Minutes Dec 2017 @ 08 Jan 2018

Minutes of the Southwick Parish Council Meeting held on the 19th Dec 2017 at 7.30 in the village hall.

Clerk-Sarah Cope -Contact- Southwickclerk@gmail.com

Website- www.southwickwilts.co.uk

Present- Cllr. D. Jackson (Chair), Cllr S. Carey, Cllr J. Jones, Cllr J. Eaton, Cllr F. Morland, Cllr K. Noble, Cllr E. Pomeroy, Cllr L. Weeks

5 members of the public initially.

Public Forum-

Mrs Robins from Chantry garden raised the issue of flooding in her garden and her neighbour’s garden due to the drains flooding and going over the pavement and down to their gardens, this has been only happening since July this year. The rain water flood is mixing with sewerage and causing damage to her property. Have taken this to Wessex Water and to the council who are putting a camera down the line to see where the problem is.

Poplar Lane- Concerns from the residents that the travellers there have dug up and burnt hedgerow and installed fences, sewage is getting into the stream and are using loud siren as a doorbell. Now 17 caravans on the site.

1536 Welcome by the Chair.

Chairman welcomed those present

1537 Apologies.

 Apologies for absence received from Cllr T Curry and Wilts Cllr Horace Prickett

1538 Declarations of interest

No declarations of interest

1539 Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Meeting held on 21st Nov and 5th Dec 2017

The minutes for meeting held 21st Nov were agreed and signed a true record with one amendment Cllr Pomeroy declared an interest under finance in Declarations of interest.

The minutes for the extraordinary meeting on the 5th Dec were not held a true record.

At the start of the meeting Cllr Moorland laid down the rules of the meeting in terms of Declaration of Interests. Cllr Moorland also gave direction in terms of voting and that the Council followed Cllr Moorland's direction in that a named vote took place at the end of the meeting.

Cllr Carey disagreed with the declarations of interest and that having declared an interest Cllr Eaton contributed to the meeting. Cllr Eaton and Cllr Jones did not agree with the minutes.

Cllr Carey proposed that in future the public forum should be noted. All agreed.

Cllr Carey asked why was there no mention of Cllr Sansom resignation, explained that this had happened since the last meeting so hadn’t been included in the minutes. Cllr Noble has informed Wiltshire Council of his resignation on the 7th Dec and has been acknowledged. Vacancy to be advertised.

1540 Community Policing Team

No report received

Follow up on getting the Police Crime Commissioner to visit.

Any issues can be reported on the community policing website.

1541 Highway/ Environment-Clerk to report to WCC

Large Hole –Lamberts Marsh-large potholes.

Goose street- badly worn round a drain cover

Blind lane- large potholes.

32 Winsome Street drain outside needs surround filling again. Cllr Jackson said he will walk round and take photos to be sent to Wiltshire council.

1542 Planning applications

a)17/10964/FUL-5 Poplar Tree lane Southwick- one mobile home, one utility day room, one touring caravan, stable block and tack room

Unanimously against, for 5 reasons

1 The additional traffic generated by this proposal would increase vehicular movements

through the junction of Poplar Tree Lane/A361 Frome Road to the detriment of road

safety due to the sub-standard visibility at that junction. The proposal is therefore

contrary to criterion ii) of Core Policy 47 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.

2 In view of the lack of pedestrian facilities in the vicinity of the site and the speed of

traffic on the adjacent roads, which are subject to a 60mph speed limit, it is considered

that pedestrians will be at serious risk as a result of the development. The proposal is

therefore contrary to criterion ii) of Core Policy 47 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.

3 Insufficient and inadequate information on ground permeability in relation to proposed

foul drainage solutions has been provided in order for the Local Planning Authority to

be able to properly assess the proposal. The proposal is therefore contrary to criterion

iii) of Core Policy 47 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.

