minutes PC meeting May 2017 @ 19 May 2017


Minutes of the meeting of Southwick Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Southwick at 8:00pm on Tuesday 16th May 2017.

Councillors present: Cllr.D.Jackson (Chair), Cllr.K.Noble (Vice Chair), Cllr.T.Curry, Cllr.J.Jones, Cllr.F.Morland, Cllr.T.Pomeroy, Cllr.B.Sansom, Cllr.L.Weeks

Patrick Abrahams(Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor H Prickett.

20 members of the public were present initially.


  1. Welcome and Introductions.

The Chairman opened the Southwick Parish Council (SPC) meeting at 8:00pm. and welcomed the visitors to the meeting. 

  1. Declaration of Interests

This Councillor declared an interest in the planning applications as detailed:

Cllr. D.Jackson - 17/03269/OUT - Wynsome Street Southwick BA14 9RG (Gladman)

  1. Apologies.

Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllrs.G.Clayton, J.Eaton, S.Carey and from PCSO Ellie Porter from the Community Policing Team.

  1. Minutes of Council Meeting 18th April 2017

The SPC resolved that the minutes of 18th April 2017 meeting were a true and accurate record and the Chairman signed the minutes.

  1. Community Policing Team (CPT).

The Clerk read through the local Crime reports extracted from the CPT Report received for April 2017 (From PCSO Ellie Porter)

Local crimes

Road related incidents

Cllr.T.Pomeroy reported that broken glass had been found on the playing field (and reported to the Police)

Cllr.J.Jones wanted to thank Brenda(a Parishioner) who has been collecting rubbish in the Churchyard.

  1. Wiltshire Council Report.

Lambrok Stream – Cllr Prickett reported that little maintenance had taken place in the Lambrok Stream, and there was considerable debris in the stream including pallets and shopping trolleys.

The Environment Agency has recently installed a flow meter in the stream by the Baptismal pond, and is planning to undertake more work shortly.  It was hoped that they would both clear the debris, and remove it.

Bonfire – Arnold Noad Corner – Councillors reported that there was a large bonfire by Arnold Noad Corner last Saturday (13th May 2017) The SPC resolved that should this be repeated that this should be reported to Wiltshire Council.

Speeding – Cllr Prickett reported that North Bradley had seen benefits from fitting Speeding stickers to Wheelie Bins.  These labels cost £99 for 100 labels.  Various other ideas to reduce speeding were discussed. Cllr Prickett was asked to bring along some example stickers to the SPC Meeting in June.

The SPC resolved to include an item in the June SPC Meeting to discuss speeding in the village, and what actions can be taken to minimise speeding.

  1. Highways/Environment.

The Vice Chair provided an update on minute 1357b regarding the re-instatement of the mini roundabout markings. She has had no response to the email to Wiltshire Council, and she will re-send it.

  1. Community Matters.

No matters raised.

  1. Finance.

Report from the Clerk on the Financial Statement for April 2017.(See Appendix A)

Update on Insurance.

Regarding minute 1374f, SPC to decide if any immediate action is needed for renewing Zurich Insurance prior to its renewal date of 20th May or defer any decision until the newly elected council takes office from 8 May 2017 and holds its first meeting on 16th May 2017.

The Parish Council Insurance (with Zurich) renews on the 20th May 2017. YLL-122005-9663. This Policy is subject to a three agreement initially signed two years ago.  The renewal is £810.22 – Up from £803.30 last year.(Caused by an increase in premium of £3, and increase in Insurance Premium Tax(IPT) 9.5% to 10% from 1 October 2016 (due to increase again to 12% on 1 June 2017).

The Insurance policy (with Zurich) for The playing field management committee at Southwick (Playing field at Southwick) renews on the 20th May 2017.  XAO-122018-1963.  This policy has been subject to a revised Policy, with questions outstanding with the playing field management committee.

