minutes Sept 2019 signed @ 23 Jan 2020


Chair: Cllr Kath Noble, 230 Chantry Gardens, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 9QX 01225 352503

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127


Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 17th September 2019

 in the Village Hall, Southwick at 7.30 pm.


Present: Cllr Kath Noble (Chair), Cllr Stephen Carey, Cllr Guy Clayton, Cllr Tracy Curry, Cllr John Eaton, Cllr Josh Heydon, Cllr Dan Jackson, Cllr Francis Morland and Cllr Edward Pomeroy.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk)

Open Forum – None.



2019/01   Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given

Cllr Boorman due to family commitments, accepted.

Cllr Carol McCaw was absent.

2019/02   Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate


2019/03   Appointment of the Parish Clerk

Members discussed the appointment of Nicola Duke as the Parish Clerk with employment to commence with immediate  effect and this was resolved (proposed Cllr Pomeroy, seconded Cllr Eaton). The terms and conditions of employment were approved as per the draft contract (confidential document held with the Chair). It was agreed that a review of the clerk’s hours would be carried out at the end of the probationary period.

2019/04   Minutes of Council Meetings

The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 20th August 2019 were approved for accuracy with four amendments and adopted (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Jackson). It was noted that the minutes had referred to the date of the next meeting being included in the minutes and the Clerk confirmed that this would be included in the future.

2019/05   Wiltshire Council Report

Wiltshire Councillor Horace Prickett had sent apologies for absence and provided a report, which is appended to the minutes for reference.  The Chair read through the report and it was noted that the Council’s response to the planning application relating to Alpaca Farm had been incorrectly recorded as an individual comment from the Chair, rather than as a PC comment.  This had been raised with the Wiltshire Council Planning Officer and was being dealt with. Cllr Morland requested that the PC comments on this application be resubmitted by the Clerk in order that these were included in the information presented to the forthcoming meeting of the WC Planning Board. This was confirmed.

Cllr Morland reported that he was unable to locate the enforcement notices referred to by Cllr Prickett in his report on the Wiltshire Council website.  It was agreed to ask Cllr Prickett/Wiltshire Council to provide a copy.

2019/06   Parish Council Accounts - External Audit 2018/2019

The Parish Clerk reporting that all outstanding issues relating to the submission of the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2019 to the External Auditor had been resolved and the file had been signed off by PKF Littlejohn.

2019/07   Highways/Environment

Cllr Noble - reported that she had been in  touch with Pat Whyte (Wiltshire Council) regarding footpath 17/18 (to Southfields) and that some tarmac had been installed however, this had proved inaccessible for wheelchairs and a ramp was therefore needed.  The Clerk would liaise with Mr Whyte accordingly to get this attended to.

Cllr Pomeroy-  referred to the two metal manhole covers at the entrance to Southfields, which had been partially repaired by the Parish Steward.  He reported that these needed proper levelling and tarmacking as the interim patching had not been up to standard.  It was noted that there was a patch on Wynsome Street which also needed attending to.  The Clerk would liaise with Wiltshire Council accordingly. 

Cllr Curry – asked for an update on the one-way request relating to Hollis Way and the Chair confirmed that no response had been received from Wiltshire Council. It was noted that now the schools had returned the volume of traffic had become an issue again. The Clerk would speak to Kirsty Rose in respect of this matter.

Cllr Carey– reported that the milestone at the gateway into the village had not yet been relocated, requesting that it be moved to the side of the gateway in order to be out of the trajectory of passing vehicles. The Clerk would write to Pay Whyte in respect of this.

2019/08   Planning Applications

Members considered the below listed applications: 

19/08237/VAR - Costa Coffee 235 Trowbridge Retail Park Bradley Road Wilts Trowbridge BA14 0RQ - 311-313 Collier Row Lane Collier Row Essex RM5 3ND England -  Variation of Condition 2 of 18/04602/FUL - To amend opening hours to 06:00-19:00 Monday- Saturday and 08:00-18:00 Sundays. To increase delivery window to 19:00 Monday-Saturday – Cllr Morland proposed no comment as the application did not relate to the boundary of the parish. This was agreed.

