DRAFT June minutes SPC 2019 @ 02 Jul 2019



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th June, 2019 at 7.30pm

in Southwick Village Hall.

HEALTH AND SAFETY - Directions were given by the Chairman.

OPEN FORUM  - No representations  from residents.

MEMBERS PRESENT - Cllr. K. Noble, Chairman, Cllr. D. Jackson, Vice Chairman,

Cllr. S. Carey, Cllr. G. Clayton, Cllr. T. Curry, Cllr. J. Eaton, Cllr. F. Morland,

Cllr. E. Pomeroy, BEM.

Wiltshire Councillor - Horace Prickett.

One member of the public.

Cllr. D. Jackson, in the Chair, confirmed the resignations of Cllr. Pitney and

the Clerk Steven F. King.


 None received,


Cllr. Jackson declared an interest in Item 8 - Planning Application 19/03718/FUL.

57/19  MINUTES.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 21st May, 2019 were not

resolved and remain unsigned. 

The Agenda states Parish Meeting this should read Parish Council Meeting

held on the 21st May, 2019 at 8.00pm. 

It was also noted that the Members names were not recorded on the draft

Parish Meeting  Minutes.

Some members have not received the April Minutes.

Cllr. Morland objected to being named in the Clerk’s Report, Agenda 54/19 as his name

was not disclosed at the Meeting.

Comments for objection made by Councillors not passed to the Planning Officer and

not shown in the Minutes.

It was resolved to defer the signing of the April and May Minutes to the July meeting

Working Party - Cllrs. Noble, Curry and Eaton.



Wiltshire Councillor Mr. H. Prickett.

The inspector dealing with the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocation Plan has sent an initial

response to the EIP offering his post hearing advice.

On the 18th June the Environment Select Committee met in County Hall.  The agenda

listed four main items on which this parish council may wish to comment.

1. National Transport Body (new roads and improvements). 2. Public Transport Review.

3. Final report on Wiltshire roads. 4. Waste Management Review.  Additional items

appeared in a supplement in connection with i) dog excrement and another ii)plastic

waste in  being used as repair materials. i) is of interest to Southwick because of Southwick

Country Park.  The park has a real problem and ways are being sought to involve parish

Councils in dealing with this matter within their own parish.

100 Frome Road - The work in clearing the site and making sure that the enforcement notice

Is meeting the court’s instructions, issued to the owner, is proceeding.

5 Poplar Tree Lane -Notice from enforcement is.  “The officer concerned was spoken to

about this yesterday and the work has been prioritised and the notice is hopefully to be

reviewed over the next few weeks”. As soon as its ready to go I will let you know.

Pavements in Chantry Gardens - Details of heavier work to be passed to CATG for

attention. (Cllrs. Noble and Jackson to inspect and report).

Cllr. Jackson thanked Councillor Prickett for his report.



PCSO Mat Till not present.  Report read to members.

Frome Road - 2 unknown males entered property- rear windscreen smashed causing

£1,000 worth of damage.

 Wynsome street - youths causing damage to fencing.

Dunkirk Business Park - theft of pallets, theft from vehicle and vehicle tampering.

Other crimes include damage to vehicles, theft of keys, theft of moped, damage to

locks on shed, damage to wall, theft of bicycle.


To receive reports from Councillors on matters of concern and to decide what actions to take.

Fence at Frome Road now repaired.

Parish Steward has reinstated the damaged signs in Wynsome Street.

61/19  PLANNING.

 a) Applications.

19/04602/FUL - Land adjacent to Hoopers Pool. Provision of stables and store.  After

discussion it was resolved to object to this application - siting of stables too close to

neighbouring property - access to site - drainage - trees and hedges on adjacent land,

over 80 years old, used by owls, hawks and bats.

19/01002/FUL - Brokerswood Farm Shop - Change of use and operational development

 from agricultural to café (A3) and retrospective operational development for conversion

from agricultural to farm shop (A1).  This application was supported by the Council in

February 2019 but due to a inaccuracy in the drawing red lines this had to be recirculated

for approval.  The Council resolved to support this application.

19/03759/FUL - 17c Frome Road - Flat roof to pitch roof.  The Council resolved to

support this application.

19/03718/FUL - Mobile home in connection with agricultural enterprise.  The Council

resolved to object to this application  stating that an alpaca farm does not justify a

dwelling, it is also outside the village policy limit, the only access is over private land

and bridle way.  The land also formed part of a recent outline planning application

by Gladman which Wiltshire Council refused.

b) Decisions.

19/03813/VAR - Wren Farm - Variation of Condition 7 - Approved with conditions.

c) Other planning matters.

Southwick Court - Inspector unhappy with the site access. Future agenda item.

Poplar Tree Lane - ongoing.

62/19 FINANCE.

Treasurer’s Account balance £1,993.29.  Business Account balance £50,279.07.

£5,000 has been transferred from the Business account to the Treasurer’s account.

 Payments authorised -

Groundworks £825 - refund on unspent Neighbourhood Planning Grant.

S.F. King - Clerks final account - £559.22.

W.J. Fox -  £58.48 - Honorarium and expenses - Village News.

Zurich Insurance - £2,712.55 - Playing Field Insurance.

Goodings - Annual Internal Audit - forms to be signed and sent to PKF Littlejohn.


Councillors had received copies of the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 12th June 2019/

Cllr. Eaton gave brief report and confirmed he had completed the Groundworks Form for

Returning the underspend of £825.00.


Appointment to Clerk - It was resolved to reduce the monthly hours to 30 per month -

to advertise in WALC Newsletter and local press.

Cllr. Pomeroy reported he had recently attended the funeral of former councillor

Hedley Burridge. Thanks to Cllr. Pomeroy. Roy Ellis, a former parish councillor, has

also passed away.


Trowbridge Museum requesting a grant.  Defer to July meeting- request to be

sent to Councillors.

The Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

Date of Next Meeting  -  16th July, 2019 at 7.30pm.

SIGNED                                                           .


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