The SPC had previously resolved that annually, in association with the lease of the Old Village School to the Scout Group that the Parish Council would obtain written confirmation that the Scout Group have taken out appropriate insurance cover. This letter was written to the Scout Group on 10th May 2017. Cllr.T.Pomeroy reported that the Insurance for the Old Village School had just been received, was due for renewal on the 25th May, with a premium of £907.

SPC resolved to make the payments under ‘Accounts due for Payment (Current a/c) shown in the Appendix A (for the first five items) FINANCIAL MONTHLY STATEMENT FOR APR 2017 (16-May-2017)

Note that these items* are still subject to clarification:-

Zurich Municipal – XAO-122018-1963 –Playing Field  Insurance 2016/17 (PF*)

P Abrahams – Clerks Expenses

L Karas -Clerks  Expenses

Cllr. F Morland requested clarification on the payment to XYZ Web Ltd - Annual Invoice No. 0104.  The Clerk reported that this was subject to payment by Cheque 1475 last month, but this has not been drawn as the cheque was made out to an incorrect payee.  The new cheque replaces this cheque 1475, which will be destroyed by XYZWeb Ltd on receipt of the revised cheque.

Financial Monthly Statement – The Clerk offered apologies for not distributing the SPC financial monthly statement for Apr 2017 earlier, and tabled copies for all Councillors (See Appendix A). The delay arose from the need to close the year end accounts, which did not complete until Friday, 12th May 2017)

The Chairman to provide an update on minute 1374e regarding the Village Hall leasing agreement and SPC to decide if any action is needed. The SPC resolved to add this as an item for decision at the June Parish Council Meeting.

  1. Planning

The SPC noted the status of the following planning applications:


Planning Officer





Eileen Medlin

Land South of Blind Lane

Redrow Homes Outline Planning – up to 100 Residential Homes


Target still

31 May 2017


David Cox

96 Frome Road

Conversion of ground floor shop to 4 flats (Resubmission of 16/08728/FUL)

Response by 5 May 2017


Matthew Perks                 

Wynsome Street Southwick BA14 9RG (Gladman)

Outline planning application for the demolition of agricultural buildings and the erection of up to 140 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from Wynsome Street. All matters reserved except for means of access

Comments by 19th May 2017

Planning Applications received after the Agenda was issued:


Steve Vellance

2A Frome Road Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 9QD

Proposed relocation of fence

Comments by 31st May 2017


David Cox

Silver Street Farmhouse Silver Street Lane Brokerswood Westbury Wiltshire, BA13 4EY

Construction of stable and tractor shed

Comments by 5th June 2017


Katie Yeoman

Flaxfield Farm 104 Frome Road Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 9NJ

Raising loft and construction of dormers. Erection of single storey rear extension

Comments by 8th June 2017


Katie Yeoman

93 Chantry Gardens Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire

Two storey side extension and single storey front extension

Comments by 7th June 2017

The SPC resolved to request Extensions to these two Planning Applications to enable their review at the Planning Meeting on the 6th June 2017. (Cllr. K.Noble to action)

17/03382/FUL 2A Frome Road Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 9QD

17/03553/FUL Silver Street Farmhouse Silver Street Lane Brokerswood Westbury Wiltshire

Cllr. F.Morland asked for details of any approved Planning Applications.  The Clerk reported that these decisions have been made:

17/01551/CLE Silver Street Farm – Certificate of Lawfulness. Approved 12-May-2017

17/02047/FUL Oak House, Concord Close Detached Car Port. Approved with Conditions 11-May-2017

Cllr. F.Morland asked for details of the conditions applying to 17/02880/FUL 96 Frome Rd., Conversion of ground floor shop to 4 flats (Resubmission of 16/08728/FUL)  The Clerk was requested to check this application.

Open Forum. 8:30pm ~ 9:15pm

The Chairman noted the presence of residents who had given up their time to attend the meeting. The PC unanimously resolved to hold an Open Forum.(Proposed by Cllr D.Jackson, and seconded by Cllr. K.Noble)  The Chairman adjourned the meeting to begin the Open Forum.

