Agenda April 2015 @ 13 Apr 2015


Chairman – Stephen Carey


Roger P Coleman                                                                                                       2, The Laurels

Clerk to the Council                                                                                                    Westwood


Tel:  01225 862770                                                                                                     BA15 2AX



Notice is hereby given that a meeting of Southwick Parish Council will be held at Southwick Village Hall on Tuesday 21 April 2015 at 7.30pm and you are invited to attend.




 1.       Welcome and Introductions.

Chairman to welcome those present.

 2.       Apologies.

To receive apologies for non-attendance.

 3.       Declaration of Interests.

Councillors to declare an interest, if applicable.

 4.        Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 17 March 2015

To agree, and sign, the minutes of the meeting as an accurate record.

 5.       Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT).

a.       To receive a report from the NPT.

b.       Councillors to identify any matters of concern.

 6.       Southwick Village News.

To provide feedback and to review the current style, frequency and advertising policy of the Southwick Village News and to agree any changes.

 7.       Highways/Environment.

a.       To note the progress in developing a Village Gateway scheme (Frome Road) and to agree the action necessary.

b.       To review the decisions/rationale regarding the layby in Wynsome Street in preparation for submission to the next CATG meeting.

c.       To receive a report on the work undertaken during Community Day and/or to note tasks to be undertaken at the next Community Day.

d.       To receive a report from councillors on any matters of concern and to decide the action required.

8.       Wiltshire Council Report.

To receive a report from Wiltshire Council, Cllr. H Prickett.


9.       Planning.

a.       To note the status of extant planning applications:




42 Frome Road

Demolish existing single storey rear lean-to and erect new single storey rear extension



b.       To decide the comments to be sent to Wiltshire Council in respect of the following planning applications:




68 Frome Road

Replacement of single glazed window to double glazed and replace existing brick up doorway with new PVC door.




The Stables, East Brook Cottage,

Hoopers Pool

Use of property as a residential dwelling




19 Wynsome Street

Construction of a detached house with access and parking, including demolition of existing garage and extension. (Amendment to planning permission 14/10761/FUL)



c.       To decide how to handle any planning applications received after 13 April 2015.

d.       To note the Wiltshire Council Consultation – Partial Review of Wiltshire Core Strategy and to decide whether to send comments to Wiltshire Council.

e.       To note the proposal for the Bradley Road Solar Farm.

f.        To consider any other planning related matter and to decide any necessary action.

 Planning Applications are available for public inspection immediately prior to the Council meeting.

 10.     Finance.

a.       To receive a report from the Clerk on the current financial position.

b.       To agree to renew the Zurich Parish Council Insurance Policy and the Zurich Southwick Playing Field Insurance Policy.

c.       To decide whether to make donations to Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust, Victim Support, Southwick Baptist Church, Heywood Churchyard and, if so, the sum to be donated.

d.       To agree the payments to be made.

 11.     Village Website.

To note the development of the website and to agree any necessary actions.

 12.     Members Reports.

Councillors to provide individual reports on any other matters they wish the Council to note.

 13.     Clerk’s Report.

a.       To invite the Council to note any other matter that needs to be brought to its attention.

b.       To note the date of the next meeting:

c.       To note the date for the Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 28 April 2015.



Roger Coleman

Clerk to Southwick Parish Council                                                               13 April 2015



Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.

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