DARFT minutes SPC Jun 2021 @ 15 Jul 2021


Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127




Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Monday 28th June 2021 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Carey, Cllr Clayton, Cllr Curry, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Jackson, Cllr Noble, Cllr Porter, Cllr Prickett, Cllr Snell and Cllr Watson.

In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk) and 3 members of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:

·         A resident reported the poor condition of the pavements at Chantry Gardens and the corner of Fleur de Lys. The PC confirmed that the Parish Steward had been asked to attend to these at his next visit.

·         The general poor state of the grass in the parish was reported and this was confirmed to be the responsibility of Wiltshire Council.  The Clerk would liaise with the appropriate department.  




2021/24   Apologies for Absence


 2021/25   Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

Cllr Eaton, Cllr Curry and Cllr Heydon declared interests in agenda item 2021/37 due to the proximity of their properties to part of Redrow’s proposal.


2021/26   Minutes of Council Meetings

The minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 18th May 2021 and the minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on 18th May 2021 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Curry and proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Curry respectively).


2021/27   Wiltshire Council Report

Cllr Prickett reported the following:

·             It had been quiet at County Hall with the majority of meetings either being cancelled or held virtually.  Routine business had been dropped and the focus was on emergency works only.

·             Cllr Prickett had met with the Highways Engineer to look at issues relating to Southwick and tabled a report he had prepared, which would be circulated to members.

Attention was drawn to the review on bus services, which was to be considered under agenda item 2021/28 f) and members were encouraged to request that the services for Southwick return to pre-Covid levels.   

·     The PC was thanked for its support at recent CATG meetings; the meeting had discussed current projects and the impact of the closure of the Clevedon bridge on traffic levels in Wiltshire.  It was noted that the monitoring of traffic levels was only being carried out in the immediate locality of the bridge.

·     A report was given on the project and costs to relocate the crossing in North Bradley.

 2021/28          Highways/Environment

a)       Reports from Councillors on matters of concern and to decide what action, if any, to take:

                                                               i.      Cllr Carey raised issues relating to footpaths, noting that Wiltshire Council had yet to respond to correspondence sent by the PC.  The Clerk would chase for a response.

 b)         Highways and Traffic – members received reports and updates on highways matters including resurfacing works required on Wynsome Street as below listed:

                                                               i.      The roadside verges were noted to be overgrown, which was impacting on visibility and pavement accessibility.  The Chair would liaise with Cllr Prickett to get these works taken forward by Wiltshire Council.

                                                             ii.      The Chair reported that a resident of Wynsome Street had been in contact regarding the recent patching work, which was not felt to be a long term solution due to the volume and weight of HGV traffic.  The Chair would contact Pat Whyte to request that consideration be given to full resurfacing works.

                                                           iii.      Members requested that highway matters relating to Wynsome Street and Goose Street be listed as an agenda item for the July meeting.

 c)         Parish Steward visits Summer 2021 – members listed items of work for the Steward to attend to when visiting the parish during the summer months, requesting that the Clerk send out the dates of the visits:

a.        Tidying the bus shelters

b.       Clearing weeds and vegetation from the kerbs

d)         A361 – there was nothing further to note than that discussed via CATG and reported above.

 e)       CATG meeting June 2021 –Cllr Carey reported that Wiltshire Council was drafting costed plans for the proposed footpath link at Goose Street and that the Highways Engineer had confirmed the surface would be tarmacked. Costed plans would be provided to the PC when available and the PC would then be asked to consider its contribution towards the scheme.

f)         Wiltshire Council – members considered the briefing note on the enhancement of bus services (information previously circulated), noting that the PC had been asked to provide suggestions on schemes to improve and enhance public transport in Wiltshire. It was agreed to request that the services for Southwick be reinstated to their pre-Covid levels.

 g)       Blind Lane sewers – The Chair reported on issues with the sewers backing up along the Lane.  Cllr Clayton read out a summary of the reports and the issues. Mrs Johnson had provided a map of the sewer in question, which showed the number of houses served. It was confirmed that the drain had now been cleared and noted that the contractor had reported the poor state of the sewer. It was agreed to put some information in the Village News, given that Wessex Water had provided information to Mrs Johnson. Mrs Johnson was thanked for her work on this issue.

2021/29          Planning Applications, Decisions and Consultations

Cllr Snell had tabled copies of the plans.

 PL/2021/05067 - Conifers Hoopers Pool Southwick Trowbridge BA14 9NG - Extension at second storey over an existing single storey at the side of the existing dwelling, including new dormer window above and window alterations within existing areas – Support (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Snell).

 PL/2021/04893 - 4 Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 9PB - Two storey extension – Support (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson).

 Members received and considered a planning application received after the issue of the agenda: 

 PL/2021/06337 - 2 FAIRFIELD MEADOWS, SOUTHWICK, TROWBRIDGE, BA14 9RT - T1 - Crown reduce Horse Chestnut tree by approximately 2.5m to reduce overall size of tree and overhang on garage. Ensure tree is pruned at least 2m from garage - Support (proposed Cllr Heydon, seconded Cllr Snell).

 Enforcement issues at the below listed sites were noted to be ongoing and the Clerk was asked to liaise with Wiltshire Council accordingly:

a)         Styles Farm

b)        Travellers site at Poplar Tree Lane (sewerage overflow from the caravans was noted to be a particular issue).

