DRAFT november mnutes 2024 @ 11 Jan 2024


Chair: Cllr John Eaton, 30 Blind Lane, Southwick, Wiltshire, BA14 4PG 07818 870098

Clerk:  Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127


DRAFT Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 21st November 2023 at 7.30 pm in the Annexe, Southwick Village Hall.


Present: Cllr Eaton (Chair), Cllr Curry, Cllr Snell, Cllr Heydon, Cllr Carey, Cllr Clayton Cllr Noble, Cllr Porter and Cllr Jackson.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Nic Puntis and six members of the public.


Public Participation

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:

{C}{C}·         {C}Wiltshire Councillor Nic Puntis addressed the Council in respect of the Operational Flood Working Group. He highlighted the need for parish councils to have flood plans in place, which would help WC to assist in providing flood mitigation tools and dealing with incidents of flooding.  It was confirmed that the parish councils local knowledge was of vital importance when dealing with flooding issues.  In response to a question Cllr Puntis confirmed that WC had plans to deal with county wide flooding however, local issues would be more sympathetically handled if flood plans were in place.  WC could assist with the development of these. The PC agreed to develop such a Plan and the Clerk would add the item for consideration at the next PC meeting.

{C}{C}·         {C}A local resident tabled a petition from residents of Bradley Road for a reduction in the speed limit to 30mph.  Following discussion, members expressed their support for the request and agreed to take this forward with Wiltshire Council.






Apologies for Absence  

Cllr Prickett due to domestic emergency, accepted.



Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate




Minutes of Council Meetings

  The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 17th October 2023 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Jackson, seconded Cllr Porter).



Standards Hearing Sub-Committee 11 October 2023

Members had been provided with the decision notice from Wiltshire Council in respect of the above hearing, which had determined that Cllr Snell had breached the Code of Conduct. Members considered the Parish Council’s response to the recommendation from the Standards Hearing Sub-Committee that Southwick Parish Council impose the following sanctions as a result of the finding of a breach of the Code of Conduct:


i) That the Parish Council arrange training for Councillor Snell regarding Code of Conduct matters, in particular relating to the role of a Councillor and when they could be considered acting in an official capacity, and regarding interactions with the media.


ii) That Councillor Snell not be appointed to or remain on any planning related sub-committees or working groups established by the Parish Council, until such training has taken place.


iii) That the Parish Council publish the findings of the Standards Hearing Sub-Committee, in the form of the decision notice, in the minutes of the next Parish Council meeting.


Following debate, recommendations i) and ii) were duly resolved with it being agreed in respect of recommendation iii) that a link to the decision notice published on the Wiltshire Council website would be included in the minutes (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Noble).


The decision notice in respect of the Standards Hearing Sub-Committee meeting can be viewed at Agenda for Standards Hearing Sub-Committee on Wednesday 11 October 2023, 10.00 am | Wiltshire Council


The Parish Clerk would arrange a) an individual training session for Cllr Snell and b) a Council wide training event on the Code of Conduct.



Wiltshire Council Report  

Cllr Prickett had provided apologies for absence.




Members received updated and reports on matters relating to:

{C}{C}a)  {C} Parish Environment including:

{C}{C}a.       {C}Flooding in the parish – the agenda item had been addressed during the public participation session and no further debate was required.

{C}{C}b.       {C}Dog bins – it was noted that the dog bins had still not been installed.  The Chair would take this up with the contractor.


{C}{C}b) {C} Highways including:

{C}{C}a.       {C}Cllr Carey reported that WC Highways Engineer had developed a proposal for the installation of lay-by in Chantry Gardens to address the previously discussed parking issues raised by residents.  A copy of the plan and a proposed consultation letter for residents was tabled and approved for issue (proposed Cllr Carey, seconded Cllr Jackson).  Members noted that there would be a potential cost to the Council of £3,000 for the works (as a contribution to WC) and that there may well be other highway issues needing PC support in the parish.  It was agreed it would be useful to develop a programme of works.


{C}{C}b.       {C}Members had received information from WC re: Briefing Note 23-34 Substantive Highways Scheme Fund Bid Application Process 2024/25, which was noted.  There was no action to be taken by the PC.



Planning Applications


PL/2023/09160 - 6A Frome Road, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9QD - Proposed detached single garage – No Comment.


PL/2023/02715 and PL/2023/03059 -Vaggs Hill Farmhouse, Vaggs Hill, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA2 7RL -Repairs to roof (strip and replace felt and repair decaying timber) and windows of house (replace decayed timber and repair stone mullion windows), re-instatement of attic room, creation of 2 ensuite bathrooms, re-instatement of historic roof elevation on outbuilding and conversion to accommodation. Construction of glazed link between outbuilding and house Leave to Conservation Officer.


PL/2023/05597 - Manor Farm, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NR - Erection of an Agricultural Building (referred from October meeting, extension granted, additional information previously circulated) – No Objection.


Members considered a planning application received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time fell outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).


