September minutes 2021 @ 14 Oct 2021


Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127


 Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 21st September 2021 commencing at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), REMOVE DRAFT WATERMARK

Cllr Carey, Cllr Curry, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Noble, Cllr Porter, Cllr Prickett and Cllr Snell.

In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk) and 8 members of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:

·         Residents brought the following items relating to parish maintenance to the PC’s attention:

o   The poor condition of the pavements at Chantry Gardens – Cllr Prickett confirmed he was dealing with this.

o   Dumped rubbish by the electricity transformer, which the resident had reported to the electricity board.

o   The previous report of overgrown trees at Firs Hill still needed to be actioned.

o   The overgrown vegetation on the pavement Lamberts Marsh to Wesley Lane, which needed to be cut back.

o   Vegetation obstructing the pavement on Orchard Drive and Southfields.

o   The Chair confirmed that the items would be reported to Wiltshire Council for attention.




2021/53   Apologies for Absence

Cllr Watson, due to ill health – accepted.


2021/54   Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate



2021/55   Minutes of Council Meetings

The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 20th July 2021 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Heydon).


2021/56   Wiltshire Council Report

Cllr Prickett reported the following:

·  A resident had contacted him regarding guidance on the Neighbourhood Plan referendum and provided contact details in order that a Council member could contact him. Cllr Noble reported that she had spoken to the resident in question.

·  The gate at the entrance to the playing field from Hollis Way had been removed and Cllr Prickett recommended that the PC look into its replacement.  Cllr Carey reported his understanding that the gate was the responsibility of Wiltshire Council as it was sited on a public right of way. He further reported that the PC needed to consider whether it wanted to replace the gate.

·  The signpost outside the school had been bent some years ago and then removed for safety reasons.  A resident had queried when this would be replaced and the PC was asked to chase this up.

·  CATG – research was being carried out on the request for a new footpath from Goose St into Bradley Road.

·  CATG – North Bradley Parish Council had requested gates to be erected at Scotland and Ireland to make it clear that this was a residential area.  Wiltshire Council had agreed to send out its engineers to assess the situation and make recommendations. Complaints had also been received about delivery vehicles misusing this bridleway to exit Scotland and Ireland and options to address this would also be considered by WC engineers.


2021/57   Highways/Environment

a)                        To receive reports from Councillors on matters of concern and to decide what action, if any, to take:

a.                        Cllr Curry – expressed concern at the poor standard of recent resurfacing works in the parish, which the Chair undertook to report to Wiltshire Council. 

b.                        Cllr Clayton – reported that contractors had left sandbags at Brokerswood Road and Stiles Farm, which needed to be removed, together with some other site materials.  It was agreed this would be referred to the Parish Steward if the items were not cleared prior to his next visit.


b)                          Highways and Traffic – members noted the previously circulated correspondence from North Bradley PC to Mr Shapps MP, which was discussed and it was agreed that the PC supported this message.  The Chair reported that he written to the leader of Wiltshire Council to express concern at the increased level of HGV traffic and reiterate the urgent need for a Westbury bypass.


c)                           CATG report – members discussed the issue of speeding traffic along Blind Lane and considered a proposal for 20mph speed limits to be introduced in Blind Lane and Hollis Way to better protect school children and pedestrians. It was noted that the PC would need to contribute to any speed review carried out by Wiltshire Council. It was agreed that speed assessments needed to be carried out at 1) From the Trowbridge boundary to the Somerset boundary along the A361 2) Blind Lane and Hollis Way 3) Wynsome Street to Southwick Road. It was agreed that the PC needed to prioritise these assessments and include sufficient funds to meet the necessary financial contributions in its forthcoming budgets. This was agreed and the sum of £825 allocated towards the first speed assessment required (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Clayton).


d)                          Footpaths – members noted the impeded access to footpaths in the south east of the parish approaching the solar farm and agreed that the Clerk would write to Wiltshire Council and report on the myWilts app.


e)                          Grass cutting –Cllr Snell expressed the view that both sides of the verges along Poles Hole Lane to Lamberts Marsh should be cut back to better protect pedestrians.  The Clerk would raise this with Wiltshire Council.


