SPC DRAFT minutes jun 2018 @ 17 Jul 2018


Southwick Parish Council


The Village Hall

Southwick Wiltshire

DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

Tuesday 19th June, 2018 7.30PM.

Present:- Cllrs. Noble, Clayton, Curry, Eaton, Jackson, McCaw, Morland, Pomeroy

Wiltshire Councillor – Cllr. H. Prickett

Appointment of the Parish Clerk

1/18 Mr. Steven King JP of Woolverton was appointed on the 9th June 2918 as The Parish Clerk to

Southwick Parish Council.

Open Forum

Presentations from:-

2/18 Mr. Tom Griffiths Mr. C. Beaver on behalf of Doric Engineering.  Council agreed to support this development.

3/18 Mr. Harding concerning the potential threat to Larkrise School.

Apologies for absence received from Cllr. S. Carey.

4/18 Declarations of interest

None declared


5/18 The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 15th May 2018 Deferred.

6/18 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 15th May 2018.

Motion to adjourn

7/18 WILTSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT – Wiltshire Councillor Mr. H. Prickett reported:-

8/18 Gateway to the village and signage still to be repaired.

9/18 Ireland and Scotland ditches and gullies potentially blocked in Winter 2018/19.

10/18 Larkrise special school and the concern of creating one large special needs school. Action Clerk to express concerns of the Parish Council to Wiltshire Council education department.

11/18 Oxenwood Activity Centre, Threat of closure. Action Clerk to express concerns of the P.C.

Motion to re-convene

12/18 COMMUNITY POLICING TEAM – PCSO Melissa Glover brief report noting 32 crimes,

Consisting of 6 thefts, violence 4, burglaries 3 which showed a reduction on the previous year.

13/18 Speedwatch initiative continues it was noted that vehicles speeding in Blind Lane.

14/18 HIGHWAYS/ENVIRONMENT – Hedge on Wynsome Street, overgrown.

15/18 Inconsiderate parking in Chantry Gardens.


17/18 (a) New applications– None

18/18 (b)Decisions 18/0273/FUL 40A Frome Road, Approved.

19/18-03173 Doric Engineering – Refused.

           (c) Other planning matters None



20/19 FINANCE.

As per Agenda Payments authorised as follows – list

Zurich Life Playing Fields Insurance £2,659.80

Thumbnail Media £750.00

Thumbnail Media £159.9

Greenacres £565.36

 W.J.Fox £53.98

XYZ Ltd £26.00


Report by Cllr. Eaton Chair of Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group who had concerns some households not received the survey booklet. From the series of consultations, the committee are now preparing a full analysis of the survey which will be produced within a report.


Mrs. Carol McCaw was co-opted as a Parish Councillor. Two vacancies remain.

23/18 VILLAGE CARETAKER. No report available in the absence of Cllr. Carey.

24/18 OPEN FORUM. 

It was resolved to respond, at the discretion of the Chairman to questions raised in the open forum.


26/18 Trees at Hollis Way overgrown, Selwood Housing to be advised.

27/18 Signed by THE CHAIRMAN Cllr. Mrs. K Noble


28/18 Next Meeting details as follows


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of Southwick Parish Council will be held at

Southwick Village Hall on Tuesday 17th July 2018 at 7.30pm and you are invited to attend.

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