SPC Sept minutes 2022 from download @ 10 Nov 2022

Southwick Parish Council

Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127

  Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held onTuesday 27th September 2022 at 7.30 pm in the Annexe, Southwick Village Hall. 


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Snell, Cllr Curry, Cllr Carey, Cllr Watson, Cllr Noble, Cllr Jackson, Cllr Porter, Cllr Clayton, Cllr Heydon and Cllr Prickett.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and 18 members of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:

·         A landowner drew the Council’s attention to proposed plans for the development of land at Poplar Tree Lane.  The Chair thanked the resident for his approach and agreed to meet with the landowner to provide information on the planning process.

·         An agent for the planning application at Frome Road addressed the Council; outlining the background to the proposal and taking questions.  Cllr Carey raised an issue relating to the protection of a rights of way along the western edge of the site and the agent confirmed this would be taken into consideration when finalising the landscaping scheme.

·         The developers for the planning application at Wesley Lane tabled revised plans for the site following feedback received during the consultation period.  The developer noted that WC had not effectively engaged with all stakeholders at pre-application stage, for which he apologised. A question and answer session was then held and information and clarification given on the revised plans for drainage, site maintenance post development via the establishment of a Management Company, adjustments to site layout following comments from the Urban Design Officer and local police and pedestrian and vehicular access. The developers confirmed that revised plans were now with Wiltshire Council and they would request an extension to public consultation to allow these to be reviewed and commented upon.


                AGENDA ITEM


2022/36                Apologies for Absence


 Cllr Snell made a statement in which she said it had been a disgrace that the Chairman had not had the decency to inform councillors or residents about the planning application received for land at Wesley Lane.  She stated that this showed a lack of leadership and asked why the August PC meeting had been shelved.   The Clerk confirmed that the application information had been circulated by her once the necessary extension had been obtained.  It was further confirmed that the Council traditionally recessed in August; hence the request for an extension. The Clerk advised members that this agenda item was not the correct place to receive and consider the statement and referred Cllr Snell to agenda item 2022/41 as the appropriate place to make any further comments.

2022/37                Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

Cllr Snell declared a personal interest in the planning application for land at Wesley Lane as a near neighbour to the development site.

2022/38                Minutes of Council Meetings

 The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 19th July 2022 were approved for accuracy and adopted with one amendment (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson).

2022/39                Wiltshire Council Report 

Cllr Prickett reported the following:

·         Items relating to the repair of the bus shelter and the Goose St crossing were noted to be separate agenda items.

·         LHFIG were considering a request from Trowbridge Town Council to re-route LGV’s away from Silver Street Lane.  This could potentially redirect traffic along Goose St and members were encouraged to keep an eye on this.

·         The speed limit assessment report from Atkins for Frome Rd was still awaited. Cllr Carey drew attention to a previous report, which had showed significant speeding issues.  WC had agreed this should be escalated to the police; Cllr Eaton confirmed he had done so and would continue to chase for a response.

·         Cllr Prickett drew attention to a plan he had previously submitted for a staged reduction in speed limits into the village.  It was agreed to reconsider this at the October meeting.

2022/40                Highways/Environment

a)         Parish Environment including:

a.       Bus Shelter – members had received options and quotations for work required to the bus shelter opposite the Fleur de Lys and it was agreed that the Clerk would obtain two further quotations for consideration at the October meeting.

b.       Dog bins - Cllr Snell reported on the costed information received from Idverde, which had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.  It was resolved to proceed with the purchase of six bins (2 pillar mounted and 4 standing) at a cost of £3,483.76 plus vat and allocate a revenue sum of £361.92 plus vat to cover the costs of emptying the bins on an annual basis (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson).  It was agreed to carry out a village walkabout to identify the locations for the new bins and the Clerk would add this to the October agenda.

b)        Highways – to receive and consider any highway reports which require attention and/or action including:

a.       Parking in Hollis Way – members considered correspondence from resident (copy previously circulated) and Cllrs Curry, Noble and Snell reported that they had visited the site on a Sunday afternoon. Following debate, it was agreed that there was no action the Council could take in this matter. The Clerk would inform the correspondent accordingly.

b.       New footway and crossing point to improve pedestrian safety at the Goose St/Brokerswood Rd junction  – members considered the future of the planned footpath given the information received regarding the closure of the Farm Shop. Cllr Carey tabled the Wiltshire Council plans and clarified that it was not to provide access to the farm shop.  Following debate, it was proposed by Cllr Carey and seconded by Cllr Clayton that the works should proceed as previously agreed.  This was put to the vote (4 in favour, 4 against) and the Chairman used his casting vote against the proposal.  The proposal therefore fell.