As the main item for discussion was the 17/03269/OUT Wynsome Street Southwick BA14 9RG (Gladman) Planning Application, the Vice Chair took the Chair for this Open Session. (See item 1412)

With agreement from the residents the Open Forum was closed and the SPC meeting re-opened at approximately 9:15pm.

Discussion re 17/03269/OUT Wynsome Street, Southwick, BA14 9RG(Gladman)

Cllr.F.Morland described his views on Wiltshire Council’s possible revised stance on the Five Year Housing Land Supply - Planning Policy, and how this fits in with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). His concern was that the housing target shortage in Trowbridge would be made up by developments in the surrounding villages. He reported that there was a meeting in Wiltshire Council on the 20th June.

The SPC unanimously resolved to submit an objection to this planning application.  The Chair and Vice Chair will develop a proposal to object to this Application, based on the same lines as the objection to the Redrow Application, taken the views already expressed in the open session, and will share with other Southwick Parish Councillors prior to submission.

The SPC resolved to hold a SPC Planning Meeting in the Village Hall, Southwick at 7:00pm on Tuesday 6th June 2017 to address those Planning Applications received after the agenda was issued:

17/03382/FUL - 2A Frome Road Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 9QD

17/03553/FUL - Silver Street Farmhouse Silver Street Lane Brokerswood

17/03606/FUL - Flaxfield Farm 104 Frome Road Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 9NJ

17/03938/FUL - 93 Chantry Gardens Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire

  1. Planning Applications are available for public inspection immediately prior to the Council meeting.

Several Councillors requested Maps and details of the postcodes for the Southwick Parish.  The Clerk was requested to send out emails on this.  The Clerk noted that the only large scale map we have is too large to print, so can only be viewed online.

Members Reports.

SPC Parish Clerk - Cllr. K.Noble expressed the view that she was sorry that Patrick Abrahams was leaving so soon after joining SPC.  She has a potential applicant (an existing Parish Clerk) she is hoping to meet with her this week.

Wiltshire Association of Local Councils  - Cllr. K.Noble reported that she felt that membership of the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils (WALC) had been useful in the past. Membership of Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) is also useful.  The Clerk reported that he had researched the costs of these memberships.

The SPC Resolved to add an agenda item to the June Meeting to discuss this subject.  The Clerk was requested to send the copy of the documents to the Chair.

Parish Steward - Cllr. K.Noble reported that we are now visited by the Parish Steward – Their next visits are the 7th/8th June and 3rd/4th July 2017.

Parish Council Website - Cllr.J.Jones reported that a Parishioner had said that they couldn’t find the  Agenda for the Parish Council meetings on the website. Cllr. K.Noble confirmed that they had been loaded, but were a little difficult to find.  Cllr.B.Sansom offered to write a report on the current website, with recommendations for review at the SPC meeting in June.

Southwick Neighbourhood Plan

The SPC requested that the Clerk send the information regarding the Neighbourhood planning consultant (David King) to the Chair. The SPC resolved to add an agenda  item to the June Meeting to discuss the Neighbourhood plan.

“My Wiltshire”  - Councillor H Prickett explained the feature called “My Wiltshire” for reporting problems to Wiltshire – It costs less to report online than it does by phone, and you get a confirmed case number when reporting online. The SPC resolved to add a link to “My Wiltshire” to the SPC website, and the Clerk was requested to send details of “My Wiltshire” to all SPC Councillors.

  1. Clerk’s Report.

Correspondence received – not already referred to in the Agenda included

A Southwick parishioner reporting Fly Tipping

A Rode Parish Councillor regarding Speeding on the Frome road

Two Play Equipment suppliers – Jupiter Play & Furnitubes

And ~ 150 Emails

Asset Register - The Asset register has been updated as per long standing practice to revalue the Assets based on the Insurance valuations.  It may be better practice to apply depreciation to the assets.

