Agenda PC meeting May 2017 @ 06 May 2017


Chairman – Kath Noble

Patrick Abrahams

Clerk to the Council                                                                                                                                 

Tel:  07932-760585



Notice is hereby given that the Meeting of Southwick Parish Council will be held at Southwick Village Hall on Tuesday 16 May 2016 at 8pm and you are invited to attend.             


  1. Welcome and Introductions.

The Chair to welcome those present.

  1. Declaration of Interests

Councillors to declare interest in Agenda items in accordance with the Southwick Parish Council’s (SPC) Code of Conduct.

  1. Apologies.

To note apologies from those Councillors absent from the meeting.

  1. Minutes of Council Meeting 18th April 2017 – to sign as a correct record
  1. Community Policing Team (CPT).

To receive a report from the CPT.

Councillors to identify any matters of concern and SPC to decide if any action is needed.

  1. Wiltshire Council Report.

Wiltshire Cllr. Prickett to provide a report.

  1. Highways/Environment.

The Chairman to provide an update, if available, on minute 1357b regarding re-instatement of the mini roundabout markings.

Cllr. Prickett to provide an update, if available, on minute 1372b regarding the request to CATG for a 30mph limit throughout the road section near the Country Park.

Receive reports from Cllrs. on matters of concern and SPC to decide if any action is needed.

  1. Community Matters.

Councillors to identify any matters of concern and the PC to decide if any action is needed.

  1. Finance.

To receive a report from the Clerk on the Financial Statement for April 2017.

To agree all payments to be made, as per the April 2017 Financial Statement.

The Chairman to provide an update on minute 1374e regarding the Village Hall leasing agreement and SPC to decide if any action is needed.

Regarding minute 1374f, SPC to decide if any immediate action is needed for renewing Zurich Insurance prior to its renewal date of 20th May or defer any decision until the newly elected council takes office from 8 May 2017 and holds its first meeting on 16th May 2017.

  1. Planning

The PC to note the status of the following planning applications:


Planning Officer





Eileen Medlin

Land South of Blind Lane

Redrow Homes Outline Planning – up to 100 Residential Homes


Target still

31 May 2017


David Cox

96 Frome Road

Conversion of ground floor shop to 4 flats (Resubmission of 16/08728/FUL)

Response by 5 May 2017


Matthew Perks           

Wynsome Street Southwick BA14 9RG (Gladman)

Outline planning application for the demolition of agricultural buildings and the erection of up to 140 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from Wynsome Street. All matters reserved except for means of access

Comments by 19th May 2017

The PC to decide how to handle any planning applications received after this Agenda was issued.

To consider any other planning related matters and the PC to decide if any action is needed.

  1. Planning Applications are available for public inspection immediately prior to the Council meeting.
  1. Members Reports.

Councillors to provide individual reports on any other matters they wish the PC to note/action.

  1. Clerk’s Report.

To invite the Council to note any other matter that needs to be brought to its attention.

Council Meetings

Chair to propose a schedule of meetings for the next twelve months

Patrick Abrahams

Clerk to Southwick Parish Council                                                                     30 April 2017

NOTE. Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.


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