May 2022 DRAFT minutes @ 16 Jun 2022


Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127


DRAFT Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 17th May 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, Southwick.


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Snell, Cllr Noble, Cllr Watson, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Jackson, Cllr Porter, Cllr Carey, Cllr Curry and Cllr Prickett.

In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk).


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.



 2022/01  Election of Chair

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 ss 15 (2) and 34 (2) it was proposed by Cllr Prickett, seconded by Cllr Curry and resolved to elect Cllr Eaton as Chair of the Parish Council for the municipal year 2022/2023.

 2022/02 Declaration of acceptance of office

The Chair’s declaration of acceptance of office was duly signed.

 2022/03 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Clayton – accepted.

 2022/04  Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate


 2022/05  Election of Vice-Chair

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 ss 15 (6) and 34 (6) it was proposed by Cllr Eaton, seconded by Cllr Prickett and resolved to elect Cllr Curry as Vice-Chair of the Parish Council for the municipal year 2022/2023.

 2022/06  Declaration of Acceptance of Office

The Vice-Chair’s declaration of acceptance of office was duly signed.

 2022/07  Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies

Representatives for the below listed outside bodies were appointed as listed:

·    Playing Field Management Committee – Cllr Porter and Mr Ted Pomeroy

·    Friends of Southwick Country Park – Cllr Prickett

·    Village Hall Management Committee – Cllr Watson and Cllr Noble

·    Trowbridge Area Board/CATG – Cllr Carey and Cllr Clayton

2022/08  Appointment of Members’ Areas of Responsibility

Members were appointed to the following specific areas of responsibility:

·    Environment – Cllr Heydon

·    Health/Social Services – Members to rotate depending on issue

·    Police Liaison – Cllr Eaton

·    Planning – Cllr Snell, Cllr Curry and Cllr Noble

·    Housing – Cllr Snell, Cllr Curry and Cllr Noble

·    Highways – Cllr Carey and Cllr Clayton

·    Rights of Way – Cllr Carey

·    Emergency Planning – All members

·    Public Transport – Cllr Prickett

·    Neighbourhood Watch – Mr Jim Jilbert

·    Flooding – Mrs Barbara Johnson

 2022/09  Meeting Schedule 2022-2023

Members approved the calendar of meetings for the municipal year as listed, with the meetings moving to the Annexe from September 2022:

Tuesday 21st June 2022

Tuesday 19th July 2022

August – Council Recess, meeting only if required

Tuesday 20th September 2022

Tuesday 18th October 2022

Tuesday 15th November 2022

Tuesday 20th December 2022

Tuesday 17th January 2023

Tuesday 21st February 2023

Tuesday 21st March 2023

Tuesday 18th April 2023

Tuesday 16th May 2023 – Annual Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting

2022/10                Finance

The below listed payments were approved, with the removal of the payment of subs to WALC, membership of which was not felt necessary (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson):






Playing field cut April


Cllr Eaton

Reimburse Jubilee leaflets/bunting



2022/11                Parish Council Reports

Litter pick –the Parish Clerk reported that she had sourced a quote from Keep Britain Tidy for an adult litter picking kit for 10 people in the amount of £315.00.  It was noted that the PC had previously resolved to proceed with this purchase and the expenditure was therefore approved (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Eaton).

 Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – Cllr Porter gave an update on arrangements for the celebration events:

·      Leaflets had been delivered and members undertook to assist in the delivery of      the remainder.

·       The provisional booking of a reptile entertainer was not felt to be appropriate and Cllr Eaton would liaise with Mr Ricketts to arrange for this to be cancelled.

·       Mr Dole had offered the use of an agricultural trailer for the band, which was gratefully accepted.

·       It was noted that the marquees needed to be erected prior to the event to test them and Cllr Porter would arrange this with help from Cllrs Jackson and Eaton.

·       Confirmation was given that the W.I would be providing cream teas and it was agreed to try and source a burger van.

·       Cllr Curry would look into providing bags of sweets for the children.

·       The Chair thanked Cllr Porter for his efforts in planning the events and it was noted he and Cllr Porter would meet to confirm the timetable of events. 


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.21 pm.

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