Annual SPC meeting 2018 @ 30 May 2018



Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Southwick Parish Council held on Tuesday 15th May, 2018

at 7.35pm in the Village Hall.


Cllr. D. Jackson, Chair, Cllr. G. Clayton, Cllr. T. Curry, Cllr. J. Eaton, Cllr. F. Morland,

Cllr. K. Noble, Cllr. E. Pomeroy.

1615 Welcome by the Chair.

1616 Declarations of Interest.

Cllr. Jackson declared an interest in Agenda item 8.

1617 Apologies.

Apologies for absence received from Cllr. Carey and Wiltshire Councillor Mr. H. Prickett.

1618 Election of Chairperson.

Cllr. Pomeroy proposed that Cllr. Noble be elected Chairperson, this proposal was seconded

by Cllr. Morland. Vote taken four in favour, three against, Cllr. Noble duly elected as Chair.

1619 Election of Vice Chairperson.

Cllr. Noble proposed Cllr. Jackson, seconded by Cllr. Morland.  Vote taken five in favour, one

abstention.  Cllr. Jackson duly elected Vice Chairperson.

1620 Appointment of Representatives.

Playing Field Management Committee                              Cllr.  E. Pomeroy

Friends of Southwick Country Park                                      Vacant

Village Hall Management Committee                                 Cllr. K. Noble

Wiltshire Area Board                                                              Vacant

1621 Delegation of Specific Responsibilities.

Neighbourhood Planning                                                       Cllr. Eaton

Environment/Pollution                                                           Vacant

Health & Social Services                                                          Vacant

Area Community Group – PCLG.                                            Cllr. Noble

Planning /Housing                                                                     Cllrs. Curry and Pomeroy

Police Liasion/Bobby Link                                                         Cllr. Noble

Highways                                                                                     Cllr. Jackson

Rights of Way                                                                              Cllr. Carey

Emergency Planning                                                                   Vacant

Public Transport                                                                          Vacant

Neighbourhood Watch                                                              Mr. J. Jilbert.

1622 Contracts.

The Council noted the following extant arrangement/contracts.

Playing Field Maintenance                -  Grass Cutting – Greenacres

                                                                -  Hedge Cutting – Jackson and Sons

Blind House Site                                   -  J. L. Pethers & Son

Olive Blissett Memorial Garden        -  J. L. Pethers & Son

Doveton Press                                       - Southwick Village News

Caretaker                                               - Mrs. J. West

Parish Website                                      - XYZ Ltd/ G. Edwards.


Clerks Salary and Expenses.

In the absence of a Clerk no decision taken.

1624 Accounts for the Year ending 31st March, 2018.

a) Report from the Clerk. No report available.

b) Internal Audit Report – Cllr. Noble gave a brief report on the Accounts for the

Financial Year 2017/18.  The Annual Return still to be completed.

1625 Chairperson’s Allowance.

The Chairman declined an allowance. No award made.

1626 Banking Arrangements.

The Council agreed unanimously to maintain the existing “banking arrangements”

with Lloyds.

1627 Assett Register.

Councillors to be given a copy.

1628 Risk Register.

The Council approved the Risk Register emailed on the 9th May, 2018.

1629 Insurance Cover.

The Council noted the existing Zurich Municipal insurance policies and that the policies

adequately covered all reasonable risks at the present time. Two policies currently in place

covering the Playing Field and the Parish Council.

It was resolved to review Insurance Policies in March 2019.

1630 Financial Regulations.

The Council agreed  that there were no changes necessary to the Financial Regulations

  1631 Appointment of Internal Auditor

 a) Cllr. Noble confirm that Mrs. Crawford was prepared to remain the Internal Auditor for a

further year and the Council resolved to appoint her as Internal Auditor.

b) The Council resolved that the Terms of Reference for the Internal Audit dated 17th May,2011

were satisfactory and agreed   that it was satisfied with the effectiveness of the audit.

1632 Budget Details for the Financial Year2018/19.

In the absence of a clerk no budget details available.

1633 Standing Orders.

The Council resolved that no additional Standing Orders required at this stage.

The Meeting closed at 8.02pm.

Signed                                                     Chairperson.

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