19/08274/DOC – 96-98 Frome Road, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 9QW – Discharge of condition 3, application ref 17/02880/FUL -  Cllr Morland explained that there was no statutory requirement for consultation of DOC applications, which were usually determined very quickly by Wiltshire Council, although he approved of such applications being listed on the agenda.

To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.

2019/09   Planning Decisions, Appeals, Enforcement and other matters

Members noted the below listed decisions of the LPA:

19/06355/FUL - White Haven, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, BA14 9NR – Single storey extension to sunroom – Approve with conditions

2019/10   Finance

Members noted the bank balances as listed (copies of bank statements circulated):

Treasurers Account - £9,737.52

Bus Bank Instant Account - £37,358.21

Total funds = £47,095.73

Members approved payments as below listed (proposed Cllr Pomeroy, seconded Cllr Curry):

Nicola Duke Locum Clerk services – September 2019                      £180.00

2019/11   IT Hosting

Members considered a proposal from the Parish Clerk regarding the provision of IT hosting (report previously circulated and read out by the Chair).

Following discussion, it was resolved to proceed with the transfer of the Council’s IT to Microshade VSM at an annual cost of £180.00 plus vat (proposed Cllr Eaton , seconded Cllr Carey).

 The Parish Clerk had also sought permission for the establishment of a new email address (a gov.uk address) and this was approved (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Jackson), with members noting that the address should be linked to a domain name such as southwickwiltshire. 

 2019/12   Project Plan

Members noted the below items as having been identified as priority work for completion over the next three months by the Parish Clerk, which were approved with items c) and d) being listed as the main priority:

 a)                         Review of Governance Documents

b)                        Review of policies and procedures including Risk Assessments

c)                         Review of accounts and establishment of accounting system - priority

d)                        Identification of earmarked funds within PC accounts - priority

e)                        Review of filing and archiving

f)  Review of electronic files and filing

g)                         Website management

 2019/13   Correspondence

To receive any additional items of correspondence – none.

 2019/14   Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr J Eaton had circulated the minutes of the last NPSG meeting. He reported that the call for sites had been completed and had resulted in the identification of 10 sites for review.  The next step of the process was to conduct a two-day information event in October when the SG would prepare - with Fowlers support - all the information on the sites for presentation to the village. Cllr Eaton would confirm the dates and venue for the event. It was confirmed that the call for sites had gone out comprehensively across the parish.

 2019/15   Councillor reports

Cllr Carey – referred to an email stream relating to the next CATG meeting in October and the suggestions from Barbara Johnson relating to a new crossing on the A361 and the installation of new horse safety signage.  The PC confirmed that it had not been in support of either suggestion and this was noted.

 Cllr Noble – drew attention to the recent information on Community Governance Reviews provided by Wiltshire Council, which contained proposals impacting the parish of Southwick.  It was agreed that this matter would be listed as an agenda item for the October meeting.  Cllr Morland spoke to the item and suggested that the Clerk be asked to advise Wiltshire Council of the PC’s timetable in respect of debating this matter.  This was agreed.  

 Cllr Morland  - stated that the currently unsigned minutes relating to April and May 2019 needed to be added to the agenda for the October meeting, which was confirmed. He also reported that the provision of agendas and minutes on the website was patchy.  The Clerk confirmed she would be reviewing this.  Cllr Morland also drew attention to the recently issued modifications on the Wiltshire Council Housing Site Allocations Plan, which the Clerk confirmed would be added to the agenda for the October meeting. Cllr Morland stated that he had seen the preliminary conclusions, which contained references to the access and outlines for Southwick Court.


   Date of next meeting

Tuesday 15th October 2019.

 Agenda items to include:

Community Governance Review

Wiltshire Council Local Plan Modifications

Outstanding minutes April, May and June 2019


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45 pm.


Signed – Chairman, Southwick Parish Council

Date of approval and adoption– 15th October 2019



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