steering group minutes 10th oct 17 @ 29 Mar 2018

Southwick Neighbourhood Plan - Steering Committee Meeting 10th Oct. Minutes & Actions.

Venue: 19 Blind Lane. 7:30pm

Present:  Sonia Sansom, Alison Jackson, Jan Player, Barbara Johnson, Cllr Len Weeks, Cllr John Eaton (Chair).

Apologies: Cllr Joan Jones, Peter White.

1) Thanks: 

John thanked Sonia for hosting the meeting.

2) Steering Committee Membership:

John asked all those present if they were happy to be members of the Steering Committee. All members affirmed and we now currently have a Steering Committee comprising 3 Parish Council Members and four members from the broader community. This number may increase as we progress with some of the major tasks during the coming months.

3) Scoping Research:

The thirteen categories of Scoping Research provided by David King were located as follows:

John stated that we are effectively ‘time-boxed' to get the Scoping Research completed and asked everyone to have there respective reports completed before Christmas if possible. Emphasis on 'working smart'.


4) Housing Needs Survey:

John produced a draft copy of the Survey document that Wiltshire Council will be providing at the end Oct. All agreed that the survey is likely to require a hands on approach and will entail considerable work on the part of steering Committee members. All agreed that it is likely that more volunteers will be required.


5) Meeting closed 9:30pm

6) Date of next meeting:  Monday 16th Oct at 13 Blind Lane, 7:30pm.

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