Agenda january 2017 @ 11 Jan 2017


Chairman – Kath Noble

Leon Karas                                                                                                                  8 The Hunt Close

Clerk to the Council                                                                                                    Semington

Tel:  01380 870708                                                                                                     Trowbridge

E-Mail:                                                                           BA14 6JY


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of Southwick Parish Council will be held at Southwick Village Hall on Tuesday 17 January 2017 at 7.30pm and you are invited to attend.



At the Open Forum members of the public will be able to address the Chairman to raise any matters of interest for a period of no longer than three minutes per person and the Open Forum will last for 15 minutes, unless, at the sole discretion of the Chairman, the Chairman may extend that period to no more than 30 minutes in total.

Members of the public are reminded that they must raise matters of interest direct to the Chairman in a polite, respectful and unemotional way and that there should no reference to the personal views on any person. Priority of speaking will be given to those who have made written requests in advance, still restricted to 3 minutes per person.

The following requests to ask a question have been received from:

  1. John Eaton, dated 07.12.2016, regarding “progress with the Neighbourhood Plan” and a question regarding “Wiltshire Council SHLAA housing calculations”, and 22.12.2016 regarding a question about “the Rural Housing Trust”.
  2. Graham Merrett, dated 11.12.2016, regarding “a very important issue”


  1. Welcome and Introductions.

Chairman to welcome those present. 

  1. Apologies.

To receive apologies for non-attendance.

  1. Declaration of Interests.

Taking account of the Agenda items, Councillors must declare an interest, or conflict of interest, if


  1. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 15 November 2016

To agree, and sign, the minutes of the meeting as an accurate record.

  1. Community Policing Team (CPT).
  1. To receive a report from the CPT.
  2. To report on Action 2 minute 1318c; PCSO Porter to discuss with PC Hough provision of statistics relating only to Southwick.                

c. Councillors to identify any matters of concern and the PC to decide if any action is needed.

  1. Wiltshire Council Report.
  1. To report on action 4, minute 1320b; Cllr. Prickett to further investigate the provision of the ‘missing light’ within Wiltshire Council.
  2. Wiltshire Council, Cllr. Prickett to provide a report.
  1. Casual Vacancy

The Parish Council to discuss and decide if it should leave the Councillor seat unfilled until the elections on 4th May 2017 or to fill the vacancy using the co-option process.

  1. Standing Orders Update
  1. The Parish Council to discuss and decide if the proposed amendments to ‘Standing Orders for Parish Council Meeting  dated 17 Nov 2015 – Issue 3’ should be adopted.
  2. The Parish Council to discuss and decide if all Southwick Parish Council standing orders should be published on the Village web site.
  3. The Parish Council to discuss spreading the Standing Order updating workload between several volunteer Councillors and making an appropriate allocation to any volunteering Councillor, as necessary.
  1. Freedom of Information Requests(FOI)
  1. The Parish Council to note the FOI response to Mr. J. Eaton, acting on behalf of the SOS Group
  2. The Parish Council to discuss and decide if it should publish all FOI requests and their responses on the Village web site.
  1. Monthly Report from SOS

As per action 10, minute 1322d; SOS group, should they wish to do so, provide a written monthly report and to include a list of actions they wish the PC to consider. The PC to consider and discuss this written report and take whatever action the PC considers necessary, if any.

  1. Highways/Environment.
  1. To report on action 6, minute 1320f; CATG Member to raise the issue of broken kerbs at St. Thomas’s Church/Wynsome St. roundabout.
  2. To report on action 12 , minute 1324a; Cllr. Noble to ask the Parish Steward to clear leaves and debris from footpaths between the Public House and the Old School House on Frome Road.
  3. Progress report from Clerk/Cllr. Prickett on clearance of Lambrok Brook. 
  4. Reporting on progress, if any, regarding the Operational Flood Working Group
  5. To receive a report from Councillors on any matters of concern and to decide what action, if any, the PC should take
  1. Community Matters

To report on action 13, minute 1324b; Cllrs. Noble & West to attend the next meeting of Community Matters.

