minutes May 2018 @ 30 May 2018

Southwick Parish Council

Minutes of the Southwick Parish Council Meeting held on  Tuesday 15th May, 2018 at

8.05 in Southwick Village Hall.


Cllr. K. Noble – Chair, Cllr. G. Clayton, Cllr. T. Curry, Cllr. J. Eaton, Cllr. D. Jackson,

Cllr. E. Pomeroy.

1634 Welcome.

1635 Apologies.

Apologies for absence received from Cllr. S. Carey, Cllr. F. Morland, Wiltshire

Councillor Mr. H. Prickett.

1636 Declarations of Interest.

None declared.

1637 Minutes.

The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 18th April, 2018 were agreed

And signed after amendment to Minute 1593- to read apology for absence received from

Cllr. Clayton.

1638 Wiltshire Council Report.

In the absence of Cllr. Prickett  no report available.

1639 Highways/Environment.

Helibeds site, Frome Road. Request Parish Steward to tidy up.

Dog Bins – Speak with the W.C. Dog Warden.

1640 Planning

a) New Applications.

     18/03814/FUL – Three Pieces, Hoggington Lane. Removal of sectional bungalow and

     ancillary structures and construction of replacement two storey house and detached   

     double garage.   The Council resolved to support this application.

b) Decisions – No decision received.

c) Other Planning Matter – None

1641 Finance.

Accounts for the year 2017/18 as prepared by the Internal Auditor.

This year the External Auditors are PKF Littlejohn LLP.

To review payments.

Cheque No. 001551 Zurich Ins.              £867.57 – Playing Field Insurance.

Cheque No. 001552 W.A.L.C.                 £810.73 -  Annual Subscription.

Cheque No. 001553 Mrs. Crawford      £170.00 -  Internal Audit Fee

Cheque No.001554 G. Edwards              £ 13.00 -  Website

Grant Applications.

The Farmhouse Inn – requesting a donation towards the cost of a new defibrillator.

The Council resolved to donate £500.00. Cheque No. 001555 £500.00

Southwick Entertainers requesting a donation towards new lighting.  The Council

resolved not to make a donation on this occasion.

1642 Neighbourhood Planning.

Cllr. Eaton informed members that the consultation engagement process commenced

on the 14th May, 2018 with a public meeting held in the Baptist Church and will be running

until the 15th, 16th 17th June.  Information  in the Village News. Wiltshire Times and the

website.  Questionnaire to be circulated shortly.

1643 Casual Vacancy.

No applications received to date.

1644 Appointment of Clerk.

Mr. Steven King has shown an interest, further meeting/discussion to be arranged.

1645 Village Caretaker.

 Defer to June meeting.

1646 Members Reports

It was reported that some remedial work has been carried out at Hoggington Lane.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 8.36pm.

Signed                                                                 Chairperson.  Dated                                        .

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