minutes Dec 2017 Extrardinary meeting @ 12 Dec 2017

Southwick Parish Council

Minutes of the Extraordinary Southwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th Dec 2017 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

Clerk-Sarah Cope -Contact- Southwickclerk@gmail.com

Present Cllr. D. Jackson (Chair) Cllr S. Carey, Cllr T. Curry, Cllr J. Eaton, Cllr J. Jones, Cllr F. Morland, Cllr k. Noble, Cllr E. Pomeroy, Cllr L. Weeks

12 members of the public initially.

1532. The Chair welcomed those present.

1533. Apologies

Apologies for absence from Cllr G. Clayton.

1534. Declaration of interest

 Cllr J Eaton & Cllr T. Curry declare an interest as live near to the proposed development.

1535. Planning. Planning Appeal Notification- 16/12279/OUT- Land South of Blind Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge- APP/Y3940/W/17/3184466

CLLR Carey- There are no material changes in the application- PC wrote a long letter of objection to original application suggest we resend this to reiterate the councils objection.

Asked Cllr Morland- Does the PC have a chance to speak at the appeal?

Cllr Morland-Explained that it was a formal process, With Wiltshire Council and Redrow giving witness statements, evidence and barristers conducting cross exams. The inspector in charge to make introductory remarks and ask interested parties if they want to make statements and he decides when to fit them in the program.

Cllr Carey asked if PC can present their objections

Cllr Morland. Yes- Once the interested party declares whether an objector or supporter- allowed to question the opposing party. If ask questions or make a statement be prepared to be cross examined.

Cllr Carey Should the PC have someone at the enquiry?

Cllr Morland- the main focus will be on Wiltshire Council and Redrow, interested parties will have a very small impact.

Cllr Eaton- The appeal is due to Wiltshire Council not having a 5 year plan- but Wiltshire Council state that there is 5.71 years on their plan.

Cllr Morland- Wiltshire Council have yet to publish this years, dated  March 17, core strategy with 5 year plan due to shortages, the objection is based on last year March 2016, all the evidence is there and should be published soon. The Enquiry is likely to be lengthy and won’t happen until later in 2018.

Cllr Eaton Mentioned an additional objection about the plan to decimate the hedgerow on blind lane. Cllr Curry – asked whether Redrow owned the land- have a conditional sale awaiting planning permission.

Cllr Jackson asked what can the public do?

Cllr Morland- Wiltshire council will have re-sent any objections already received to the planning inspector and these should be listed on the website. These can be amended or withdraw by 3rd Jan, but they can send additional objection/support but they won’t make significant difference to the outcome. The main reasons have already been taken into account.

Cllr Eaton- It can’t do any harm to add?

Cllr Morland- No

Meeting adjourned to hear from the public.

Meeting reconvened.

Wiltshire Council proposed a cycle path through the playing field.

Cllr Noble The playing field is the village War memorial so they can’t do this.

Cllr Eaton- Sewerage pipe will need to be replaced as old and won’t take the increase if the new houses are built.

Cllr Morland- This would increase the cost for the developers but wouldn’t stop it. Not a planning issue.

Cllr Dan Jackson- Decision is to reiterate original objections but to add about the hedgerow, sewerage and draining and fears about the planned cycle path through the playing field.

Recorded Vote- In favour Cllr Jackson, Cllr Carey, Cllr Weeks, Cllr Morland, Cllr Pomeroy, Cllr Jones

Cllr Noble abstained.

Cllr T. Curry and Cllr J. Eaton no vote as interested parties.

Meeting Closed

Next Meeting 19th Dec at 7.30 in the village hall.

 Signed Cllr D. Jackson-Chair

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