2023/2183/FUL - Land to The South East of Bradford Road Rode Frome Somerset - Construction & operation of a solar photovoltaic farm with battery storage & associated infrastructure, including inverters, security cameras, fencing, access tracks & landscaping – Cllr Carey spoke to the application and suggested that a request for the planting of more trees could be submitted to the developer, in order to provide screening from the Monkley Lane side of the site.  This was agreed and Cllr Carey would amend the Council’s previous comments accordingly and forward to the Clerk for submission.


Planning Appeal Notification - PL/2021/10755 - Three Pieces Hoggington Lane, Southwick, TROWBRIDGE - APP/Y3940/W/23/3324448 – members noted the information which had been previously circulated and further noted that the PC’s previous comments would be submitted to the Planning Inspector.


Application for a new Club Premises Certificate - Southwick Sports and Social Club – members considered the application and it was agreed to leave this to the determination of the appropriate officers at Wiltshire Council. Cllr Noble declared an interest in this agenda item as a member of the Village Hall Committee.


Application to Register Land as Town or Village Green, Southwick Court Fields - Notice of Public Inquiry – members noted the public inquiry information (information previously circulated).



Wiltshire Council Local Plan Consultation

Members considered for approval a draft response to Wiltshire Council in respect of the current consultation on the draft Local Plan and approved the draft for submission (proposed Cllr Clayton, seconded Cllr Curry).




{C}{C}a)  {C}   The Clerk reported that the bank statements had not been received and Bank Reconciliation October 2023 had therefore not been prepared.  The Chair would liaise with the bank to obtain copies.

{C}{C}b) {C}   Members considered an application for funding support from Southwick Gardening Club (correspondence previously circulated) and agreed that Cllr Carey would explore this further with the School Business Manager.  

{C}{C}c)  {C}   Members approved the below listed payments (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Jackson):


Clerk and HMRC

Salary, NI and PAYE October 2023


Master Land and Planning

Stage 2 NP consultancy


Baptist Chapel

NPSG hall hire



Neighbourhood Plan Review

The Chair provided the following report:

{C}{C}·      {C}{C}The NPSG was moving the Plan forward at pace and the planning consultants were currently carrying out the required site analyses.  The outcomes of this review would be considered by the NPSG in December, with a public consultation to follow in January 2024.

{C}{C}·      {C}{C}The PC had been offered a small parcel of land in Blind Lane, which would be gifted.  This was discussed and it was agreed that a) the Chair would bring detail of the offer to the January PC meeting and b) the Clerk would add an item to enable members to consider an appropriate memorial for Mr Ray Butt to the January agenda.


At this point Standing Orders were suspended in order to enable a representative from Gainsborough to address the meeting regarding the proposed development at Wesley Lane (proposed Cllr Curry, seconded Cllr Noble).


Mr David Long reported the following:

{C}{C}·         {C}Progress was now being made with Wiltshire Council’s Case Officer, following long delays. Ecology and drainage strategy reports had been submitted and comments were awaited on the latter.

{C}{C}·         {C}Archaeological reports had also been submitted, which included a proposal from the developer to have a specialist on site during the groundworks.  The WC response to this proposal was awaited.

{C}{C}·         {C}Discussions were taking place with regard to the legal s106 agreements and the developer was awaiting WC’s response to the draft documents. It was noted that the majority of the funds required for education were due to be allocated out of area.  The developer confirmed that as much as possible would be done to increase the funds allocated to Southwick.

{C}{C}·         {C}A verbal in principle agreement had been reached in respect of the proposed local homes discount.

{C}{C}·         {C}The hedges around the site were due to be cut the following day and Mr Long would visit to see if any drainage work was required.

{C}{C}·         {C}It was confirmed that the developer would run another public consultation event at the appropriate time, when matters were at a more final stage with Wiltshire Council.


At this point Standing Orders were re-instated.



Service Level Agreement – Playing Field Committee

Members considered the next steps in respect of the SLA with the PFC and considered the funding required in support of the new agreement. Cllr Carey stood down as the PC’s representative in respect of SLA liaison with the PFC and Cllr Heydon took his place with Cllr Curry as reserve member.  It was agreed that the PFC would be asked to submit its financial projections and request for funding to the PC by the end of December, in order that these could be considered during budget setting in January.



Website Proposal

Members considered a proposal for the development of new website (copy previously circulated) and it was agreed that the costs involved were outside of the Council’s budget.  The Clerk reported on a new website which had been developed for Dilton Marsh Parish Council, for a price within the Council’s budget, and it was agreed that a link would be sent to members for review.  The potential development of a new website for the parish council would be listed for review again in early 2024.



Southwick Village News

Members noted that the next edition was due December 2023. Cllr Carey would provide another article on local footpaths and Cllr Curry would provide an article on the events held in the village during 2023, thanking volunteers and attendees.




Daubeny Alms-house, North Bradley (copy previously circulated) – Cllr Carey agreed to act as representative to the organisation.  The Clerk would respond accordingly.



Date of next meeting

Tuesday 16th January 2024 – It was noted that the Council had previously resolved to recess in December unless urgent business dictates otherwise.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.20pm.

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