DRAFT september minutes 2023 @ 13 Oct 2023



Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127

DRAFT Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 19th September 2023 at 7.30 pm in the Annexe, Southwick Village Hall


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Snell, Cllr Watson, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Carey, Cllr Clayton, Cllr Prickett, Cllr Noble, Cllr Porter and Cllr Jackson.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and three members of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:

·         The applicant for planning application PL/2023/07060 – 70 Frome Road, Southwick, Wilts – Conversion and extension of outbuilding to create 2 flats spoke to the Council outlining the background to the application and providing information on its detail.

·         A resident spoke to the Council outlining objections and concerns in relation to the above planning application noting particularly her concerns at the impact of development on her cottage.



                AGENDA ITEM

2023/50                Apologies for Absence

Cllr Curry due to other commitments.


2023/51                Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate


2023/52                Minutes of Council Meetings

  The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 18th July 2023 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Jackson).


2023/53                Wiltshire Council Report 

Cllr Prickett reported that he had attended a meeting at Wiltshire Council which had looked at the programme for Highway works in 2023/24.  He reported that this had caused concern and disappointment amoung members due to the streamlined nature of the planned works; which was a result of staff shortages and budget cut backs.  He referred particularly to the reduction in the number of visits for drain and gully clearance, which were being reduced from 4 to 3 times a year in primary villages. 

 Cllr Carey reported that he had attended a site meeting with the Highways Officer for Southwick at which the parking at Chantry Gardens had been discussed (see later agenda item).  He reported that the work to install the crossing at Goose St/Brokerswood would commence on 9th October 2023 and the installation of a kissing gate was to be included in the list of works.  Cllr Carey and the Highways Officer had also looked at an issue with tree roots on Wynsome Street and the potential need for yellow lines at Church Street.  The installation of yellow lines at the school had also been considered and it was noted that the cost to Wiltshire Council of advertising these remained the same despite the number of locations included in the applications.  Cllr Carey reported that he had spoken to the Head Teacher and a drop off system had been trialled in the mornings, although this was not practical for the afternoon pick up.  The Highways Officer had also agreed to take a fresh look at the speeding issues on the A361 Wynsome St/Lamberts Marsh given the conflicting reports which had been prepared along this route.

2023/54                Highways/Environment

Members received updates /reports on the following:

a)   Parish Environment:

a.       Stile on Wynsome Street into Gladman’s field – members noted correspondence regarding the state of repair of the stile which was proving an obstacle to gaining access to the field.  It was agreed that the Clerk would write to Wiltshire Council to request the installation of a kissing gate at the PC’s cost.

b.       Hedge cutting – Southfields into playing field and path to rear car park of village hall – members noted that hedge cutting was now required and Cllr Noble reported on the quotes she had received.  It was agreed that the Clerk would provide Cllr Noble with any appropriate contact details to seek other quotes and it was noted that this work may need to feature in the PC’s future budgets.

c.       Helibeds site – members expressed concern at the current condition of the site, which was felt to be worsening.  It was noted that the PC had raised concerns and complaints over this many times in recent years however, no action had been taken.  The Clerk would liaise with the enforcement department at Wiltshire Council to see if anything could be done.

d.       Dog bins – the Clerk had forward correspondence from Idverde indicating installation would take place within the week.  The situation would continue to be monitored. 

e.       Southwick Memorial Gardens – Cllr Noble reported that the two memorial gardens in the village needed maintenance as previous arrangements for this had ceased some time ago. The Chair would ask the Parish Steward if this was something he could attend to.  It was noted that a resident had offered to attend to the repointing of the paving slabs and this was agreed with the resident to be thanked for his help.  Cllr Porter agreed to provide the necessary materials for the work.

f.        Condition and height of the hedgerow in Blind Lane – the Chair reported that residents had raised concerns regarding the overgrown condition of the hedge.  It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the landowner and requested that the hedge be cut back.  The developers for the potential site at Wesley Lane would also be asked to attend to their hedges.


b)  Highways:

a.       Available updates on parking in Chantry Gardens (previous minutes refer) – Cllr Carey had previously reported during the meeting that he had met with the Highways Officer and visited this site.  The Highways Officer had undertaken to draw up a costed plan for 5-6 parking places which would then need to be considered by the PC for the appropriate match funding.