4 The proposals, because of the proposed access and turning areas and related surface

treatments and the siting and number of structures on the open field would

cumulatively with the adjacent developed traveller site result in unacceptable harm to

the intrinsic character and appearance of the countryside. The proposed development

would therefore be contrary to the Core Principles of the National Planning Policy

Framework and Criterion vi) of Core Policy 47 as well as Core Policy 51 of the

Wiltshire Core Strategy.

5 Insufficient and inadequate information on potential impacts on protected species and

mitigation for effects on habitats has been provided in order for the Local Planning

Authority to be able to properly assess the proposal. The proposal is therefore

contrary to criterion ix) of Core Policy 47 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.

b)17/11825/CLE- Fairfield farm Fairfield Meadows, Southwick-Certificate of Lawfulness for the use of the chalet as a separate dwelling house.

Cllr Pomery said the Parish Council had supported similar applications in the past but Cllr Carey considered that they had no proof that the property had been used in that way so suggested no comment. -5 for No comment, 2 for Support.

c) Other planning matters- Poplar Lane- Travellers site.

Original sale on agreement that should revert back to greenfield once no longer owned by the Cash family. Original application was agreed on personal condition that only members of the cash family could dwell there. Breach of planning conditions if occupied by another family. Applications agreed on appeal 12/00537/FUL 8 March 2013, and 14/07284/FUL 21st Aug 2015.

1543 Finance

All payments agreed.

Payee & Description






W. J. Fox



Doveton Press






Southwick Baptist Church



Clerk Wages



Indigo Landscape Architect



David King



 Cllr Morland said VAT figures needed to be included in the budget sheet.

Cllr Morland rose that the Neighbourhood Plan Group had over-spent; Cllr Eaton explained that they had received a new grant of around £4400 which would be in in the account if not that day then in next few days. Will be applying for more in March 18 but may need some funds from the Parish Council which will need a resolution from the Parish Council.

Intense disagreement between two councillors. Cllr Jones walked out of the meeting.

1544 Caretakers Role

Cllr Carey wrote up a draft advert to put in the village magazine after discussion with the present caretaker they have reallocated the boundaries of the 3 zones to be looked after. Discussion of whether they would be employed by the council or hired as an honorarium agreed to hire as honorarium. Present caretaker would like to reduce from two zones she presently does to one.

1545 Neighbourhood Planning.

Cllr Eaton -Steering Group Chair- reported that S. Samsom had resigned due to family commitments. They will be recruiting and anyone has a chance to replace her on the committee. Position to be advertised on the website and in the newsletter.

Good news they are progressing very well. Will be starting the site allocation surveys in the New Year after they are all trained up in the New Year.

Housing needs survey closed the 11th Dec and Wiltshire Council are counting up and doing analysis on them, Neighbourhood Committee waiting for the results. Nationally 1/3 of the questionnaires are returned.

Scoping research complete in draft has been given to David King to make presentable.

A webpage has been set up for all the documents to go on the site and linked to the Parish Council website.

Cllr Carey would like a report stating how far through the plan. Cllr Eaton said that they are progressing well and are ahead of target; expect to start Reg. 14 in June 18.

Cllr Morland asked how the site allocation would be done. Cllr Eaton explained that until they went through the training in the New Year he couldn’t answer.

1546 Members Reports

Cllr Morland asked if anything has been heard about the circular path Kissing gates brought up at a previous meeting. Nothing heard.

1547 Newsletter

Cllr Carey is disappointed in the newsletter as it has nothing from the Parish Council meetings included. Items for the village news have to be submitted by the 15th but the Parish Council has another 7 days after the Parish Council meeting to submit their report. Cllr Noble to discuss with the editor about the publication date and maybe leaving blank area for the Parish Council to be filled after the meeting.

1548 Website

Discussion about missing minutes and agenda on the website. Soft copies not available but hard copies are Clerk will retype and send. Cllr Noble to find copies and give to the Clerk.

Next meeting 16th Jan 2018 at 7.30.

Signed Cllr D. Jackson -Chair.

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