october minutes 2023 @ 16 Nov 2023


Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127


Draft Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7.30 pm in the Annexe, Southwick Village Hall



Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Curry, Cllr Snell, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Carey, Cllr Prickett, Cllr Noble, Cllr Porter and Cllr Jackson.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) Wiltshire Councillor Kirke and five members of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:

{C}{C}{C}{C}·         {C}{C}{C}Wiltshire Councillor Edward Kirke spoke to members regarding the opportunities presented by the Area Board and LHFIG meetings, noting that Southwick Parish Council had not sent a representative to the Area Board meetings for some time.  Cllr Kirke encouraged the PC to attend these meeting and reported that it was possible for the Area Board meetings to be held locally.  Members agreed to ensure that representatives would attend future meetings (Clerk to advise of dates) and to request that the January meeting was held in Southwick.

{C}{C}{C}{C}·         {C}{C}{C}A resident spoke to the poor condition of the lower end of the parish, asking what the Council had done for residents.  The Chair reported that the PC continued to liaise with WC to improve highway and local environment issues. The resident also expressed disappointment at the low attendance of parish councillors at the recent Jubilee/Coronation events; the Chair confirmed that a number of members had attended at different times.


                AGENDA ITEM


2023/64                Apologies for Absence

Cllr Clayton due to personal commitments, accepted.


2023/65                Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate



2023/66                Minutes of Council Meetings

  The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 19th September 2023 were approved for accuracy with one amendment and adopted (proposed Cllr Jackson, seconded Cllr Prickett).


2023/67                Wiltshire Council Report 

Cllr Prickett reported on correspondence relating to the Southwick village green application.  It was confirmed that this had been circulated to members and was listed as an agenda item.


Cllr Carey reported that the start date for the installation of the crossing at Goose St/Brokerswood had been delayed and works would now commence on 30th October 2023.


2023/68                Highways/Environment

{C}{C}{C}{C}a)  {C}{C}{C}{C} Parish Environment including:

{C}{C}{C}{C}a.       {C}{C}{C}{C}Helibeds site – the Clerk had provided correspondence from Wiltshire Council following the report of concerns over the condition of the site, which was noted.  Members would wait to see whether the letter from WC to the landowner resulted in any action.

{C}{C}{C}{C}b.       {C}{C}{C}{C}Dog bins – the Clerk reported that the dog bins were scheduled for installation on Friday 20th October 2023. 

{C}{C}{C}{C}c.       {C}{C}{C}{C}Fly tipping and access to footpaths – Cllr Heydon reported on the recent fly tipping at Lamberts Marsh.  It was noted that this had been reported by several members and that an investigator had attended site quite promptly.  Some of the material left may assist in identifying the culprit.  The fly tipping had now been removed.  Cllr Heydon also reported on several obstructions to local footpaths, primarily due to overgrown vegetation.  These would be reported on my Wilts app.

{C}{C}{C}{C}d.       {C}{C}{C}{C}Overgrown hedges Southwick – North Bradley – It was reported that the hedges were now very overgrown and obstructing the path, forcing people into the road.  This was agreed to be dangerous and Cllr Heydon would report the issue on my Wilts app.

{C}{C}{C}{C}e.       {C}{C}{C}{C}Playing field play equipment – Cllr Porter had raised this due to the recent roping off of play equipment.  Cllr Noble reported that there had been a spate of recent vandalism to the equipment resulting in some needing to be cordoned off for health and safety reasons.  Cllr Noble confirmed that a contractor had attended site and provided a quotation for repairs (c £1700).  She also reported that she had experienced difficulties obtaining a crime number from the police, with the local PCSO reporting that this was not part of his remit.  Members felt this to be most unsatisfactory and the Chair would contact the PSCO to explore this further.  Cllr Noble also reported that the hedges would soon be cut at a cost of £700.  Cllr Carey asked that an agenda item be listed for November to take forward the SLA with the Playing Field Committee and consider the financial matters referred to above. This was agreed. 


{C}{C}{C}{C}b) {C}{C}{C}Highways including:

{C}{C}{C}{C}a.       {C}{C}{C}Available updates on parking in Chantry Gardens (previous minutes refer) – Cllr Carey reported that the Highways Engineer had undertaken to develop a plan for the provision of parking and this would be considered once received.

{C}{C}{C}{C}b.       {C}{C}{C}Speed Indicator Device- the Clerk reported that the WC Highways Engineer was investigating the process for the assessment of locations for a SID and the information would be presented to Council once received. The Chair reported that he had had no response from Trowbridge Town Council regarding the previous proposal to share a device.

{C}{C}{C}{C}c.       {C}{C}{C}LHFIG requests for parking restrictions – Cllr Carey reported that the request for double yellow lines at Church St would be considered at the next LHFIG meeting.  He also spoke to highway matters relating to the school (September minutes refer) and it was noted that liaison was taking place with the Head Teacher in respect of the school’s Travel Plan.

