Agenda for Annual PC meeting 2017 @ 06 May 2017


Chairman – Kath Noble


Chairman – Kath Noble

Patrick Abrahams

Clerk to the Council                                                                                                                                 

Tel:  07932-760585



Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Southwick Parish Council will be held at Southwick Village Hall on Tuesday 16 May 2016 at 7.30pm and you are invited to attend.             


1.         Welcome and Introductions.

The Retiring Chairman/Vice-Chairman to welcome those present.

2.         Register of Interests, Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests – to receive and complete documentation required from the newly elected Councillors and declare any interests on agenda items.

3.         Apologies.

To note apologies from those Councillors absent from the meeting.

4.         Election of Chair.

To elect the Chair for the forthcoming year. The Chair to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

5.         Election of Vice Chair.

To elect the Vice-Chair for the forthcoming year. The Vice Chaire to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

6.         Appointment of Representatives.

To appoint representatives for the following and to agree their respective delegated authority:

7.         Delegation of Specific Responsibilities.

To decide whether to appoint members/agree nominations to be the parish representatives for:

Environment/Pollution, Health/Social Services, Area Community Group/Link, Police Liaison/’Bobby’ Link, Planning, Housing, Highways, Rights of Way, Emergency Planning Unit, Public Transport, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator.

8.         Contracts.

To note the following contracts:               

9.         Clerk's Salary and Expenses.

To note the Clerk’s Salary and level of expenses.

10.       Accounts for the Year ending 31 March 2016.

a.         To receive a report from the Clerk.

b.         To note the Annual Internal Audit Report from the Internal Auditor.

c.         To approve Section 1 (Annual Governance Statement 2015/16) of the Annual Return.

d.         To approve Section 2 (Accounting Statements 2015/16) of the Annual Return.

e.         To confirm that the Clerk is the Responsible Finance Officer.

f.          To agree the remuneration for the Internal Auditor.

11.       Chairman’s Allowance.

To decide on the level of ‘honorarium’ for the Chairman/Chair.

12.       Banking arrangements.

To agree the ‘banking arrangements’ for the year and to agree any changes to the nominated signatories.

13.       Asset Register.

To note the Asset Register dated 31 March 2016.

14.       Risk Register.

To approve the Risk Register dated 1 April 2016.

15.       Insurance Cover.

To note the insurance cover and decide whether it is adequate.


16.       Financial Regulations.

To agree any necessary changes to the Financial Regulations dated 17 May 2011.

17.       Appointment of Internal Auditor.

a.         To appoint an Internal Auditor for the year.

b.         To review the Terms of Reference and the effectiveness of the Internal Audit.

18.       Budget Details for Financial Year 2017/2018.

To note the agreed Budget for the year.

19.     Standing Orders.

To consider the need for additional Standing Orders.

Patrick Abrahams


30th April 2017 


Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.

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