Minutes Mar 2018 @ 29 Mar 2018


                                 SOUTHWICK PARISH COUNCIL

Minutes of the meeting of Southwick Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Southwick at 7.30pm

on Tuesday 20th March, 2018.

Councillors present – Cllr. D. Jackson (Chairman) Cllr. S. Carey, Cllr. G. Clayton, Cllr. J. Eaton,

Cllr. J. Jones, Cllr. F. Morland, Cllr. K. Noble, Cllr. E. Pomeroy, Cllr. L. Weeks.

Wiltshire Councillor  - Mr. H.Prickett.

8 members of the public were present.


1576 Welcome and Introductions.

The Chairman welcomed those present and read out the Open Forum statement.


Mrs. Johnson requested the support of the Council over the route of the proposed new Westbury

Relief Road from Yarnbrook to Standerwick.

Jane Eaton  suggestions for a more cohesive and courteous meetings.

Mr. Johnson concerns about  progressing the Neighbourhood Plan just in case Gladmans appeal.

1577 Apologies.

Apologies for absence received from Cllr. T. Curry and PCSO Melissa Glover.

1578 Declarations of Interest.

Cllr. J. Eaton declared and interest in Item 13 on the Agenda, letter from Mrs. Eaton.

1579 Minutes.

The Minutes of the meeting held on the 20th February, 2018 had not been received by all

Councillors due to a computer error.  Minutes to be resent and signing to be deferred to the

April meeting.  It was resolved that in future minutes would be marked as “draft” minutes.

Discussion over the Minutes of the 5th December, 2017- Minute 1539  not a true record.  Four

Changes made and recorded.  Vote taken five in favour of signing, one against.

Motion to adjourn

1580 Wiltshire Council Report.

Councillor Prickett reported on two items raised with him prior to the meeting The state of 100 Frome Road and Arnold Noad Corner – Sean is going to look at this later on my behalf .

  1.  Air quality  A361 – The Public Protection Team, Environmental  Control & Protection Team

have been asked to look into the problem of poor air quality in the centre of the village.

Motion to reconvene.

1581 Community Policing Team

Report received on line

1582 Highways/Environment

Lamberts Marsh – Potholes are getting bigger.

Arnold Noad Corner – Verges in a deplorable state.

Cllr. Noble confirmed she had spoken with the Parish Steward over the spraying outside No, 2 Blind Lane.        1583 Planning.

  1. New Applications - None received
  2. Decisions – 66 Frome Road, single storey side and rear extension. Approved with conditions.
  3. Other planning matters – 17/10578 Tarmac Building Projects Ltd. -Assessment addendum on line -  The Council are unhappy that “C” roads are being used when the A361 and A363 are

Suitable alternatives.  The Council resolved to re submit our original comments.


       Motion to adjourn.

       Traveller Site, Poplar Tree Lane. Mr. Harcourt – The Cash family still appear to own the site 

        The Enforcement Team,led by Natalie Rivens, has visited the site.  Two mobile homes and four

       caravans on site. Excavation of soil onto neighbouring land, threatening behaviour to the owner,

       sewerage in the stream.

       Motion to reconvene

       It was resolved to request an up- date on the current position with the Traveller Site from either

       Matthew Perks or Natalie Rivens.

        1584 Finance.

        The current financial position as at 28th February,2018.

         Business Account balance                         £35,288.99

         Treasurers’ Account balance                     £  3,643..55

        Unpresented cheque                                    £       13.00           

          Total Funds held                                         £38,932.34


           To review and authorise the following payments-

           Cheque No. 001539  -  £365.00 Doveton Press – Village News.

           Cheque No. 001540 -   £306.00 G. Edwards – Website

           Cheque  No. 001541-   £150.00 A. Jones – Thumbnail Printing

                      Cllr. Pomeroy asked what have  we had printed, Cllr. Eaton explained it was a questionnaire

           produced by the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group to be delivered to all houses

           in the village.  It was resolved to sign cheques  1539, 1540 and 1541. Cheque 1542 – no

           invoice received. Not signed.

           Request from Richard Havergal of St.Thomas’Church to release a cheque for the

          Grant of £1,000. towards the repair to the path.  It was resolved  to  release a

         Cheque. Six in favour, 3 abstentions

1585 Neighbourhood Planning.

Cllr. Eaton – A report has been sent to the Chairman for  circulation to Councillors We have

completed lots of tasks – scoping, land gaps survey., questionaire going out this week,

Bats -additional work, we may need a full ecology survey of Southwick, awaiting to hear

from Wiltshire Council.  We will have to pay back about £200 of unallocated funds.  Grant

funding starts again in April when we hope to get a further £5,000.  Philip Harcourt has

joined the Steering Group.  We have the support of CPRE members.

Housing Summary – Cllr. Carey proposed deleting the first and fourth paragraphs and to

Add ”The Parish Council welcomes the production of this Housing Needs Survey and  to

Wiltshire Council for producing it”   A third of documents returned. SPC welcomes the

Findings of this report and agree changes to be done -four in favour, one against

three abstentions.

Cllr. Morland requested a copy of the Site Survey Report

1586 Casual Vacancy

It was resolved a formal advert in the Southwick Village News – Applications by 30th April, 2018.

Possible co-option in May.

1587 Village Caretaker

It was resolved to withdraw the advert from the Village News until after we have investigated

Employment details etc.

1588 Correspondence.

O,Neill Neighbourhood Planning offering their services.

Mrs. Eaton’s letter to the Chairman. It was resolved to email to all Councillors.

1589 Appointment of Clerk.

Cllr. Noble met with Nicola Duke, who is a very experienced Parish Clerk, she is willing to act as

Locum for three months to sort out the accounts, minutes etc.  Her rate is £15.00 per hour.  After

three months she will formerly be employed.

1590 Southwick Village News.

No Parish article this issue.

1591 Members Reports

Cllr. Jones reported there will be no charges for parking at the Southwick Country Park.

Cllr. Pomeroy reported that Mr. Little has requested a waste/litter bin be placed at the

bus shelter on the A361 near the roundabout.

Meeting closed 9.27pm.

Date of next meeting – 17th April, 2018 at 7.30pm.

Signed                                            .Chairman



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