Agenda SPC August 2019 @ 15 Aug 2019


Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of Southwick Parish Council

will be held on Tuesday 20th August, 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village

Hall.  You are invited to attend.


Prior to the Meeting there will be a short Open Forum to allow members

of the public to address the Chairman and to raise any matters of interest to the Parish.  The Open Forum will last no longer than fifteen minutes with a

maximum of three minutes per person.

It is requested that electronic devices should not interfere with the meeting.

                                                       A G E N D A

1Health and Safety

 2. Apologies for absence

3Declaration of Interest

      Councillors to declare an interest in any Agenda item.


     Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 16th July, 2019.

     Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on the

     6th August, 2019.

     Motion to adjourn

5Wiltshire Council Report

      Wiltshire Councillor Mr. Horace Prickett to provide a report.

       Motion to re-convene.


     To receive reports from Councillors on matters of concern and to

     decide what actions to take.

7.  Planning.

     a) Applications - None

     b) Decisions.

          19/05839/FUL - Doric Engineering, Dunkirk Business Park. Approved.

      c) Other planning matters.

8.  Finance.

      Lloyds - Business Account £37,340.21

      Lloyds - Treasurers Account £10,944.60


      To review and authorise payment as follows.

       Doveton Press £375 - Village News.

       New Financial Regulations received from NALC.


9.  Neighbourhood Planning.

      Cllr. J. Eaton to provide a report.

10. Risk Assessment Register.

11. Members Reports.

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