Minutes Dec 2019 signed @ 23 Jan 2020


Chair: Cllr Kath Noble, 230 Chantry Gardens, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 9QX 01225 352503

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127



Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 17th December 2019

 in the Village Hall, Southwick at 7.30 pm.


Present: Cllr K Noble (Chair), Cllr M Boorman, Cllr S Carey, Cllr G Clayton, Cllr J Eaton, Cllr J Hayden, Cllr D Jackson, Cllr C McCaw, Cllr F Morland and Cllr E Pomeroy.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk).


Open Forum to hear from members of the public – None.


                AGENDA ITEM

 2019/47                Apologies for Absence

Cllr T Curry.

It was agreed that the Clerk would obtain a legal advice note on the rules for apologies for absence and the disqualification implications and circulate to members.

 2019/48                Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate


 2019/49                Minutes of Council Meetings

a)    The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 19th November 2019 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Jackson).

b)    The Parish Council had met prior to the meeting to consider the minutes of the meetings held on 16th April and 21st May 2019 and had agreed the required alterations.  The Clerk would re-draft the minutes and list both sets as an agenda item at the next meeting.

 2019/50                Wiltshire Council Report

Wiltshire Councillor Horace Prickett was not present.

Cllr Morland noted that he was still waiting for copies of the enforcement notices Cllr Prickett had referred to in previous reports.  The Clerk reported that she continued to chase for these documents.

 2019/51                Highways/Environment

a)    To receive reports from Councillors on matters of concern and to decide what action, if any, to take:

a.       Cllr Carey – noted that the milestone had not yet been repositioned.

b.       Cllr Pomeroy – reported on the two Southwick signs on the A361, stating that the one on the Rode side of the village should be removed.

b)    Members received and considered information from Trowbridge Town Council regarding the purchase of a Speed Indicator Device (copy previously circulated). It was noted that this service had been brought in from Trowbridge TC in the past.  Members also noted that the rules had recently been changed regarding the moving and siting of the units, which were more user friendly as far as parish councils were concerned.  The option of purchasing a unit for the parish was considered and it was agreed to investigate this option further as it was felt this would be a good investment.  The Clerk would obtain some pricing options and list this as an agenda item for the January meeting. 

c)     Members received and noted the previously circulated report from Mrs Barbara Johnson regarding the Operational Flood Working Group meeting. Mrs Johnson was thanked for attending on the Parish Council’s behalf and was confirmed as the PC representative to this group.

 2019/52                Planning Applications

There were none.

 2019/53                Planning Decisions, Appeals, Enforcement and other matters

Members noted the below listed decisions of the LPA, which had been previously circulated:

 Application Number: 19/10046/FUL

Site Location: 4 Lewis Court Southwick BA14 9AD

Proposal: Proposed two storey and single storey extensions to provide a larger kitchen/family room, boot room with alterations at first floor.

Decision: Approve with Conditions

 Application Number: 19/10208/VAR

Site Location: Land Adjoining 29 Wynsome Street Southwick Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 9RG

Proposal: Variation of condition 10 for application 19/07384/FUL - (Erection of a dwelling)

Decision: Approve with Conditions

 2019/54                Finance

a)    Members noted the Financial Position Statement/ Bank Reconciliation (previously circulated) and it was confirmed that members would be provided with budget reports and lists of earmarked reserves once these had been identified.

b)   Payments as below listed were approved (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Jackson):



Detail and statutory power


Chq no

Nicola Duke

Salary November 2019

LGA 1972 s 112




PAYE November 2019

LGA 1972 s 112



Doveton Press

Village News December 2019

LGA 1972 s 111



W J Fox

Honorarium Village News

LGA 1972 s 111




Grass cutting Southwick Rec Ground OSA 1906 ss 9,10



Fowler Architecture

Neighbourhood Plan work

Localism Act 2011



 2019/55                Governance Documents

a)     The Clerk reported on the difficulty of identifying the currently adopted Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and members agreed that the documents adopted in 2016 should be used as the current models.  These would be circulated and a review of the documents scheduled for the New Year.

b)    Three members were appointed to the Staffing Committee, as agreed at the November Council meeting (minutes referred) – Cllr Boorman, Cllr Carey and Cllr Noble (proposed Cllr Clayton, seconded Cllr Jackson).

