordance with his contract and the Clerk stated that he was not seeking an increase in his salary. The Council resolved to increase the mileage rate payable to the Clerk to 45p/mile.

      1050.  Chairman’s Allowance.

The Chairman declined an allowance/honorarium. No award was made.

1051.  Banking arrangements.

The Council agreed unanimously to maintain the existing ‘banking arrangements’ with Lloyds for the year and that there would be no change to the existing nominated signatories namely Cllr. Noble, Cllr. Pomeroy and Cllr. Carey or to the requirement for two signatories.

1052.  Asset Register.

The Council noted the Asset Register dated 31 March 2015.

1053.  Risk Register

The Council approved the Risk Register dated 1 April 2015.

1054.  Insurance Cover.

The Council noted the existing Zurich Municipal insurance policies and that the policies adequately covered all reasonable risks at the present time.

1055.  Accounts for the Year ending 31 March 2015.

a.         The Clerk gave a brief report on the Accounts for FY2014/2015. He stated that he had balanced the accounts and had completed the Annual Return and that the accounts had been ‘signed off’ by the Internal Auditor.

b.         The Clerk presented the completed Annual Return to the Council that clearly showed that the Internal Auditor has ‘signed off’ the document.

c.         The Council resolved to approve the completed Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2015 and authorised the Chairman to sign Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Return on its behalf. The Chairman signed the Annual Return on behalf of the Council.

d.         The Parish Council confirmed that the Clerk is the Responsible Finance Officer.

1056.  Financial Regulations.

The Council agreed that there were no changes necessary to the Financial Regulations dated 17 May 2011.


1057.  Appointment of Internal Auditor.

a.         The Clerk confirmed that Anne Crawford was prepared to remain the Internal Auditor for a further year and the Council resolved to appoint her as Internal Auditor.

b.         The Council resolved that the Terms of Reference for the Internal Audit dated 17 May 2011 were satisfactory and agreed that it was satisfied with the effectiveness of the audit.

1058.  Budget Details for Financial Year 2015/2016.

The Council noted the agreed Budget for FY2015/16.

1059.     Standing Orders.

The Council resolved that no additional Standing Orders were required at this stage.

Clerk’s Note.

The Clerk was requested to send paper copies of the Asset Register and the Risk Register to Cllrs. Pomeroy and West.

The meeting closed at 7.20 pm.

Chairman                                                                                                    16 June 2015.

Southwick Parish Council

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