  1. Finance.
  1. To receive a report from the Clerk on the current financial position for November and December 2016 (attached below).
  2. The Clerk to table a proposed FY2017/8 budget for discussion, amendment and/or agreement.
  3. The PC to discuss/amend/agree the Precept for 2017/8
  4. To review approved grant applications and authorise payments as necessary for the following:

(i)Southwick Entertainers £1000

(ii)Provision of Defibrillator by 4 year hire £1200

(iii)To bring the Village Hall up to Standard – New Partition Doors £5618 + VAT

(iv)Sing-A-Long Group £100 approved, now requesting £146.30

  1. To consider any late approval grant application details which were unable to get on the Agenda and decide what action, if any, the PC should take.
  2. To review any new grant applications received by the Clerk and decide what action to take, if any.
  3. To agree all payments to be made, as per the Financial Statements attached.
  4. The Clerk to report on Action Action 14, Minute 1325a regarding a proposal for implementing

The Auditor’s recommendations w.r.t. Playing Field payments.


  1. Planning.
  1. To note the status of the following planning applications.


Steven Sims

Fairfield Farm

Fairfield Meadows

Change of use from equestrian tack room to onsite residential accommodation (Part retrospective)



Steve Vellance

Wren Farm, Hoggington Lane

Demolition of poultry sheds and associated agricultural buildings and the erection of two dwellings with access, parking, garaging and landscaping.

Approved with Conditions


Verity Giles

Forge House

8 Wesley Lane

Construction and use of a Climbing Frame

Approved with Conditions


David Cox

96 Frome Road

Conversion of Ground Floor Shop to 4 Flats


  1. There were no new planning applications received from 12 November 2016 up to 9 January 2017.
  2. To decide how to handle any planning applications received after 10 January 2017.
  3. To decide what action, if any, the PC should take to the email from Redrow Homes agent entitled ‘Redrow Homes - Land to North of Blind Lane’ and its proposed Public Consultation. N.B. Formal notification from Wiltshire Council regarding this Outline Application has not been received as of 10 January 2017.
  4. To decide what action, if any, should be taken to the email from Mr. David King (a planning      consultant) re-offering his services to create a Neighbourhood Plan.
  5. To re-visit minute 1227 (Annual PC meeting 17 May 2016) to clarify exactly what the resolution was     meant to mean when nominating Cllrs. Pomeroy and Doel as Planning, Housing representatives.
  6. To consider the question raised by Mr. R. Wright dated 07.01.2017 and decide what action, if any, should be taken to respond.
  7. To consider any other planning related matter and to decide any necessary action.

Planning Applications are available for public inspection immediately prior to the Council meeting.

  1. Website.

To decide if anything new should be placed on the website, or if anything should be removed or amended.

  1. Members Reports.

Councillors to provide individual reports on any other matters they wish the Council to note.

  1. Clerk’s Report.
  1. To invite the Council to note the Documents Received list from 15 Nov to 9 Jan (attached).
  2. To invite the Council to note any other matter that needs to be brought to its attention.
    1. Great British Spring Clean
    2. Police & Crime Commissioner Consultation to increase the Precept
  3. To note the date of the next meeting: 21 February 2017 - Ordinary Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm.
  1. Confidential Matters.

Subject to an appropriate resolution receiving a majority vote, the Parish Council will adjourn to discuss such confidential matters. Note that any Parish Council resolution made during this confidential session is public knowledge and all such resolutions will be included in the minutes of this meeting.

Leon Karas

Clerk to Southwick Parish Council                                                               10 January 2017


Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.




(N.B. There was no PC meeting in December 2016.)


Business Current Account(No. 317648) - Balance as at 11/11/2016



( Current Account - Statement opening and closing dates 11/11/2016-30/11/2016 )









Cheques Presented


VAT incl.



Greenacres (Sept) - 675 P Field Maintenance






L Karas Clerks Expenses (Oct)





L Karas Clerk's Salary (Nov)





PA Slade 26 Iron Slats






JT Jackson 180 Hedge Cutting






Raye Johnson Plants





Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Wreath















RP Coleman Clerk's Salary(Nov) paid in error









Unpresented Cheques


VAT incl.











