March Minutes

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Chairman – Cllr. K Noble

Minutes of the meeting of Southwick Parish Council (SPC) held in the Village Hall, Southwick at 7.30pm on Tuesday 21 March 2017


Cllrs. K Noble (Chairman), S Carey, A Doel, D Jackson (Vice Chairman), J Jones, F Morland, E Pomeroy, D West, G. Masters, L Karas (Clerk) and Wiltshire Councillor H Prickett. 7 members of the public were present initially.

  1. Welcome and Introductions.

The Chairman opened the SPC meeting at approx. 7.33pm.

  1. Apologies.

Written apologies had been received from Ellie Porter of the CPT team. Cllr. Masters had apologised in advance that she would be arriving a few minutes late.

  1. Declaration of Interests.

Cllr Doel declared an interest in Agenda item 8c in relation to the report from the Operational Flood Working Group. Cllr. Jackson declared an interest in Agenda item 11 in relation to application 17/00414/OUT.

  1. Minutes of the ordinary SPC Meeting held on 17 January 2017.

The PC resolved that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.

  1. Minutes of the ordinary SPC Meeting held on 21 February 2017.

 The PC resolved that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.

  1. Community Policing Team (CPT).
  1. Report from CPT.

The Clerk pointed out that the Wiltshire Police were trialling body worn video cameras and the Police were expecting to roll them out to frontline officers and staff over spring and summer. The Clerk then read out the written CPT report on Local Crimes, attached as Appendix A to these minutes.

  1. Any other CPT Questions.

There were no other items of concern identified by Councillors.

  1. Wiltshire Council Report.

Cllr. Prickett stated that it had been ‘a very quiet month’, although there had been a visit from the Department for Transport concerning Rail Services which had been very productive.

  1. Highways/Environment.
  1. The Chairman to report on minute 1357b – reinstatement of the mini roundabout markings.

The Chairman stated that she had emailed Mark Banks stating her concern and insisting that the markings be reinstated, but as yet no reply had been forthcoming.

  1. Cllr. Prickett to provide an update to making a 30mph limit near the Country Park.

The request had been accepted by the other CATG members, but the elections in May were ‘’getting in the way of a decision” and the next meeting in which it could be decided upon was on 27th June.

  1. Cllrs to note the Operational Flood Working Group report from Barbara Johnson

Cllrs. had noted the report but there were no actions resulting.

  1. Receive reports from Cllrs. on matters of concern.

Some discussion followed regarding a high fence which had been erected on a property close to the A361 on Furze Hill, Southwick. SPC resolved that the Clerk should write to Pat Whyte at WC to request an update on the situation.

  1. Community Matters.

Cllr. Noble reported the Great British Spring Clean Day had not taken place for Southwick but would be held later in the year. In response to a point of clarification from the Clerk, Cllr. Jones reported that it had taken place within Southwick Country Park and had been very effective.

  1. Finance.
  1. Clerk’s Report.
  1. The Clerk stated that he had requested the Bank, from now on, to generate statements on the last day of the month so that the monthly financial statements produced for the Parish Council meetings would always reconcile exactly with the Bank statements.
  2. The Clerk pointed out that the four unpresented cheques for the Current Account had been posted on the first few days of March, and therefore were shown as ‘Unpresented’.
  3. Cllr. Jackson pointed out that ‘Selwood Steel’ should be ‘Selwood Steam’.
  4. The Clerk pointed out that the VAT to date which had been paid out and claimed back was now shown at the end of the statement. He asked if SPC wanted to reclaim back the VAT (approx. £1500) not yet claimed back. SPC resolved that the Clerk should claim back this outstanding VAT.
  5. Cllr. Morland stated that he would like to see actual expenditure for each budget item against the budgeted figure so that it would be easier to determine if any one item was going to overspend. The Clerk pointed out that he had continued the same statement presentation format used for some years now by the previous Clerk (which did not show expenditure against budget value), although The Clerk had provided a detailed expenditure and forecast against budget items at the 17 January 2017 meeting when the Precept was agreed. Nevertheless, the Clerk agreed to see if he could provide such a presentation at the earliest opportunity so that it would be in place for the New Clerk, when appointed.
  1. Authorising of Grant Application Payments from the Solar Farm Fund.
  1. The Clerk stated he had not raised the cheque for the Baptist Church Plaque as he had received no information regarding costs. Cllr. Noble advised that the Baptist Church was still awaiting authorisation to erect the Plaque on Wiltshire Council property.
  2. The Clerk stated he had received a thank you letter and a receipted invoice from the Girl Guides dated 21/3/17.
  1. To agree all payments to be paid.

