October Minutes

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Southwick Parish Council

Chairperson -Dan Jackson

Minutes of the Southwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 17th October 2017 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

Present Cllrs. D. Jackson (chair) S. Carey, G. Clayton, T. Curry, J. Eaton, J. Jones, F. Morland, k. Noble, E. Pomeroy, B. Sansom

Wiltshire Councillor - Mr H. Prickett.

6 members of the public initially.

1. The Chair welcomed those present and introduced S. Cope- the new parish clerk.

2. Apologies- Len Weeks

3. Declaration of interest - No declarations made.

4. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 19th Sept.

Minutes were signed and agreed with one alteration- Ukip sign

5. Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 3rd October.

Minutes were signed and agreed a true record.

6. Community Policing Team

No report received- agreed to review agenda item if do not get a report over next few months.

Concerns- Van regularly parked on Frome road blocking the pavement.

7. Wiltshire Council report- Mr H. Prickett

Boundary Review-full detail on WC website Apr18-Nov18

Waste and recycling survey Closes Nov14

Car parking charges closes Nov 17

Trowbridge over 50’s carers survey.

All surveys available on the Consultation Portal on the WC website.

Speed check 1 hr15 drivers going over limit.

Pavement & footway improvement scheme-Council has allocated £150k to area managed by the CATG.

8. Highways/Environment.

a) Letter from R. Johnson regarding the planters- in need of repair/replacement. Cllr J. Jones to approach The Shed about building replacements. Will be on Dec agenda.

b) Parish steward Report

No 11 Arnold road - Hedge overlaps -restricts pavement and parking.

c)Report from councillor on any Matter of Concern

Opposite Baptist pool large amount of dog poo bags left-behind should we have a bin, who would empty it. Agreed we should contact the council about getting a bin there.

9. Planning- no plans received to date.

10. Neighbourhood Planning.

a) Money awarded £8137 received Oct.

 8 on the steering committee -P. White, B. Johnson, A. Jackson, J. Player, S. Sansom, Cllrs J. Jones, J. Eaton, L. Weeks.

Have met twice once a week.

13 categories for research- including: transport, education, ..

All data will be fed into the report. Questionnaire will be going out to everyone in Southwick -available on paper or online. Answers will form the bases of forum.

2 principles to be added- 2.b All decisions made shall be fully evidenced.

3. Agree, subject to ratification by the parish council, a final submission version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan

All voted in favour.

11. Finance

All Payments agreed. 

Village caretaker on Nov agenda. Roles, Responsibilities, Payments.

12. W.A.L.C.

Asses what is available for councillors-different Publications.

13. Venue for future meetings

G. Clayton suggested having the meeting in a larger room. Proposal by Cllr S.Carey, seconded by Cllr K. Noble that we stay in present room unless expecting more people to come to meeting. 5 for, 4 against. Proposal carried.

14. Website

Suggested that the parish steward schedule is added. 

Posted on 20 Dec 2017 by geoff edwards

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