{C}{C}{C}{C}d.       {C}{C}{C}Cllr Jackson reported that he had checked the levels of salt in the grit bins and would keep an eye on them over the winter.

{C}{C}{C}{C}e.       {C}{C}{C}Cllr Snell reported that a lorry had shed a tyre at the bus stop outside the Dunkirk Business Park which had resulted in a large groove in the road.  The Clerk was asked to report this to WC.


2023/69                Planning Applications


PL/2023/07807 - The Lodge Stables, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, Wilts, BA14 9NR - Certificate of lawfulness for use of Groom’s Flat as unrestricted residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (dwelling house) No comment, leave to Planning Officer (members noting that this was a CoL application only).


To receive any available updates from Gainsborough regarding the status of the application for land at Wesley Lane – the Clerk reported that Gainsborough had sent apologies to the meeting and informed the Clerk that there had been no updates from the LPA in respect of the application or the s106 agreement.  The Clerk had also been informed that the Ecology Survey had been completed, which had shown no evidence of any significant bat activity.  Gainsborough had reported that they would issue a written update to the parish as soon as matters had progressed and were planning to attend the November PC meeting.


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).


PL/2023/05597 - Manor Farm, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NR - Erection of an Agricultural Building (deadline for comments 10th November 2023) – it was agreed that the Clerk would contact the Case Officer to ask for clarification as to the detail of the amendments and request an extension to enable the application to be considered at the November PC meeting.



2023/70                Finance

{C}{C}{C}{C}a)  {C}{C}{C}{C}   The Bank Reconciliation September 2023 had been circulated to members and was noted.

{C}{C}{C}{C}b) {C}{C}{C}{C}   Members considered the addition of the Parish Clerk as a bank signatory – the Chair reported that the request was not to add the Clerk as a full power signatory but was intended to provide her with administrative authority to enable her to liaise with the bank when required.  The request was approved (proposed Cllr Eaton, seconded Cllr Carey).

{C}{C}{C}{C}c)  {C}{C}{C}{C}   Members approved the below listed payments (proposed Cllr Prickett, seconded Cllr Carey):





Clerk and HMRC

Salary, NI and PAYE September 2023



Grass cutting September 2023



Annual hosting fee



Website updates


Village Hall

Hall hire July and September


Nicola Duke

Annual Clerks expenses


Baptist Chapel

Hall hire NPSG




2023/71                Neighbourhood Plan Review

The Chair reported that the grant funding had now been received from Groundwork UK.  The SG was now focussing on the site assessments for the 19 sites put forward in the call for sites exercise.  Given that the delay in funding had so adversely affected the timeline the SG had realigned its meeting dates to feed into the PC meetings so that anything requiring decision could be more promptly attended to.  The Chair reported that the aim was to reach Regulation 14 stage as quickly as possible.  It was confirmed that the funding from central government would meet the expected costs of the NDP Review and the Chair clarified that, to date, the PC had only been required to contribute in the region of £2,000 to the Neighbourhood Plan.


2023/72                Southwick Village News

Members considered any items for inclusion in the next edition of the newsletter (due December 2023), agreeing to approach Gainsborough for an update on the Wesley Lane development.  The deadline for contributions was noted to be just prior to the November PC meeting and members were invited to send any content to the Chair or the Clerk. Members also discussed the availability of printed copies of the newsletter and it was confirmed that Cllrs Eaton, Heydon and Porter would arrange for the installation of the distribution boxes.  Members also commented that they would be happy to deliver copies to any resident that was unable to pick up a copy locally or obtain one online.


2023/73                Correspondence

{C}{C}{C}{C}a)  {C}{C}{C}{C}   Wiltshire Council re: Briefing Note 23-26: Polling District and Polling Place Review in Wiltshire – circulated and noted.

{C}{C}{C}{C}b) {C}{C}{C}{C}   Wiltshire Council re: Standards Hearing Sub Committee meeting – circulated. The Clerk reported that WC would issue a formal notice for the parish council to consider and she would advise when this had been received.

{C}{C}{C}{C}c)  {C}{C}{C}{C}   Wiltshire Council re: Application to Register Land as Town or Village Green - Southwick Court Fields (2020/02TVG) (previously circulated) – noted.

{C}{C}{C}{C}d) {C}{C}{C}{C}   Members also noted the resignation of Cllr Watson from the Parish Council and it was resolved to minute the Council’s thanks to Cllr Watson for her contribution and service to the Council and the parish during her term of office.


2023/74                Date of next meeting

Tuesday 21st November 2023.

Members noted that, unless urgent business required otherwise, the PC would recess in December.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.28 pm.

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