Accounts due for Payment - DECEMBER 2016


VAT incl.







Business Savings Account(No. 7005390) - Balance as at 05/11/2016



( Savings Account - Statement opening and closing dates 05/11/2016-30/11/2016 )








HMRC PAYE Month 7 & 8




Return of Salary paid in error










Cheques Presented


VAT incl.







STATEMENT BALANCE as at 30/11/2016






(Estimated without sight of Bank Statements for December 2016, only phone information)


Business Current Account(No. 317648) - Balance as at 01/12/2016












Cheques Presented


VAT incl.







Unpresented Cheques


VAT incl.







STATEMENT BALANCE as at 04/01/2017




Accounts due for Payment - JANUARY 2016


VAT incl.



Greenacres(Oct)  Inv 690 P Field Maintenance






LKaras Clerk's Expenses (Nov)





LKaras Clerk's Expenses (Dec)





LKaras Clerk's Salary(Dec)





LKaras Clerk's Salary(Jan)















Grant Thornton Audit fee inv 8613893






W Fox Honorarium





W Fox Stamps





Doveton Press (390797) Southwick Village News





Village Hall Room Hire





Kath Noble Chairman's Expenses





Southwick Entertainers - Solar Farm Fund





SW Ambulance Defibrillator - Solar Farm Fund






Southwick Village Hall Management Committee - Solar Farm Fund






Sing-A-Long Group - Solar Farm Fund * (or £146.30?)









Business Savings Account(No. 7005390) - Balance as at 01/12/2016












Brokerswood Farm Shop





Alan Baker










Cheques Presented


VAT incl.







STATEMENT BALANCE as at 04/01/2017




Total Funds held by Southwick Parish Council as at 4 January 2017




Current Status of Funds


OCT 2016

DEC 2016


Parish Council Funds





Solar Farm Community Funds





Playing Field Management Committee Funds





(£7959.43 spent to Date)







Southwick Parish Council - Mr L Karas


Salary Statement - December 2016 & January 2017


Payments due to HMRC = £126.00  (Tax Code: D0) - Month 9 (Period Start 6/12)


Payments due to HMRC = £63.20  (Tax Code: D0) - Month 10 (Period Start 6/01)





Clerk December Salary (Gross) (SCP 22)   (£315.81)




Clerk January Salary (Gross) (SCP 22)   (£315.81)




National Insurance (Employer)




National Insurance (Employee)




Income Tax December




Income Tax  January









Clerk Salary Net (for Dec 2016 and Jan 2017)





Documents Received(R)/Dispatched to Councillors(D)/Answered(A)

From 15 November 2016 to 9 January 2016

R              09/01/2017        Email from Lyndon Sparkes on behalf of the Sing-a-Long group re.” Grant                                                             implementation Awards” providing details of their folder purchases.

R&D         09/01/2017        Email from WC “(West) Weekly List of Planning Applications and Decisions –

                                           w/e 06/01/2017”

R              07/01/2017        Email from Jeff Bendell re. Southwick Entertainers describing how they have

                                           paid for the equipment from the grant we approved them.

R&D&A    07/01/2017        Email from Cllr. J Jones “RE: LAND TO SOUTH OF BLIND LANE” seeking

                                           clarification of some points.

R&D         06/01/2017        Email from CPRE entitled “CPRE WILTSHIRE & THE HILLS GROUP BEST

                                           KEPT VILLAGE COMPETITION 2017”

R&D         05/01/2017        Email from Redrow Homes agent Dan Bramwell “Land to South of Blind

                                           Lane” stating the application has been validated.

R              04/01/2017        Email from Daniel Everett(WC) to WC Cllr Prickett to Daniel Everett (WC)

                                           “Re: Poor state of Lambrok Brook at Chantry Gardens Southwick” with a map

                                           showing the areas classed as main river highlighted in blue.