The Community Hall & Playing Field Funds – The Clerk raised the issue previously suggested by the internal Auditor to separate these funds from Parish Council Funds.  It was suggested that this should be investigated for possible action.

Thanks - Patrick Abrahams thanked Cllr.K.Noble and Cllr.T.Pomeroy for their support, and also said that he was very grateful for the great deal of support he received from previous clerks, Leon Karas, and Roger Coleman.

  1. Future Meetings

The Chair proposed a schedule of meetings for the next twelve months.

The SPC resolved to hold the main Parish Council Meetings on the third Tuesday of every month, at the Southwick Village Hall, starting at 7:30pm.

As needed a Parish Council Planning meeting can be convened on the first Tuesday of every month, at the Southwick Village Hall, starting at 7:00pm.


The meeting closed at approximately 9:40 pm.

Patrick Abrahams

Clerk to Southwick Parish Council                                                                       17th May  2017


N.B. PF* indicates a Playing Field entry, SF* a Solar Farm entry.


Business Current Account (No. 317648) - Balance as at 31-Mar-2017



Account - Statement start/end dates 31-Mar-2017 to 28-Apr-2017


RECEIPTS (Current a/c)


Transfer from Deposit A/C 7005390







PAYMENTS (Current a/c)


Cheques Presented (Current a/c)





Doveton Press - INV 393357 SVN





L Karas – Clerks Salary & Expenses (April)





M West – Caretaking (E&W – 21-Oct-16 to 04-Apr-17)





HMRC – PAYE Leon Karas




HMRC – PAYE Patrick Abrahams




Total £222.65







Unpresented Cheques (Current a/c)





W Fox - Honorarium(1st issue 2017)





W Fox - Stamps





W Fox - Honorarium(2nd issue 2017)





W Fox - Stamps




Total £106.70


Village Hall - Room Hire (0299917)





XYZ Web Ltd - Annual Invoice No. 0104 (Note 1)





Patrick Abrahams – April Salary (from 18-April )







Business Current Account(No. 317648) - Balance as at 28-Apr-2017




Accounts due for Payment (Current a/c) in MAY




Zurich Municipal – 25651330 – SPC Insurance 2016/17




XYZ Web Ltd - Annual Invoice No. 0104 (Note 1)




A.J.C Crawford – 2016/17 Internal Audit fee)




P Abrahams - Clerk's Salary (To May 17)




HMRC – PAYE P Abrahams  (Mth 2)





Zurich Municipal – XAO-122018-1963 –Playing Field  Insurance 2016/17 (PF*) (Note 2)





P Abrahams – Clerks Expenses





L Karas -Clerks  Expenses









Business (Savings) Account (No. 7005390) - Balance as at 31-Mar-2017


Account - Statement start/end dates 31-Mar-2017 to 27-Apr-2017


RECEIPTS (Savings a/c)






Advert income 500087 – Be Beautiful




Advert income 500087 Top to Bottom improvements




Total £56.00


HMRC VAT repayment 696245




Wiltshire Council Precept 20032163042017







PAYMENTS (Savings a/c)


Transfer to Current A/C 317648








Business (Savings) Account (No. 7005390) - Balance as at 27-Apr-2017




Total Funds held by Southwick Parish Council as at end APR 2017





Current Status of Funds


Spend to Date


APR 2017


Parish Council Funds




Solar Farm Funds SF*



Playing Field funds at 1st April 2017 (PF*)



Agreed Playing Field Budget for 2017/2018 (PF*)










Total VAT still to be reclaimed as at end MAR 2017



Note 1 – Cheque number 1475 made out to XYZ Limited, instead of Geoff Edwards (as detailed in the invoice) A new cheque  to be re-presented.

Note 2 – A transfer of £1600 from the deposit will be needed to process this payment.

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