Housing survey @ 08 Nov 2017


Housing Needs Survey

As the next stage of pulling together Southwick’s Neighbourhood Plan, with the support of Wiltshire Council, the Steering Committee are promoting a Housing Needs Survey.

Starting from Monday 13th November, Survey forms and reply paid envelopes will be gradually distributed to all homes in Southwick.

The forms are relatively straight forward to complete and a reply paid envelop will be provided to send the completed forms back direct to Wiltshire Council.

We are also planning to hold Saturday morning clinics starting Saturday 18th Nov at the Baptist Church Hall, aimed at providing assistance with completing the Survey Forms.

Completed Housing Needs Survey forms will need to be completed and returned to Wiltshire Council in the reply paid envelopes provided by Monday 11th December 2017.

Please Note:  By way of reassurance, completion of the Survey Form is completely voluntary and if you wish to fill one in, this can be done with complete anonymity i.e. You don't have to provide name and address details.

The reply paid envelope is provided to ensure data protection requirements are maintained.

Kind regards

Southwick NDP Steering Committee

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