agenda november 2023 @ 16 Nov 2023



Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127


To: All Members of Southwick Parish Council


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on

Tuesday 21st November 2023 commencing at 7.30 pm in the Annexe, Southwick Village Hall for the transaction of the business shown on the agenda below.


Nicolala J Duke - Parish Clerk

15th November 2023


Public Participation

The Chair of the Parish Council will invite members of the public to present their questions, comments and petitions submitted under the Council’s Public Participation Procedure at the start of the meeting. Please note that the Clerk will record the names of those wishing to address the Council together with the subject matter prior to the start of the meeting and each speaker will be permitted 3 minutes in which to address members. Members are reminded of their obligations under the Code of Conduct.



                AGENDA ITEM


2023/75                Apologies for Absence

To note apologies for absence and consider reasons given.


2023/76                Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

{C}a)         To receive declarations of interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers and the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members.

b)     To receive any dispensation requests received by the Parish Clerk and not previously considered.


2023/77           Minutes of Council Meetings

To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 17th October 2023 (copy attached).


2023/78          Standards Hearing Sub-Committee 11 October 2023

To receive the decision notice in respect of the above hearing and consider the Parish Council’s response to the recommendation contained therein (information attached)


2023/79                Wiltshire Council Report 

To receive a report from Cllr Prickett.


2023/80                Highways/Environment

To receive any updates or reports on matters relating to:

{C}a)  {C} Parish Environment including:

{C}a.       {C}Flooding in the parish – Wiltshire Councillor Nic Puntis to be in attendance to discuss flooding issues in the parish

{C}b.       {C}Dog bins – previous minutes refer

{C}b)  Highways including:

{C}a.       Available updates on LHFIG matters including (Cllr Carey to report):

{C}                                                               i.      The position on Chantry Gardens parking issues

{C}                                                             ii.      Consultation proposal regarding possible lay-by etc

{C}b.       To receive information from WC re: Briefing Note 23-34 Substantive Highways Scheme Fund Bid Application Process 2024/25 (attached) and to consider any eligible bids for Southwick


2023/81                Planning Applications


PL/2023/09160 - 6A Frome Road, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9QD - Proposed detached single garage.


PL/2023/02715 and PL/2023/03059 -Vaggs Hill Farmhouse, Vaggs Hill, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA2 7RL -Repairs to roof (strip and replace felt and repair decaying timber) and windows of house (replace decayed timber and repair stone mullion windows), re-instatement of attic room, creation of 2 ensuite

bathrooms, re-instatement of historic roof elevation on outbuilding and conversion to accommodation. Construction of glazed link between outbuilding and house.


PL/2023/05597 - Manor Farm, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NR - Erection of an Agricultural Building (referred from October meeting, extension granted, additional information previously circulated).


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).


Planning Appeal Notification - PL/2021/10755 - Three Pieces Hoggington Lane, Southwick, TROWBRIDGE - APP/Y3940/W/23/3324448 – to note the notification and agree any further action required, if any.


Application for a new Club Premises Certificate - Southwick Sports and Social Club – to consider the application and agree any response required (information previously circulated).


Application to Register Land as Town or Village Green, Southwick Court Fields - Notice of Public Inquiry – to note the public inquiry information (information previously circulated).


2023/82                Wiltshire Council Local Plan Consultation

To consider for approval a draft submission response to Wiltshire Council in respect of the current consultation on the draft Local Plan (draft attached).




2023/83                Finance

{C}a)  {C}   To receive and note the Bank Reconciliation October 2023 (to follow on receipt of bank statement).

{C}b) {C}   To approve for signature the relevant forms for the addition of the Parish Clerk as a bank signatory – October minutes refer

{C}c)  {C}   To receive and consider an application for funding support from Southwick Gardening Club (correspondence attached)

{C}d) {C}   To approve the below listed payments:





Clerk and HMRC

Salary, NI and PAYE October 2023


Master Land and Planning

Stage 2 NP consultancy




2023/84                Neighbourhood Plan Review

To receive any update reports from the Chair including a report onf land ownership at Blind Lane.

Please note that Gainsborough have been invited to the meeting to provide any available updates on the Wesley Lane site.


2023/85                Service Level Agreement – Playing Field Committee

To agree the next steps in respect of the SLA with the PFC and consider the funding required in support of the new agreement – Chair and Cllr Carey to report


2023/86                Website Proposal

To receive and consider a proposal for the development of new website (copy attached).


2023/87                Southwick Village News

To agree any items for inclusion in the next edition of the newsletter. Members to note next edition due December 2023.


2023/88                Correspondence

To note any items of correspondence:

a)     Dauberry Alms-house, North Bradley (copy attached)


2023/89                Date of next meeting

Tuesday 16th January 2024 – please note the Council has previously resolved to recess in December unless urgent business dictates otherwise.



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