DRAFT April 2022 miutes @ 16 Jun 2022


Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127

Draft Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 26th April 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Snell, Cllr Noble, Cllr Watson, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Clayton, Cllr Jackson, Cllr Porter, Cllr Carey and Cllr Prickett.

In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk) and 1 member of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.


                AGENDA ITEM

2021/137              Apologies for Absence

Cllr Curry due to family commitments, accepted.

 2021/138              Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate


 2021/139              Minutes of Council Meetings

 The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 15th March 2022 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Jackson).

 2021/140              Wiltshire Council Report 

Cllr Prickett reported the following:

CATG had been renamed as LHFIG (Local Highways and Footpaths Improvement Group).  There was a higher level of funding granted to this group of up to £36,000 for the Trowbridge area.  Members were asked to consider projects for Southwick.

 2021/141              Highways/Environment

Traffic and road safety issues including the condition of the road at Wynsome Street and speeding issues through the parish:

Cllr Noble informed members that she had reported the issues with the condition of the road at Wynsome Street and had been assured that these would be attended to.

Cllr Prickett reported that the Highways Engineer, Pat Whyte, was retiring after 40 years’ service.  It was agreed that the PC would write to Mr Whyte to thank him for his service and efforts on behalf of the parish of Southwick.

a.       Cllr Carey reported that the Atkins survey of the A361 was in the pipeline.

b)        Replacement bus shelter, Frome Road –Cllr Porter reported that he had reviewed the shelter and felt that a replacement of the damaged panels would address the issues.  Cllr Watson undertook to liaise with Hiscock Engineers to obtain a price for this work.

c)         Speed Indicator Device –the Clerk had circulated information on the types of device available and following debate, it was agreed that the SAM device (smiley face) was the preferred option.  The Clerk was asked to obtain quotations for this device and to liaise with Wiltshire Council to see if Atkins could assess potential sites for the device whilst carrying out the survey referred to in agenda item a) above.  

d)        Parish Environment:

a.       Dog bins and village sweeper – Cllr Snell reported that the dog bins had not been installed and the Clerk would chase Idverde again to make contact with Cllr Noble.   The Clerk would also contact Wiltshire Council to ascertain the availability of the road sweeper for the parish.

e)        Westbury bypass –the Chair reported on his attendance at a meeting to discuss this held at West Ashton in March 2022:

a.        It had been a positive meeting, especially as representatives of Westbury Town Council had been in attendance.

b.       The first step would be to engage with Atkins (WC highways contractor) to gain an overall picture of the traffic situation on all routes around Westbury.

c.       The Chair reported that he would liaise with Trowbridge Town Council to see if it could be engaged in this process. 

f)          Anti-social behaviour in the parish – Cllrs Clayton and Watson reported on recent problems experienced and it was agreed that the PCSO would be informed and engaged.

2021/142              Planning Applications, Decisions and Consultations

 20/09659/FUL - Land off Frome Road Upper Studley Trowbridge - Erection of 50 dwellings and associated access and landscaping works – It was agreed to re-submit the PC’s previous response.

 PL/2022/02183 - 9 Arnold Noad Corner, Southwick, BA14 9NP, BA14 9NP - Double Storey Rear Extension – No comment.

 PL/2022/02808 and PL/2022/02852- Scout Hut, Frome Road, Southwick, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 9QF - Replacement windows to front and rear of building. Members noted that the required notice to the PC as landlord had been received in respect of this application (copy held on file, available on request) – It was agreed to establish the process required for this application under the granted lease.  The Clerk would investigate and report back.

 PL/2022/02428 - Barn at Park Farm, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NR - Notification for Prior Approval under Class Q for a Proposed Conversion of Agricultural Building to Create One Dwelling – Noted.

 Update on Pre-Application Planning Submission: Land off Wesley Lane, Southwick – to note information provided by developers (previously circulated).  Members determined, following debate, to invite the developer to an informal, information gathering meeting so that a fuller understanding of the application could be gained.  The Clerk reported that members should not express any opinion on the plans until presented with a formal application however, an exploratory meeting with the developer was permitted.  The Clerk would make the necessary arrangements.

 To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained). None.

2021/143              Finance

a)    The Bank Reconciliation and Financial Position Statement as at March 2022 had been circulated to members and was noted.

b)    Members received information relating to the renewal of the defibrillator scheme (previously circulated) and agreed to renew the contract at the cost of £1,800 (4-year contract) (proposed Cllr Noble, seconded Cllr Snell).

c)     The below listed payments were approved (proposed Cllr Jackson, seconded Cllr Heydon):






PAYE April 2022


Zurich Insurance

Annual insurance


Southwick Village Hall

Hall hire Jan, Feb, March 2022



2021/144              Platinum Jubilee Event Planning

Cllr Porter provided the following updates:

·         A flyer advertising the events would be distributed to each household.  Members had been provided with a draft copy, which was approved for release.

·         The 2 marquees being borrowed for the event would need to be checked for condition and Cllrs Porter, Eaton and Jackson would carry this out.

·         Wessex Water had donated the use of floodlights for the evening.

·         Food concession stalls had been discussed and Cllr Watson would liaise with the W.I regarding the provision of hot dog/burger stands. Cllr Heydon reported that he would be able to provide clotted cream for the W.I cream teas.

·         No response had been received from the school however, the Scouts had offered to help with the event.

·         Plastic glasses would be issued for drinks to ensure that no broken glass ended up on the recreation ground.

·         There was a query regarding the payment for the outdoor cinema; it was clarified that this had been approved by Council prior to payment and Cllr Porter would check that the payment had been received.


2021/145              Neighbourhood Plan for Southwick

The Chairman reported on advice received regarding the review of the NDP for Southwick; informing members that Wiltshire Council and the NP consultant had advised that the Plan review should commence; with a completion date of 2023.  Following debate, it was agreed to invite the consultant to a meeting of the PC so that members could gain a greater understanding of what was required and the costs involved.

 The Clerk reported on funding available from Locality; informing members that funding was likely to be available and that she had submitted an expression of interest.

2021/146              Correspondence

a)  National Joint Council re: National Pay Award 2021/22 – members noted that the national pay award had now been agreed and Cllrs Eaton, Carey and Noble would meet with the Clerk to address HR matters.

 b) Westbury Gasification Action Group – members considered an email regarding the Northacre Energy from Waste application (previously circulated) – Noted.

2021/147              Southwick Village News

The Chairman reported that the recently appointed editor for the newsletter had not been in contact and could not be traced. It was confirmed that a previously agreed payment had not been released.  Cllr Porter reported that he had a contact who might be willing to take the role on and he and Cllr Eaton would take this forward and report back to the next meeting of Council.

2021/148              Southwick Village Hall

Cllr Noble reported that new trustees needed to be appointed.  Following debate, it was agreed that Cllr Noble would liaise with the Charity Commission to gain an understanding of which organisation held the authority to appoint trustees – either the Village Hall Committee or the Parish Council.

2021/149              Date of next meeting

Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 17th May 2022 at 7.00 pm

Annual Council Meeting - Tuesday 17th May 2022 to immediately follow the APM.

Ordinary Council Meeting- Tuesday 17th May 2022 to immediately follow the ACM – this would be a streamlined meeting only.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.35 pm.

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