SPC resolved to make the payments under ‘Accounts due for Payment (Current a/c) in MARCH shown in Appendix B.

  1. Auditor’s letter regarding the Playing Field account recording.

The Clerk reported that he had met with the Auditor Anne Crawford on Friday 24th February. In summary, now that the Clerk was uniquely identifying both Playing Field and Solar Farm Grant transactions both on the accounts and monthly statements she was satisfied with the way it was now being handled. The Clerk stated that a copy of the agreement with the Auditor has been lodged with the Chairman.

  1. Updating the Village Hall leasing agreement.

Following a detailed, complex discussion, Cllrs Morland and Carey considered that the Southwick Village Hall Management Committee (SVHMC) should either get new Trustees assigned or add a new Trustee from SVHMC. This did not require the Playing Field land to be registered with the Land Registry. However, Cllr Noble was still concerned that the two independent sets of legal advice she had been given both stated that the lease should be with the Parish Council and not with the SVHMC. Cllr. Carey suggested that the best action might be for the Chairman to consult with the Charity Commission to seek advice as to the way forward using their free advisory service. The Chairman agreed to take up this suggestion.

  1. Zurich Insurance Renewal.

The Clerk asked SPC to note that this insurance was due for renewal by 20 May 2017 and asked if SPC needed any action to be taken prior to the appointment of a new Clerk and/or appointment of a newly constituted Parish Council following the Election results on 8 May 2017. The Clerk had already advised Zurich Insurance of this situation. SPC resolved that this item be included for discussion on the next meeting Agenda in April.

  1. Planning.
  1. 17/00639/FUL (21 Frome Road, change of use and conversion of domestic garage to a dwelling). The Clerk pointed out that this application had been approved with conditions on 16 March 2017.
  2. 17/00983/FUL (145 Chantry Gardens, retrospective application for new conservatory). The Clerk stated that the extended target date for responses had been agreed by Wiltshire Council and was now 29 March 2017. SPC resolved to support this application with the comment that the address number of the new property should be distinct from the address number of the existing (145) property.
  3. 15/12235/FUL (Home Farm House, Hoggington Lane, change of use from a disused barn into two holiday cottages). The Clerk advised that the decision of Wiltshire Council to refuse this application had now gone to the appeal process via the Planning Inspectorate. As SPC had supported this original application, SPC resolved that the Clerk should send the same support comments to the Planning Inspectorate.
  1. Handling of new Applications.

The Clerk confirmed that there had been no new applications received since the Agenda was posted on 13 March 2017.

  1. Extension to 17/00983/FUL.

See item 2 above.

  1. Planning applications for the Farm Shop.

Cllr. Prickett reported that he had discussed the need, if any, for planning permission, with Wiltshire Council. He was advised that there would be a judgment soon but as yet there was nothing to report.

  1. Letter from Gladman for proposed housing development off Wynsome Street.

The Chairman advised that some 800 houses in Southwick had received a Public Consultation leaflet from Gladman. She added that Gladman had asked for a private meeting with SPC which she had declined, but invited Gladman to attend the next meeting (this one). They had declined that invitation. The Clerk stated he had received a copy of a comprehensive letter of objection from Mrs. Gattiker to Gladman dated 19 March 2017 and had circulated it to all Cllrs. After some discussion, SPC resolved that the Clerk should add the correspondence between the Chairman and Gladman to the web site. After more discussion, SPC resolved that the Clerk should write to Gladman by tailoring the response which SPC had sent to Wiltshire Council regarding the application by Redrow Homes for land on Blind Lane (16/12279/OUT).

