DRAFT August minutes 2019 @ 20 Dec 2019


DRAFT Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 20th August 2019 in the Village Hall  at  7.30 pm.

Present: Cllr Noble (Chair), Cllr Jackson, Cllr McCaw, Cllr Pomeroy, Cllr Morland, Cllr Eaton, Cllr Carey and Cllr Boorman.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Horace Prickett

Open Forum – None.


Health and Safety

The Chair outlined the Health and Safety procedures relating to the Village Hall, which were noted.


Apologies for absence

Cllr Guy Clayton – accepted. Cllr Tracey Curry – accepted.


Declarations of Interest




  1. The minutes of a meeting held on 16th July 2019 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr McCaw).
  1. The minutes of an extraordinary meeting held on 6th August 2019 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr McCaw, seconded Cllr Pomeroy).


Wiltshire Council Report

The meeting was adjourned to enable Cllr Prickett to address the Council.

Cllr Prickett tabled a report, which is appended to the minutes.

Cllr Boorman highlighted the need for Winsome Street to be resurfaced due to the damage caused by the weight and volume of the traffic and queried how this request should be taken forward. Cllr Morland recommended that this be raised with the Highways Department. The Chair reported that the road was inspected once a month and stated that she would measure the holes in the road for reporting to Wiltshire Council.

The meeting was then reconvened.



The Chair reported on a response regarding the condition of the footways, which Pat Whyte (Wiltshire Council) had confirmed were scheduled for attention.

Cllr Jackson requested that the diversion routes for the work on the A350 in Westbury be uploaded to the website and posted on the village noticeboards. This was agreed.




Cllr Pomeroy asked for an update on the broken village gateway sign and the Chair confirmed that she had written to Pat Whyte to state that the PC was agreeable for the Southwick sign to be moved further into the village with black and white chevrons being added.

Cllr Carey spoke regarding the milestone and it was agreed that this could be repositioned alongside the sign when it has been relocated.


Planning Applications – None

Planning Decisions:

19/05839/FUL – Doric Engineering, Dunkirk Business Park – Approved. Members noted that the PC’s request for a filter lane had not been included in the conditions.

Other planning matters:

Cllr Morland reported on Wiltshire Council’s Strategic Planning seminars being held on the Local Plan. He informed members that the meetings would be particularly directed towards rural matters.



The bank balances were noted to be:

Lloyds Business Account - £37,340.21 Lloyds Treasurers Account - £10,944.60


The below payment was approved and the cheque duly signed (proposed Cllr Pomeroy, seconded Cllr Jackson):

Doveton Press – Village News - £375.00

Financial Regulations

It was noted that new Financial Regulations had been published by NALC. The Clerk reported that she would prepare a draft set for consideration at a future meeting.


Neighbourhood Planning

Cllr Eaton reported the following:

  • There had been no steering group meeting since the last PC meeting
  • The public consultation was ongoing and until this has been completed there was little which could be done. Once the consultation had concluded the SG could then start to re-engage the landowners with the gaps which had been identified.
  • Cllr Morland drew attention to the fact that the North Bradley Neighbourhood Plan was at final deposit stage and documentation was being held at Trowbridge library if members were interested in viewing it.
  • Cllr Eaton reported that confirmation had been received from Locality that the last trench of grant funding had been approved, which would need to be accepted. The amount of grant was confirmed at £2075.50.



Risk Assessment Register

The Clerk would carry out an audit of the register and bring a report to a future meeting of the Council. Cllr Morland highlighted the necessity for the insurance cover to be adequate.


Members Reports

Cllr Carey - asked how the information relating to the diversion routes for the A350 would be posted on the website and it was confirmed that the Clerk would send an electronic copy to Geoff Edwards (Website Manager). Cllr Morland made the comment that it was desirable for the website to be more up to date and suggested that this could be attended to by the Clerk.

Cllr Noble –reported on the receipt of a statement of fact from the Scout Group, confirming its insurance arrangements for the Scout building.

Cllr Pomeroy – reminded members that the Southwick Show was taking place at the weekend. He also reminded members that the sign for the playing field was to be replaced by Hiscock Engineering. The Chair reported that the PC would be asked to meet this cost, which was approximately £900.

Cllr McCaw – requested that the date of the next meeting was added to the end of agendas and minutes.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.00 pm.

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