R              04/01/2017        Email from WC Cllr Prickett to Daniel Everett (WC) “Poor state of Lambrok

                                           Brook at Chantry Gardens Southwick”

R&D         04/01/2017        Email from Wiltshire Council “Great British Spring Clean” inviting the PC to

                                           take part.

R&D         04/01/2017        Email from the Police Commissioner “Police and Crime Commissioner


R              03/01/2017        Automatic email to the Clerk from Wiltshire Council Service system recording

                                           the Clerk’s request for an update to Lambrok Stream vegetation clearance

                                           and vole investigation.

D              03/01/2017        Email from Clerk to Chairman with proposed 2017/8 Budget attached for her


R              03/01/2017        Email from WC FOI office stating they do not publish FOI responses as yet.

D              02/01/2017        Email from Clerk to WC FOI office asking where the FOI responses are

                                           stored and what is there availability.

D              02/01/2017        Email from Clerk to Councillors “Emailing: Proposed additions (02.01.2017)

                                           To SPC Meeting Standing Order dated 17.11.2015.docx, Standing Order for

                                           Open Forums at Parish Council Meetings Dec 2016”

D              31/12/2016        Email from Clerk “Semington PC” asking Semington Parishioners to help to

                                           reject an Appeal from housing developers.

R&D         29/12/2016        Email from Victim Support “Victim Support in Wiltshire” asking for a donation.

R&A         28/12/2016        Email from John Watling “FW: Resignation of Cllr. S. Jones”

R&A         27/12/2016        Email from Robert Wright “Housing development in Southwick.”

R&D         23/12/2016        Email from John Eaton “Strategic Housing Plan – Southwick”

R&D         22/12/2016        Email from WC “Agenda for Western Area Planning Committee, Wednesday,

                                           11th January, 2017, 3.00 pm”

R&A         21/12/2016        Email request from Hayley Al-siaidi asking for the source of the information

                                           for the Southwick SHLAA 2016.

R&D&A    20/12/2016        Email from John Eaton “Steve Jones”

R              20/12/2016        Email from Dan Bramwell “Re: Redrow Homes – Land to south of Blind Lane”

D              19/12/2016        Email to all PC members asking for FOI information relating to Mr. Eaton’s

                                           email of 14th December 2016.

R&D         19/12/2016        Email from WC “Minutes for Western Area Planning Committee, Wednesday,

                                           14th December, 2016, 3.00 pm”

R              19/12/2016        Email from WC Elections “RE: Resignation of Cllr. S. Jones”

R              18/12/2016        Email from Neil Smith advertising their fruit tree catalogue.

R              18/12/2016        Email from Dan Bramwell “REDROW HOMES - LAND TO NORTH OF BLIND

                                           LANE” attaching information he has posted to Southwick homes

R&A         15/12/2016        Email from Bill Johnson asking what Standing Orders the PC is using.

D              15/12/2016        Email from Clerk to WC Elections asking the PC should be receiving some

       notifications from them regarding replacement for Cllr. S. Jones.

R&D&A    14/12/2016        Email from David King offering his services to help prepare a

       Southwick Neighbourhood Plan

R&D         14/12/2016        Email from SOS (John Eaton) asking for information relating to Redrow

       Homes and the Parish Council under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

R&D         14/12/2016        Email from Wiltshire Council re. Briefing Note 313- Revenue Budget Monitor

R&D         12/12/2016        Email from Graham Merrett wanting an explanation as to why the 20th

       December PC meeting had been cancelled.

R&D         11/12/2016        Email from Graham Merrett “Open forum 20 December 2016” wanting to

                                           include an item on the next PC Open Forum.

R&D&A    12/12/2016        Email from Bill Johnson pointing out difficulties with Village Hall disabled

       parking and fixing of the broken light.

D              12/12/2016        Email to Doveton Press explaining why inv. 390797 will not be paid until next

       PC meeting

R&D         12/12/2016        Email from Cllr. Prickett “FW: Neighbourhood Planning” drawing attention to

                                           David King’s services

D              10/12/2016        Email to Nicol Mundy re. Operational Flood Working Group and acceptance

       of our rep. Barbara Johnson.