c.       Cllr Noble reported that there were damaged manholes on Frome Road near the shops, which were causing residents concern.  This would be reported to Wiltshire Council.

c)         Rights of Way –Cllr Carey reported that the Council had previously allocated the sum of £2,500 to fund the installation of kissing gates along Southwick rights of way to improve accessibility. The following actions were approved:

a.       SWCK22 – Wiltshire Council would be requested to address the levels issue which had been created by loose rubble and was impacting accessibility.

b.       SWCK3 – the stile at the access point to the field by Chantry Gardens would be replaced with a kissing gate; subject to the permission of the landowner.

c.       SWCK15 and SWCK16 – at the point where the rights of way met Goose Street the stile would be replaced with a kissing gate as well as a new bin being installed.

Cllr Carey further proposed that the allocation of funding for the kissing gates be reviewed; with a potential virement of funds to meet the costs of the £1,500 PC contribution towards the Goose St crossing discussed under agenda item 2022/40 b) b) above.  This would be added to the November meeting agenda as Cllr Carey would be absent for the October meeting. Cllr Carey would provide the Clerk with the required information to take forward the actions agreed above.


2022/41                Planning Applications, Decisions and Consultations

 PL/2022/06852 – Grampsfield, Green Lane, Southwick, BA14 9NF - Single storey rear and side extensions to existing bungalow, including porch and bay windows – Support.

 PL/2022/05259 - Land North of Frome Road, Southwick, BA14 9QQ - Erection of 2 no. detached self-build dwellings (Outline application will all matters reserved except access) – Support with the comment that access to the site should be restricted to working weekday hours.

 PL/2022/06589 -  1a Hoopers Pool, Southwick, BA14 9NG -  Demolition of workshop and erection of single dwelling – It was noted that a planning application for this work had been received and considered in March 2022; the Clerk would seek clarification from WC as to the reason for the resubmission.

 PL/2022/06472 - Newpool Farm, Poplar Tree Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NB - Conversion of barn to 2 No. holiday-lets; demolition of 2 No. modern barns;

erection of single storey reception building; erection of 8 No. glamping cabins;

and associated drainage and landscaping works – Support; subject to the protection of rights of way SCWK 47 which runs along the western perimeter of the site.

 PL/2022/05416 - Land West of Wesley Lane (Lamberts Marsh), Southwick, Trowbridge - Proposed new access and roadway and erection of 30no. Use Class C3 residential dwellings (9no. locally discounted First Homes). New open space, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage measures – Support for the revised plans as tabled; with the comment that WC be requested to re-open the public consultation with new documents and that the developer arrange a public consultation event which would be publicised by the PC.

 PL/2022/06958 - 2 Frome Road, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9QD -Proposed Extensions & Replacement Roof – Support.

 To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.

 Planning Decision

Members noted the below listed planning decision:

PL/2022/04294 - 36 Frome Road, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9QF - 3no. dormer roof windows within existing loft conversion – Approve with conditions


2022/42                Finance

a)    Members noted the Bank Reconciliation and Financial Position Statement as at August 2022 (previously circulated).

b)    The below listed payments were approved (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Jackson). Members noted that an income and expenditure sheet for the Jubilee weekend was required; that a summary of the costs of the Outdoor Cinema should be provided and that the Playing Field Committee should be contacted and instructed to obtain quotations for the future renewal of the insurance.  The Clerk would action the points accordingly.







PAYE August and September 2022


Hiscock Engineering

Supply and fit new crossbar


Nicola Duke

Reimburse payment to Outdoor Cinema



Website administration



Annual membership


Cllr Eaton

Reimburse memorial flowers


Zurich Insurance

Playing Field insurance



2022/43                Neighbourhood Plan for Southwick

a)       Members considered the draft Terms of Reference for the NDP revision (copy previously circulated) which were duly adopted with it being noted that regular monthly reports would be given to the PC (proposed Cllr, Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson).

b)      Members appointed Master Land Planning as the NDP consultants; noting that Aaron Smith had worked on the current NP (proposed Cllr Heydon, seconded Cllr Curry)

c)       Members approved a request for a new Rural Housing Needs Survey (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Heydon).

2022/44                Correspondence



2022/45                Southwick Village News

 It was noted that Mr Porter was keen to commence work on the magazine however, copy was required.  It was agreed to advertise the new arrangements and ask for copy to be sent to a designated email address or in hard copy to the Clerk for forwarding.  Cllr Eaton would establish the email address.


2022/46                Date of next meeting

Tuesday 18th October 2022 at 7.30 pm.

Cllrs Curry and Carey presented apologies for absence at the October meeting.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.34 pm.

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