f)   Westbury bypass – Cllr Prickett reported that a planned meeting had been cancelled and a second date had been set, which had also been cancelled.  Another date was awaited. Cllr Prickett had expressed the need for speedy action to be taken to deal with the volume of HGV traffic through Westbury and the villages. A meeting had been held with Rode Parish Council to seek support for the plans, but no formal response had been received to date. It was hoped that the bypass project could be reinvigorated with greater support from Westbury Town Council.  Cllr Snell asked whether there were any plans available for the bypass and Cllr Prickett confirmed that he would send these out again for the benefit of newer members. The Chair suggested that a working group was needed so that the PC could work with other stakeholders to take this forward. Cllr Prickett confirmed that an approach had been made to Somerset County Council and it was agreed that the PC would write formally to raise this.  It was confirmed that North Bradley PC and West Ashton PC were in support of the proposed bypass. Cllr Prickett provided an explanation of the funding for the West Ashton relief road, which had had to be returned to central government as it had not been spent within the allocated time.


g)                           Winter preparations – members discussed the process for the checking of the grit bins so that any replenishment orders could be placed with Wiltshire Council and agreed that the Clerk would obtain a list of grit bin locations, which would then be checked by Cllr Jackson.


2021/58   Planning Applications, Decisions and Consultations


PL/2021/07129 - The Lodge, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 9NR - Certificate of lawfulness to establish the unrestricted number of horses permitted to be kept in association with the equestrian centre at The Lodge –It was agreed that the PC would raise current enforcement issues with Wiltshire Council prior to making any comment.


PL/2021/06462 – Hoggington Stables, Hoggington Lane, Southwick – Proposed dwelling (deferred from the July meeting) – it was agreed to seek a further extension to enable a site visit to be carried out. A proposed response would then be sent out by Cllr Snell. 


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time fell outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).


PL/2021/08602 - Silver Street Farm, Silver Street Lane, Brokerswood, Westbury, BA13 4EY - Retrospective application for an outdoor inground swimming pool – No comment.


2021/59   Consultation on Wiltshire Council’s draft ‘Climate Strategy’ and ‘Our Natural Environment Plan’

Members noted the consultation and timetable (information previously circulated) and Cllr Prickett encouraged people to read the documents and take part in the survey, providing some background to the consultation and associated documents. It was confirmed that the consultation deadline was 17th October 2021. It was agreed that members would send comments to the Clerk by 1st October so that a response could be collated and that the information on the consultation would be posted on the Council website.


2021/60   Finance

a)                          The Bank Reconciliation and Financial Position Statement for July and August had been circulated to members and was noted.

b)                          The below listed payments were approved (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson):



PAYE August, Sept 2021


Nicola Duke

Annual expenses


Doveton Press

August newsletter



Website management



Playing field insurance



Playing field cuts July and August









2021/61   Strategic Plan for Southwick

The Chair reported that he had collated the feedback from the session held at the July meeting and prepared a list of priority projects, which needed to be formulated into a formal plan. It was agreed that a series of zoom meetings would be arranged to finalise the projects, allocate timescales and ownerships.


2021/62   Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

a.                        The Clerk reported that the cost of the plan to date was £20,832, with £19,450 being received in grant funding.  A total of £1,382 had therefore been spent from the parish council finances. Members were asked to note that this expenditure was therefore a significant underspend against the budgeted allocation of £6,000.


b.                        Members ratified the outcome agreed at the informal Zoom meeting of the Council held on 15th September 2021, namely that the PC would issue a double sided flyer to the village including the Notice of Referendum and notice from the PC (revised copy of the flyer including amendments suggested during and post meeting had been circulated prior to printing) (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Curry).


2021/63   Southwick Village News

The Chair reported on the potential appointment of a new Editor for the newsletter informing members that a suitable applicant had been identified. The candidates’ CV would be circulated to members and it was confirmed that the arrangements regarding the honorarium would remain the same. It was hoped that the first edition under the new Editor would be issued at Christmas.  A review of the Village News would be carried out with the new Editor going forward. The Clerk would add the Village News to the next agenda for further discussion, inviting the candidate to the meeting.


2021/64   Councillor and Clerk reports 

a)                           Cllr Eaton – reported on anti-social behaviour in the parish, which had been widely reported on social media sites in the village.  The reports were related to incidents at the playing field and by the school.  He stated the view that a stronger police presence was required in the parish. It was agreed that the PCSO would be contacted and greater attendance to the parish requested.


b)                          Parish Clerk – reported on the required arrangements for the monitoring of the defibrillator and Mr Johnson volunteered.  The Clerk would obtain the information from the Ambulance Service and pass this onto Mr Johnson.


c)                           Cllr Carey – clarified the relationship between the PC and the playing field, tabling a document outlining the legal history of the playing field and confirming that the PC was a custodian trustee of the field.


2021/65   Correspondence

Correspondence from HM Pageant Master regarding the Platinum Jubilee Beacons had been circulated to members and was discussed.  It was agreed that this would be added to the strategic plan and factored into the project planning.


2021/66  Date of next meeting

Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. 



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.35 pm.

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