  1. Other planning related matters.

Cllr. Morland drew attention to an Appeal for Manor Farm with appeal reference ending in 3165391 and having a response closing date of 11 April 2017. The Clerk stated that he had received no information regarding this appeal from Wiltshire Council but would investigate. SPC resolved that the Clerk should respond to it in the same way that the original application was commented upon.

  1. Website.

Apart from the reference to Gladman correspondence in 1375d above, no other changes were requested.

  1. Members Reports.
  1. Clerk’s Vacancy.

The Chairman stated that there had been four applications for Clerk to date. Following a short discussion as to who would constitute the interview panel, SPC resolved that Cllrs. Noble, Pomeroy and Jackson should be the interview panel.

  1. Other Cllr. Reports.
  1. Cllr. Noble reported that Hoopers Pool, Vaggs Hill and Hoggington Lane were being closed for roadworks from the 28th April to 4th May and she confirmed that she had spoken with Steve Hawkins at WC to inform them of two passing places that are to be made when work commences on Wren Farm.
  2. Cllr Carey commented that during his visit to the Solar Farm Exhibition, he had discussed with their representatives the process for allocation of grants and questioned as to why the stiles near Poles Hole Farm site at Brokerswood Road had not been improved/repaired as they had originally promised. It appears that they had paid Right of Way monies to Wiltshire Council and had therefore decided not to carry out the improvements/repairs as it was now Wiltshire Council’s responsibility. Cllr. Carey had asked the Solar Farm reps for a copy of the letter agreeing this arrangement but it had not yet been received. SPC resolved that the Clerk should write to Wiltshire Council seeking clarification and requesting that this improvement/repair work be carried out. Cllr Carey agreed to provide the Clerk with further information to identify the work required.
  1. Clerk’s Report.
  1. Documents Received List.

The Clerk stated that he had now included a count comparison between this month and last month on the summary of the Documents Received List (Appendix C) which indicated that this month was not “as busy” as last month. In response to a question from Cllr. Morland regarding the apparently high number of HMRC documents received (7), the Clerk explained that as it was approaching the end of the tax year, HMRC were offering all kinds of help and advice both in documents and web tutorials and this was HMRC’s way of communicating this information to Employers.

  1. Pension Regulator.

The Clerk asked SPC to note the letter from the Regulator and SPC noted that it had to be actioned by the new Clerk by 1 May 2017.

  1. Elections

The Clerk asked SPC to note the letter from WC Electoral Services and SPC noted that nominations had to be in by 4 April 2017.

  1. Date of Next meeting.

SPC noted the date of the next Ordinary PC meeting was 21 April 2017 at 7.30pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at approx. 8.40pm.

Chairman, Southwick Parish Council

Chairman’s Signature:___________________________ Date: _____________________________________

ACTION LIST – Meeting 21 March 2017


Minute 1372d The Clerk to write to Pat Whyte at WC to request an update re. high fence on Furze Hill.

Minute 1374a  The Clerk to claim back any outstanding VAT not yet claimed.

                        The Clerk to provide spend to date against individual budget items.

Minute 1374e  The Chairman to seek advice from the Charity Commission regarding the Village Hall lease.

Minute 1374f   Zurich Insurance renewal to be included as an item on the next meeting Agenda.

Minute 1375    The Clerk to respond to 17/00983/FUL adding address numbering comment.

                        The Clerk to respond to 15/12235/FUL with the same comments as on the original application.

Minute 1375d  The Clerk to add the correspondence between the Chairman and Gladman to the web site.

                        The Clerk to write to Gladman along similar lines to 16/12279/OUT.

Minute 1375e  The Clerk to respond to Appeal 3165391 with the same comments as on the application.

Minute 1377a  The interview panel for new Clerk to be Cllrs. Noble, Pomeroy and Jackson.

Minute 1377b  The Clerk to write to WC to request remedial work on broken stiles.

Details of the Actions are contained in the minutes.