R&D         08/12/2016        Email from Chris Hardwick (web designer) marketing his wares to manage

       the website.

R&D         08/12/2016        Email from David Williams asking when the county borders signs had been

                                           significantly moved.

R              07/12/2016        Email from Dan Bramwell “LAND SOUTH OF BLIND LANE PUBLIC


R&D         07/12/2016        Email giving details of  a presentation added to the agenda for the next

       Western Area Planning Committee(14th December).

R              07/12/2016        Email from John Eaton “Open Forum Questions”

R              06/12/2016        Email from WC “Melksham 'Our Community Matters' event”

R&D         06/12/2016        Email showing link to Parish newsletter for week commencing 5 December

R&D         06/12/2016        Email giving the Agenda for the Western Area Planning Committee meeting

       on 14th December.

R              06/12/2016        Email from Keith Rapley “Street Furnishings Product and contact info Council”

D              05/12/2016        Email to Greenacres advising invoice cannot be paid until approved at

       17/1/2016 meeting.

R              05/12/2016        Email from WC “Electoral Register Data - 2017 Revised Register”

R&D&A    01/12/2016        Email from John Eaton “SPC Quorum” asking what constitutes a PC quorum.

R              29/11/2016        Email from Dan Bramwell “LAND NORTH OF BLIND LANE”

R              29/11/2016        Email copy from Cllr. J. Jones to Cllr Prickett “Housing development in

                                           Southwick” asking about SHLAA.

R&D         29/11/2016        Email minutes of Trowbridge Area Board meeting of 10/11/2016

R&D         29/11/2016        Email minutes of Western Area Planning Committee of 23/11/2016

R&D         28/11/2016        Email copy from Cllr. J Jones to Chairman “Proposed development meeting”

                                           asking for any discussions on outline planning applications to be delayed.

R&D         27/11/2016        Email from Barbara Johnson “RE: Operational Flood Working Group –

                                           Southwick Parish Council representation” pointing out that it has to be a

                                           Councillor who attends this group.

R              26/11/2017        Email from Dan Bramwell “Re: Forgot to ask you?”      

R&D         22/11/2017        Email from WC Monitoring Office “Code of Conduct Complaints”

R              21/11/2015        Email from Alan Wadsworth “Langley Tree Surgeons Company Information”

R              20/11/2016        Email from Brian Johnson “Re: GRANT APPLICATION” explaining his                                                                  resignation as Treasurer of Southwick Village Hall.

R&D         18/11/2016        Email from Frank Cain “Re: What does 'treat this matter as confidential'


D              17/11/2016        Email Clerk to Frank Cain “What does 'treat this matter as confidential'                                                       mean”

R&D&A    17/11/2016        Email from John Eaton “Public Attendance at SPC meetings”

D&A         17/11/2016        Email from Clerk to Frank Cain asking if ‘Confidential’ has to be added

R&D         17/11/2016        Email from Bill Johnson “Open forum”.

R&D         17/11/2016        Email from Anna Browne re. CoC Complaint

R              17/11/2016        Email from Roger Coleman thanking PC members for their farewell donations

D              17/11/2016        Email to Barbara Johnson “RE: Clearing the banks of the Lambrok Stream”

R              17/11/2016        Email from WC “Assertiveness training from Learning in Wiltshire”

R&D         16/11/2016        Email from Cllr. Steve Jones “Resignation from Southwick Parish Council”.

R              16/11/2016        Email from Barbara Johnson asking if voles had been checked for

R&D         15/11/2016        Email from Wiltshire Council re Code of Conduct complaint.

R              15/11/2016        Email apologies for non-attendance due to illness from Cllr Joan Jones

R&D         15/11/2016        Email from WC “Agenda for Western Area Planning Committee, Wednesday,

                                           23rd November, 2016, 3.00 pm”

R              15/11/2016        Email from SSE “Winter readiness” asking for vulnerable customers to be

                                           made aware that they can be registered for special services

Planning Applications

As per the Agenda issued – see Agenda

Leon Karas

Clerk to Southwick Parish Council

9 January 2017

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