 2021/30          Finance

a)        Members received and noted the Bank Reconciliation and Financial Position Statement as at 31st May 2021 (previously circulated).

b)       Cllr Eaton suggested that the PC take out membership of the CPRE, outlining the benefits of so doing and this was resolved at an annual cost of £36.00 per annum (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Heydon).

c)       Members approved the below listed payments (proposed Cllr Jackson Cu, seconded Cllr Curry).  It was clarified that the Greenacres payments were part of the £5,000 annual grant to support the playing field.  Cllr Noble confirmed that the contract for grass cutting was subject to a tendering process.



PAYE May 2021


WJ Fox

Newsletter honorarium


Doveton Press

Newsletter June 2021


Simon Pritchard

Internal Audit 2020/21



Playing Field grass cutting



Annual membership



PAYE May 2021


WJ Fox

Newsletter honorarium


Doveton Press

Newsletter June 2021


Simon Pritchard

Internal Audit 2020/21



Playing Field grass cutting



Annual membership


 2021/31   Parish Council Accounts Year Ending 31st March 2021 

a)       Members received and considered the Annual Internal Audit Report from the Internal Auditor; reviewed its findings and the effectiveness of the system of internal control and agreed the below listed actions:

                                                               i.      The dates set for the period of public inspection would be confirmed in the minutes and the Clerk would ensure the relevant notice was posted on the website.

                                                             ii.      The Clerk would liaise with the website manager to ensure that the relevant financial information was posted in a timely manner.

                                                           iii.      Work would continue on the updating of the Asset Register, to be completed by March 2022.


b)      Members prepared and approved Section 1; parts 2 & 3 (Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021) of the AGAR (proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Eaton).


c)       Members considered Section 2; parts 2 & 3 (Accounting Statements 2020/2021) of the AGAR.

 d)      Members approved Section 2; parts 2 & 3 (Accounting Statements 2020/2021) of the AGAR; signing and dating the statements accordingly (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Eaton).

 e)      Members set the dates for the period of public inspection as Monday 5th July 2021 to Friday 13th August 2021.


2021/32   Parish Council Strategic Plan 2021

Cllr Eaton suggested that the PC consider the formulation of a Strategic Plan for next term of the Parish Council. Cllr Carey asked the Clerk to look at training which was available for the new members of the PC, so that an induction process could be run. He suggested that the starting point for a strategic plan would be to carry out a SWOT analysis to identify what the PC needed to achieve, these could then be prioritised. Members felt that community engagement and village presentation were key issues. It was agreed to add strategic planning as an item for the July agenda and commence the meeting at 7.00 pm to allow sufficient time for discussion.


2021/33          Business Continuity Motion

Members considered the below motion to provide for business continuity, which was resolved (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Clayton):


It was resolved that:

(a) Should the council be unable to meet for whatever reason, the Clerk be given delegated authority to progress all ongoing matters and projects and authorise all regular payments and incur expenditure in line with the council’s agreed budget.

(b) Any decisions taken under resolution (a) above will be taken, whenever possible, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of council. A record of all decisions and expenditure incurred under delegated authority will be kept and reported to members when the council next meets.

(c) The authority to decide the council’s response to planning applications be delegated to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair of the Council and the designated Planning Lead Member. Members of the Parish Council will be informed of applications out for consultation and will be invited to submit comments to the Clerk.

(d) The provisions outlined in resolutions (a-c) above will override any requirements to the contrary in the council’s standing orders, financial regulations or terms of reference.

e) The Business Continuity Motion would be reviewed annually or whenever there was a change in employed personnel.

 2021/34    Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

The Chair reported that there was no update; the examiner’s report had not yet been received.

 2021/35    Southwick Village News

a)        Members received the resignation of Mr William John Fox as editor of Southwick Village News and noted that a new Editor would now be sought, to take post from September. The vacancy would be advertised as widely as possible and the Chair would approach Mr Fox to see if he would be able to continue for two more editions to allow for a new Editor to be inducted.  It was agreed that this would be an opportune time to review the future of the Village News. This would be referred to the Strategic Planning process detailed under agenda item 2021/32.

b)      Members considered the process for the submission of member articles for inclusion in the Village News and it was agreed any articles being submitted on behalf of the PC would be submitted via the Parish Clerk, to indicate the corporate nature of the article. It was also agreed that the Clerk would send in a monthly report to cover PC matters.

 2021/36    Councillor reports 

Cllr Carey – referred to the previous discussion regarding the installation of additional bins in the parish, suggesting that one could be relocated behind the basketball net on the playing field.  Cllr Noble reported that Idverde had not yet contacted her in respect of the locations previously agreed.  It was agreed to add the identification of the sites for the remaining two bins to the July agenda.

 Cllr Snell – reported on overgrown vegetation at 78 Southfields, which was obstructing pedestrian access to the pavement and creating a health and safety risk. It was noted that the PC had written to the resident on two previous occasions but had received no response, it was therefore agreed that the Clerk would pass this onto Wiltshire Council.  The Clerk was also asked to write to the homeowner of the property on the corner of 32 Blind Lane/Wynsome Street as the overgrown hedge at this location was creating visibility issues.

 2021/37    Correspondence

Redrow Homes South West re: request for meeting (copy previously circulated, referred from May meeting) – the Chair stated that the request was speculative and asked members to consider the benefits of arranging the requested meeting. Cllr Carry requested that, as a first step, Redrow Homes be asked to provide copies of the ‘promotional strategy document’ referred to in the letter. The item would then be relisted as an agenda item for the next meeting.


Date of next meeting

Tuesday 20th July 2021 in the Village Hall annexe at 7.00 pm; to include a special item on strategic planning at the start of the meeting.  Members agreed to recess in August, unless a meeting was required to address an urgent item (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Carey).


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.35 pm.

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