Oct 2018 minutes DRAFT @ 08 Nov 2018


DRAFT Minutes

of the Southwick Parish Council Meeting

held on Tuesday 16TH October 2018 at 7.30pm


Southwick Village Hall.


Cllr. K. Noble - Chairman, Cllr. D. Jackson - Vice Chair, Cllr. S. Carey, Cllr. J. Eaton, Cllr. E. Pomeroy, Cllr. C McCaw, Cllr.T Curry

Wiltshire Councillor - Cllr. H. Prickett.

No members of the public were present.


Cllr. Prickett gave his report – Cllr. Prickett gave a concise and useful presentation of the approved

Boundary Plan from Wiltshire Council which the Council thanked him for. A full report on other

matters are as attached.

60/18.  APOLOGIES.

Apologies for absence received from Cllr. G Clayton, Cllr. F. Morland, Cllr. B. Pitney,

PCSO Melissa Glover


Cllr. D. Jackson declared an interest in No.8 Planning Application concerning Wessex Water.

62/18 MINUTES.

Minutes of the EXTRORDAINARY Parish Council Meeting

held at 6.30pm on the 14thAUGUST 2018.

Minutes of the EXTRORDAINARY Parish Council Meeting

held at 6.30pm on the 25th September 2018.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on at 7.30pm on the 18th September 2018

All were approved.


63/18 Wiltshire Council Report



PCSO Melissa Glover not in attendance but sent her apologies.

An emailed Policing report was circulated to members by the Chairman and a copy was available

at the Council Meeting.


The Clerk was requested to write to Wiltshire Council Highways Office requesting consideration of the

following topics: -

Turning Church Street into a one-way system.

Wiltshire Council requested to inspect 30mph signs in and out of the village.

Dangerous manhole cover in Blind Lane, Southwick between the junctions for

Southfields and Hollis Way needs urgent attention.

Footpath No. 4 at the junction with Axe and Cleaver lane needs to be reopened and cleared as

requested, two years ago to Wiltshire Council.

To thank the Wiltshire Council Highways team for their prompt actions

concerning the reinstallation of the village gateway signage after it being demolished.

Environmental Matters

The Clerk to contact the Selwood Housing Association concerning overgrown trees on Hollis Way.



Site Location: Proposal: Brookmead Southwick Wiltshire A temporary construction compound is

required within an agricultural field adjacent to Brookmead, Southwick in order to facilitate the

construction of 160m of sewer along Chantry Gardens, Southwick. The proposed works are located

approximately 130 metres west of the compound location. The compound will consist of a site office,

storage container, toilet, generator, storage areas, topsoil bund and car parking for site staff; this will all

be enclosed by security fencing. This planning application is being submitted as the compound is not

within land adjoining the proposed works, therefore not considered to be Permitted Development under

the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015. The compound is

required for a period of 12 weeks. On completion of the works the site will be returned to its current

state. Case Officer: Direct Line: Steve Vellance 01225 770255 Wiltshire Council Ref: TTRO 5605


Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1Temporary Closure of: Chantry Gardens

(Part), Southwick (Ref: TTRO 5605) Notice is hereby given that Wiltshire Council has made an Order

to close temporarily to all traffic: Chantry Gardens (Part), Southwick; for a distance of approximately

130m between property Nos. 59 and 68 Chantry Gardens. To enable: Wessex water to complete the remedial

Sewage works.

The Council supported this application

18/09053/LBC/ Application for Listed Building Consent:

Proposal: Removal of modern stud partition at first floor

At: The Manor, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, BA14 9NR

The Council supported this application

Planning Application

(readdressed for the minutes record)

18/0155/FUL Church Farm, Brokerswood, Southwick The Parish Council response was not

recorded. The application 18/05155 Church Farm. Brokerswood – 17th July, 2018




Grid Ref: 3: 82849 154819 Land North West of Dunkirk Business Park Frome Road

Southwick BA14   9NL Erection of 2 No. new employment units (Class B1/B8) and associated works

(resubmission) Full Planning Approve with Conditions 27/09/2018


67/18 FINANCE.

Business Account balance as of 27th September 2018 £38,708.00

Treasurers’ Account balance as of 22nd September 2018 £10,825.01p

To review and authorise payments as follows.

PKF AUDIT ACCOUNTANTS                                                   INVOICE £240.0

Approval to purchase Remembrance Wreath Requested By Cllr Noble. Approx. £25.00

Cllr. NOBLE PRINTING INKS AND PAPER                                 INVOICE £34.00

SOUTHWICK VILLAGE HALL hire for three months                    INVOICE £30.00

CLERKS SALARY                                                                          INVOCIE £495.00

OFFICE EXPENSES                                                                      INVOICE £48.79

Southwick School Donation from Solar fund for a playground trail as agreed

by the Parish Council pproved Payment                                                      £1,000.00

VILLAGE CARETAKER                                                                INVOICE £187.50p

Mrs. Jean West submitted an invoice–of £187.50p, plus a letter of resignation to providing caretaking services to

the village.The Clerk was instructed to write and thank Mrs. West for her services.

It was resolved to approve these payments.

Plus, an honorarium payment to WJ FOX For work concerning the Parish Newsletter Totalling £55.05p minuted

here but to be noted at the next meeting of the Council.


Plan update and timeline.

Cllr. J. Eaton gave the following report

(1) To appoint a new Neighbourhood Planning Consultant following the resignation of DAVID KING.

It was agreed to appoint by all present Arron Smith of Fowlers to assist the Council with its Neighbourhood for

plan preparation.

(2) Financial statements and accounts were presented for the Councils consideration.

(3) Permission was agreed to allow the Steering Group to apply for further funding.

(4) The new structure of the Steering Group was presented and agreed.

(5) With a new committee structure and a replacement planning consultant and further grant funding requests it is

probably happened at the best point of the project going forward, as we pause while Wiltshire Council continues

its screening process.  This will extend the project timeline by around two months but hopefully catch up

opportunities will arise now having a new team


Training opportunity for new Councillors to be resourced by the Clerk.

Community First -Councillor Training 27th October – now fully booked.


I.T. problems with Wilshire Council and other infected sites, the Clerk requested

members to check their own security software for IT viruses.

Village website – item to included in November agenda.

Community First – Clerks Training £65.00 which was approved

Asset Register requires updating Clerk to investigate any additons or removals

Budget 2019/19 and Precept – to included in November agenda.

Letter requested from Playing Field Committee for funding.

Date of next Southwick Parish Council Meeting  21st November 2018 at 7.30pm.

Signed                                                     .

The Chairman - Cllr. K. Noble.

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