The Clerk reported that the Chair had chased Trowbridge Town Council for an update on the potential of a shared device.  It was also reported that the last agreement from the PC had been to ask Atkins to assess potential sites and obtain final costs on SAM (smiley face) device. The Chair reported that he had had no update from Trowbridge Town Council.  It was agreed that the Clerk would liaise with the Highways Officer to ascertain the process for the assessment of potential SID sites.


b.       Parking issues at Village Hall (July minutes refer) – Cllr Watson reported on parking issues at the Village Hall highlighting the difficulty of parking at the rear car park as this was unmarked and drawing attention to the congestion created when the Hall hosted large events.  The Chair noted that, as this was not PC land, the Village Hall Committee would need to prepare proposals to deal with this and liaise with the PC if support, including funding, was required. Cllrs Watson and Noble would take this forward.


c)    Village Caretaker (previous minutes refer) – Cllr Carey tabled information which had been issued to recruit caretakers some years ago.  Members discussed the potential appointment of a village litter picker (which was felt to more accurately reflect the role than the title of caretaker) and, following debate, agreed that this was not appropriate at the current time due to the employment obligations which would be associated with recruitment.  It was noted that the PC had previously purchased litter pick equipment and had a number of volunteers signed up to assist with litter picking.  It was therefore agreed to run another recruitment exercise for volunteers.


2023/55                Planning Applications, Appeals and Consultations


PL/2023/07060 – 70 Frome Road, Southwick, Wilts – Conversion and extension of outbuilding to create 2 flats – Support.


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.


Planning Appeal

Members noted the hearing date of 3rd October 2023 in respect of APP/Y3940/W/23/332/957 re: 20/00379/OUT – Land south of Trowbridge for the erection of up to 180 homes and agreed that (information previously circulated). It was confirmed that Cllr Prickett would attend the hearing and further confirmed that the comments previously submitted by the PC would have been available to the inspector.



Members considered the below listed consultations:


a)     Wiltshire Council – Local Plan consultation (information previously circulated) – no comments were felt necessary.

b)    DLUHC – Consultation on Local Plans (information attached) – no response was felt necessary.


2023/56                Finance

a)     Members received and noted the Bank Reconciliations July and August 2023 (copy previously circulated). The Clerk reported that she had chased the unpresented cheque to Groundwork UK and it seemed that whilst this had been received it had subsequently been lost.  It was resolved that the Chair and Cllr Curry would arrange for a BACS payment to be made in respect of this invoice and for the cheque in question to be cancelled (proposed Cllr Heydon, seconded Cllr Prickett).

b)    Members received and noted the Consolidated Financial Position as at August 2023 (copy previously circulated).

c)     Members approved the below listed payments (proposed Cllr Heydon, seconded Cllr Prickett):






Clerk and HMRC

Salary, NI and PAYE July and August 2023


Doveton Press

Coronation Event posters



Grass cutting July and August 2023



Annual subscription


PKF Littlejohn

External Audit fee 2022-23


Baptist Chapel

NPSG Hall hire


N Duke

Reimburse SPC stamp




2023/57                External Audit Report year ending 31st March 2023

Members received and noted the External Audit for 2023/24 (previously circulated), noting that the Council had achieved a clear audit. 


2023/58                Business Plan

The Chair reported that the only outstanding item within the PC’s control related to the installation of the display boxes for the newsletter.  It was agreed that Cllrs Eaton, Heydon and Porter would take this forward and the Clerk would resend the list of agreed locations.


2023/59                Beat the Street 2023 - Southwick 

No report or update had been received.


2023/60                Neighbourhood Plan Review

The Chair reported that progress had been slow due to the delay in the central government funding being made available.  An application had now been submitted. The NSPS had noted that this situation had delayed progress by approximately 6 months however, the team would now work hard to try to make up the lost time.  Meeting frequency would be increased to support this. 


2023/61                Southwick Village News

Members agreed to include information seeking volunteers for village litter picking in the next edition of the newsletter.  It was also noted that some articles in a recent edition had been out of date, this was thought to relate to old reports on the website and Cllr Eaton was liaise with the website manager to get these removed.


2023/62                Correspondence

a)     Wiltshire Council re: Community Resilience (previously circulated) – Noted.


2023/63                Date of next meeting

Tuesday 17th October 2023



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.12 pm.

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