 2019/56                Community Governance Review

Cllr Eaton provided a report following a meeting held at Wiltshire Council on 11th December 2019.  He reported on the proposals from Trowbridge Town Council (TTC) to incorporate areas of neighbouring parishes identified for development within its boundary. The Parish Council’s objections and proposals had been reported at the meeting on a pre-consultative basis, in order to provide Wiltshire Council with an indication as to how the parishes would react to the TTC proposals.  Cllr Morland stated the view that the exercise being undertaken by Wiltshire Council on the CGR’s was premature, especially given that there was no electorate in the areas under discussion. It was noted that there was still opportunity to submit views to Wiltshire Council and that a formal consultation process was yet to come.  Members noted that the proposals affected the Neighbourhood Plans currently being prepared by local parish councils in the area.   Cllr Eaton confirmed that a watching brief was being kept on this issue by the local parish council team working on this issue.

 2019/57                Project Plan

The Clerk provided an update on the below items (having previously been identified as priority work for completion over the next three months by the Parish Clerk). It was agreed to list this as a regular report item.

 a)   Review of Governance Documents – agenda item January

b)  Review of policies and procedures including Risk Assessments – Scheduled Jan

c)   Review of accounts and establishment of accounting system - Complete

d)  Identification of earmarked funds within PC accounts – Commenced

e)  Review of filing and archiving – Commenced – documents in VH need review

f)    Review of electronic files and filing - Completed 

g)   Website provision – Commenced

 Members noted the following:

 Earmarked Funds – an audit of the PC’s accounts would be carried out prior to the January meeting in order to identify expenditure for each fund since 2016.  This would be reported, in full, at the January meeting via means of a spreadsheet identifying all expenditure. The Clerk was asked to provide a report on the options for purchasing a specialist accounting system.

 Website – the cost of purchasing a .gov website/email address has been established at £125 + vat per 2 years, with costs then reducing to £75 + vat per 2 years thereafter. Cllr Carey proposed that the domain name was purchased for email use, this was seconded by Cllr McCaw and resolved.  It was confirmed that the Clerk was working with the website manager to ensure PC information was provided promptly and in the correct format.

 2019/58                Correspondence

Trowbridge Town Council re: TTC Road Sweeper (previously circulated) - noted, no action required.

 Mr Inksopp re: short bypass and flooding (circulated and discussed at the November 2019 meeting) – the Clerk was asked to write to Mr Inksopp to thank him for his letter and inform him the issues he had raised had been referred to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group for investigation.

 2019/59                Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr J Eaton had circulated the minutes of a recent meeting of the Steering Group, which were noted. He reported that AECOM was producing the Habitat report and the Strategic Environmental report at the request of Wiltshire Council.  These reports would be reviewed by the NPSG consultant and the NPSG maintained firm links with North Bradley and the progress of its neighbourhood plan.

 The Chair raised two points in respect of the circulated minutes: 

·       The status of the Steering Group – it was confirmed that the NPSG, whilst not a formal committee or sub-committee of the PC, reported to it as the statutory body for preparing the Neighbourhood Plan.

·       The appointment of another SG member resident in Blind Lane – Cllr Eaton confirmed that membership of the group was open to all residents in the parish. The Chair expressed concern that the membership of the group was not representative of the parish.  Cllr Carey re-iterated that the group was open to any member of the parish, but it depended on residents coming forward to join it. Cllr Heydon suggested that a call for members be put out on the website by the Steering Group and Cllr Eaton confirmed that member recruitment was an ongoing exercise.

Cllr McCaw reported that she had stepped down from the NPSG and pointed out that in the draft minutes the Chair was not referred to as ‘Cllr’ whilst other members were.  Cllr Eaton confirmed the minutes were draft and that this would be amended.  Cllr McCaw confirmed she had emailed the Parish Clerk to resign from the Steering Group and had also informed Cllr Eaton by telephone. 

 The Clerk was asked to re-circulate the NPSG report from October 2019.

 2019/60                Councillor reports

Cllr Boorman – referred to the level of dog mess in the parish and the lack of dog bins around the village. The Clerk was asked to investigate prices for the provision of additional litter/dog waste bins and report to the January meeting. Cllr Boorman was asked to provide a list of suitable locations for new bins.

 Cllr Morland - suggested that the PC raise the lack of replacement bins being provided from Wiltshire Council with Cllr Prickett and this was agreed as an action point.


Date of next meeting

Tuesday 21st January 2020 at 7.30 pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.30 pm.


Signed – Chairman, Southwick Parish Council

Date of approval and adoption– 21st January 2020

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