Local Crimes

Vehicle Offences

24/02-25/02, Brookmead- Unknown suspect has gained access to IP's vehicle by unknown means and IP's purse has been stolen. IP has been notified by her bank that her card has been used, and an amount of £28.57 has been spent.

24/02-25/02, Chantry Gardens- Unknown suspect has gained access to the IP's secure vehicle by unknown means which was parked on the driveway of the property. Once inside suspect has stolen a laptop and sat nav TVO £670.

24/02-25/02, Fleur de Lys Drive- Unknown suspect has broken into the IP’s secured vehicle and has taken batteries from tools. The unknown suspect appears to have pulled the tailgate down and lifted it up to gain entry into the van.

24/02-25/02, Chantry Gardens- Unknown suspect/s have entered the IP's van by unknown means, there is no sign of entry, the vehicle was parked on the IP's drive, a messy search has been made, he had removed his tools but there was a watch TVO £200 which has been stolen.

24/02-25/02, Fleur de Lys Drive- Unknown suspect/s have entered the IP's unlocked vehicle through the back door, an untidy search has been made and a set of keys for the IP's horsebox have been stolen. The vehicle was parked on the road at the side of the IP's house. 

07/03, Southwick Country Park- Police called to location after a report of youths riding a motorcycle wearing no helmets. When Officers attended and stopped the motorcycle it was found to be stolen, and the male was arrested for TWOC.





N.B. * indicates a Playing Field entry, ** a Solar Farm entry.


Business Current Account(No. 317648) - Balance as at 04/02/2017



(Account - Statement start/end dates 04/02/2017 - 28/02/2017)


RECEIPTS (Current a/c)





PAYMENTS (Current a/c)


Cheques Presented (Current a/c)


VAT incl.



L Karas - Clerk's Salary(Feb) to pay HMRC





L Karas - Clerk's Expenses (Jan)





L Karas - Clerk's Salary(Feb)





L Karas - Clerk's Extra hours(Jan 34hrs@£10.53))









Unpresented Cheques (Current a/c)


VAT incl.



Clerk's HMRC (Mth 11) - Income Tax Paid to HMRC





INV 392151 SVN - SVN Costs S137





INV 0101 Website - Web Site





Compasses & Tent - Payments from Solar Farm Fund **









Business Current Account(No. 317648) - Balance as at 28/02/2017




Accounts due for Payment (Current a/c) in MAR



L Karas - Clerk's Salary(Mar)





L Karas - Clerk's Expenses (Feb)





L Karas - Clerk's Extra hours(Feb 27.35hrs@£10.53))





L Karas - Clerk's Salary(Mar) to pay HMRC





L Karas - Clerk's HMRC (Mth 12)





Kath Noble - Chairman's Expenses(Clerks Vacancy adverts)








Business (Savings) Account(No. 7005390) - Balance as at 13/01/2017



(Account - Statement start/end dates 13/01/2017 - 28/02/2017)


RECEIPTS (Savings a/c)






Brokerswood Farm Shop(Inv 16183)





Selwood Steel









PAYMENTS (Savings a/c)


Cheques Presented (Savings a/c)







Business (Savings) Account(No. 7005390) - Balance as at 28/02/2017




Total Funds held by Southwick Parish Council as at end FEB 2017






Current Status of Funds


To Date


FEB 2017


Parish Council Funds





Payments from Solar Farm Fund **





Play Eqpt S106 *



Playing Field Maint. *



Playing Field Other *



Playing Field Total *











Total VAT paid out as at end FEB 2017




Total VAT reclaimed as at end FEB 2017





Summary of Documents Received List from 14 February to 14 March 2017




Planning Applications






Meeting Agenda/Minutes



Code of Conduct






Elections & Vacancies






Solar Farm Grants



West-Weekly Lists



Community Policing Team



Trowbridge Area Board



WC Budget Meetings



Parishioners Questions



Southwick Village News



Standing Orders



Web site



Chairman's/Clerk's work



Electoral Register



Marketing Letters



Operational Flood WG



WC Parish Newsletter






Highways/Stewards work



Neighbourhood Plans



Freedom of Information



Western Area Planning Committee








Posted on 30 Mar 2017 by geoff edwards

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